That delve balance hot fix was a joke right?

Yeah, and that’s kinda because delves themselves are all over the place. They’re all different. Skittering Breach is not the same as Waterworks, nor is it the same as Earthcrawl Mines. They’re not all exactly the same in terms of difficulty, especially when soloing and spec gets factored into the equation.


I haven’t been in, but did they fix the most basic problem which is mobs literally having LESS health when you’re in a group compared to being solo? If they didn’t see that as the most basic and first thing to fix I don’t know what stats they’re waiting for.

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it is, but they cast it much more frequently than spell reflect is available


Right, but it’s still progression at that ilvl. Now, I understand that for the solo/world content only player, progression content is a new experience they haven’t had before, but welcome to progression.

It may take a few attempts to get it done. You have to properly do mechanics or it will kill you. This is good.


The fix was to make group delves as hard as solo delves. They have yet to address how hard delves are – which I don’t think is needed. Groups just aren’t free epics anymore. I assume this is what you’re upset about?

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That rec ilvl is laughable though.
Content should be tuned to whatever ilvl it drops - 13.
The rec ilvl for T8 should be 590, not 600. (And it’s quite doable at even lower ilvls since the limiter is damage received more than DPS).

The key requirement for bountiful is uncalled for.

And yes, caster damage is stupid. Bolts (Shadow, Web, Rotten etc.) are hitting me for 1.6M.
You either play like a LoS champ or get melted.


Going back to a post a made in here before, about certain classes just not being equipped to deal with certain things.
Xik’vik in the Underkeep. Basically impossible on a devastation Evoker. She has a channel aoe ability, that on T8, ticks for 850k damage every 1.5 seconds for 15 seconds. So 8.5 million damage. Evoker interupt is on a 40 second CD. She uses it every 30 seconds. Brann doesnt interupt it. You can try and CD through the second one, but even thats iffy. And if not interupted, is stuns you and Brann for 6 seconds.
Added on the fact, that if you’re trying to burn her that fast, you will have aggro, and not Brann. She melees for near 800k a hit. So, you’re not going to be at full health when it casts. Even with healer Brann, I couldnt stay up.
So basically, you have 30 seconds to kill her, or you lose. She has about 70 million health. Which means you would have to be doing about 2.3 million dps.
A class with a more frequent interupt, this fight is probably a non issue. This is just one case of balancing issues.


Realistically, there wasn’t that much that needed to be changed from a solo perspective. Some specs will struggle more against certain types of mechanics, but on the whole, a lot of us are still punching above our weight in these things (or at least attempting to). Pretty much anyone clearing T8s solo right now is ahead of the curve skill-wise, going by Blizzard’s ilvl recommendations. That would suggest that they’re potentially undertuned, as ironic as that sounds.

All they really had to do here was fix the obviously broken group scaling and let tanks actually tank. I know most of us were expecting significant nerfs across the board, but I think considering that T7+ delves give champ-track gear with hero-track gear in the vault, the difficulty is about right for that and maybe could use a few more minor adjustments from here.

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Well I’m literally awful and did t8 today solo I died twice from a Minecart.

Mage class wasn’t that bad.

I have to have Brann on healing duty to survive Earthcrawls T8’s end boss it hits so hard.

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Out of season April Fool’s joke. Brann is still utterly gutted with something like 5-10% of prepatch damage and melting to autoattacks.

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wasnt sure where to ask this but…

i see alot of posts about this zevkir (sp?) and after the name is ?? (question marks) Why is that?

which is what I guessed their fix would be, instead of making solos easier they made groups harder. Which is probably how it should have been from the start but now we get the usual situation… people who went hard the first day while it was tuned incorrectly are at a huge advantage.

Meanwhile people who didn’t play, or perhaps couldn’t play until the weekend get no shot at “free group loot.”

Instead of numbers like every other delve, Zekvir has ? and ?? difficulty. ? is easy mode, ?? is hard. Since the patch yesterday, it became utterly broken because Brann is rping as a battle pet.


thank you!!

LMAO, good one.
IMO he is still doing significant damage (20-30% of my own IIRC), but not nearly enough to overcome the damage sponges that are those enemies.

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Yeah, it’s the old adage, “exploit early, exploit often”. Tho this doesn’t qualify as an exploit against the tos, it was obviously way out of wack in terms of difficulty. Always a few things like this in blizz launches. I’m just used to it at this point.


Opting out of delves. Disgracefully unbalanced and not fun just dieing randomly at any time. Please get it sorted.


Agree on all points.

Hard to sift through the legitimate claims and the people just whining. I think some people think we should just be able to keep progressing through them to the end, the last levels of the delves? Idk, clearly it has to be balanced around gear ilvl, and I’m happy where it’s at. I think it’s more generous than it ever has been with solo content.

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The upgrade system muddies that though, because you can argue that delves drop 619 from T8.