That AV queue though

You might not care, but based on the forums and all the horde posts about queue times, I’d say your boys care :wink:

30 mins, give or take.

lol, some super salty alliance in here.

Seems to me to be the opposite…


You have a choice, enjoy the massive Horde advantage and eat the queue time, or play hard mode and insta-queue. You made your choice, what would you like us to do.

We all knew this was going to happen, we’ve been talking about it since launch…


thats not true at all if you compare pool sizes on most servers.

Imagine winning an AB as horde lmao. Have fun in empty Avs.

No less than 8 hour queues for horde, just for funsies.

Wait do horde lose AB’s? I’ve only lost one since launch, genuinely curious if that’s what is happening . Ally premades have all been Garbo since the BG realm split.

I miss playing against the Faerlina and other sweaty ally’s, at least they tried.

real pros level fishing IN av…