The Age of Ion

Pillar humping, dot, bleed, dot, bleed, more pillar humping, doesn’t do it for me either. I find it less pvp and more a game of peek-a-boo. I haven’t stepped into an arena since BC for that reason.

I want to do RBG but my schedule and finding decent peeps to play with is troublesome. :frowning:


The stupidest thing I’ve read in months, no joke. Going from MoP to WoD, I’m willing to bet my Mage lost more abilities than your Warlock even has now.

If you’re unrated (participate in casual content only), and still feel forced to PvE, then it’s on you.

The scaling system we have currently is very similar in structure to the templates we had in legion.

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Perhaps you have heard the old term “warlocked”? No other class in WoW, period, has had more nerfs and “pruning” that the Warlock class. Prove me wrong!

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bring back my buttons!!

dey took ur buttonz!!!

i wont have fun unless i have 100 buttons to choose from! 20 isnt enough!!!

Legion hunter comes to mind.


I’d argue a lot of the Warlock “pruning” is from the class being completely redesigned multiple times. My Mage just straight LOST a ton of abilities without a redesign going from MoP to WoD and lost even more from WoD into Legion.

DK is really high up there too on losing a ton of abilities. I still can’t believe they made all runes into death runes, and the Legion redesign of Unholy was the worst thing to ever happen to DK.

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ablities? we lost 2 whole tanking specs and 1 dps spec. then there is also 2h frost.

can’t say i agree, but there are plenty of dks who agree with you.

I had the most fun playing DK in WoD with Unholy. I really liked building up and maintaining a huge Necrotic Plague stack on someone and spreading it, and you could still do stuff like Lichborne and Deathcoil yourself in WoD. Even had Death Siphon for decent sustain while getting kited. Legion turned it into generic builder spender like every other class.

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Sad thing is that they improved on Legion Sub but then they made it worse with BFA by reverting back to Legion alpha Sub with shadow dance spam for consistent DPS which is lame - O.

the change to deathrunes was needed, i hated hitting FS not because i wanted to, not because i needed to, but because i had frost and blood runes and that was all i could hit.

unholy has 3 main areas of play: strikes, dots, and summoning undead. i laid out how this could be updated to include both the current FW model, the wod model, and a modified version of my pvp spec here: Some thoughts on helping Unholy play better (or at least smoother) - #5 by Inemia-rexxar

Festering Strike was to increase the duration of Necrotic Plague, because you wanted to maintain your 20 stack. Blood Runes for Blood Boil to spread them, Frost Runes for Icy Touch purge (RIP) or Chains of Ice. And then you had unique things you could do with Death Runes like Death Siphon. Runes might as well not even exist anymore, that’d make Frost a lot more fun to play at least.

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you missed my point, i know how WoD unholy played, i played it. the old rune system limited what you could do when: say you only had frost and blood runes available but really needed to hit necrotic strike.

Yeah, that’s where the skill part comes in. Anticipating what rune type you might need in the future. Maybe you want to go for a kill on a healer? Pool your resources, stack up some death runes, and drop 6 necrotics on their head.

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no, that’s not skill, thats the game playing itself for you. the modern rune system does a far better job of rewarding good resource play, you just have runes, you don’t have colors telling you what you should press next.

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They already gutted demo before legion hunter though.

True. They said they wanted people just not to play it since they were giving it’s abilities to Demon Hunter. :roll_eyes:

I miss demon form :frowning:

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I admit the Metamorphosis was pretty legit…

I always liked facing off a Demo Lock on my Paladin and seeing them use that as the whole “Good vs Evil” thing really shines on that one