The Age of Ion

I would just like to state, I got the pleasure of seeing Agincourt in my BFG I was just in.

The fact he knew I was in that BG he stayed at LH the whole time, knowing if he tried to take any of our other two bases that I was going to remind him who his daddy was.

And the only reason I let him have that base was so we could enjoy being in a BG a little longer to give the rest of his team the business.

What I mean is when it’s head chest shoulder week we have all stats to choose from. Can’t mix them around but all traits are presented in front of us.

You dirty little cow you.

That’s where he was in the game I had with him.

I felt so bad that he was just sitting around with no action I decided to bring him some, just to relieve the boredom

I was going to, but the last time I did he just ran from me, and we were going to lock up in a 1v1. Not to mention we were pretty much keeping the Alliance locked down around the middle of the map later on in game.

Wondering what critter had to keep dying for him to get what little damage he did.

Also I wanted to dunk on that Arena Master SV Hunter of theirs. It took a minute but I got his attention eventually… and he paid for it.

I played a game with 150 buttons and loved it.

People loved mop and it had the most buttons.


I loved mop and it brought us pandas… And I hate pandas.

I miss my abilities and I believe they did add more depth and immersion in the game.


I hate raiding, and mythics. I’ve progressed my characters in endgame since Vanilla primarily through PvP with a heroic here and there for accessories.

BFA killed progression via PvP by:

  1. making gear matter
  2. not implementing PvP specific stats or traits on PvP gear to differentiate between PvP and PvE. Each set of gear should be better for their respective content.

BFA was the first time I felt forced to do content I don’t enjoy just so I can contribute in content I do.

And I’ll save you the trouble, I’m unrated. I’ve hated arenas since TBC as well.

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Pillar humping, dot, bleed, dot, bleed, more pillar humping, doesn’t do it for me either. I find it less pvp and more a game of peek-a-boo. I haven’t stepped into an arena since BC for that reason.

I want to do RBG but my schedule and finding decent peeps to play with is troublesome. :frowning:


The stupidest thing I’ve read in months, no joke. Going from MoP to WoD, I’m willing to bet my Mage lost more abilities than your Warlock even has now.

If you’re unrated (participate in casual content only), and still feel forced to PvE, then it’s on you.

The scaling system we have currently is very similar in structure to the templates we had in legion.

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Perhaps you have heard the old term “warlocked”? No other class in WoW, period, has had more nerfs and “pruning” that the Warlock class. Prove me wrong!

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bring back my buttons!!

dey took ur buttonz!!!

i wont have fun unless i have 100 buttons to choose from! 20 isnt enough!!!

Legion hunter comes to mind.


I’d argue a lot of the Warlock “pruning” is from the class being completely redesigned multiple times. My Mage just straight LOST a ton of abilities without a redesign going from MoP to WoD and lost even more from WoD into Legion.

DK is really high up there too on losing a ton of abilities. I still can’t believe they made all runes into death runes, and the Legion redesign of Unholy was the worst thing to ever happen to DK.

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ablities? we lost 2 whole tanking specs and 1 dps spec. then there is also 2h frost.

can’t say i agree, but there are plenty of dks who agree with you.

I had the most fun playing DK in WoD with Unholy. I really liked building up and maintaining a huge Necrotic Plague stack on someone and spreading it, and you could still do stuff like Lichborne and Deathcoil yourself in WoD. Even had Death Siphon for decent sustain while getting kited. Legion turned it into generic builder spender like every other class.

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Sad thing is that they improved on Legion Sub but then they made it worse with BFA by reverting back to Legion alpha Sub with shadow dance spam for consistent DPS which is lame - O.

the change to deathrunes was needed, i hated hitting FS not because i wanted to, not because i needed to, but because i had frost and blood runes and that was all i could hit.

unholy has 3 main areas of play: strikes, dots, and summoning undead. i laid out how this could be updated to include both the current FW model, the wod model, and a modified version of my pvp spec here: Some thoughts on helping Unholy play better (or at least smoother) - #5 by Inemia-rexxar