That's it?

Eventually they’ll replace all female characters, npc and player alike, with fruit.

What would you play as? A grape? A banana? So much choice.

The real world is being run by the dumb. When this passes, if any of us are left, if the game still survives, it’ll change.
Not til then though.

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It’s a video game, dude.

Ironic coming from the “remove the succubus” guy.


Feel free to make a point

They are working hard to replace the Brewfest with their new event, Fruitfest. Please ignore all the bugs since Brewfest won’t be around anymore next year.

“We rather you would not play Brewfest” -Ion, probably.

Eventually you dont kill enemies you’ll “knock them out” and then further down the line from that all damage abilites will be removed.

it sounds like blizzard wants wow to turn into palia obviously its a better game.

sylvans burka and jailer has to escort her to be outside in public

uh… man… you should just stop playing.

This kind of answer clearly fits with the current minds of blizzard producers, you are in a bubble and you don’t understand your own target audience, that’s not how the world works, the vast majority are against change, the problem is that this minority like you don’t want to hear the truth, you already have your opinion on the subject, it’s simple, take Star Wars Saga as an example, 99% of fans hated the new saga, and why? Disney didn’t understand what your target audience is, simple, it’s no use winning 10 players who liked the changes and losing 1000…

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have you taken a survey? or are you just basing that on the few forum threads and the people you know in game?

And then there was another thread
Then another
Then another
Then another
Then another
Then another
Then another

Look at the name of my guild, and you’ll get your answer, TIDES OF DARKNESS, you probably don’t even know what that name is, of my nearly 100 battlenet friends, only a little more than 10 are still playing, and you say a few posts on forum? Seriously? there is no way to debate with a person who only believes in your truth, you will read 99 messages that are against but you will only read ONE that are in favor and you will say that you are right… go to WoWhead and read the comments of the posts of changes, look here on the forum, look at the social media, facebook, instagram, as I said in a while the game will win 10 players who will come for the changes and lose 1000 who are against… congratulations to those involved, Disney did it the great feat of having LOSS in a Star Wars movie like the Solo movie, blizz going down the same path to please the politically correct

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Another thread another lesson

no sorry, i don’t watch anime


sorry i can’t see that. i have an anime filter on my browser

Really? are from North Korea? :stuck_out_tongue:

Expecting the activities in a game that have worked every other year to be in working order while said event is going on isn’t a Karen thing. It’s kind of expected.

This would be like me calling you a Karen because Blizzard releases a raid but the portal stays bugged for a week where nobody can even enter the raid to do it. It’s expected that things should be remotely workable when shipped, especially if they worked before. A bug here and there is one thing, but half the quests being bugged is some serious stupidity.

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