Thank you Ion for pushing for more RPG customization

You may feel that those other guys should be satisfied to run 5 dungeons to get one piece of questionable gear, and 50-100 dungeons to get something equippable in every slot. Others could quite reasonably disagree.

New players in particular have less invested in the game. Why on earth would they spend full-time hours for weeks doing that when they can find a game that doesn’t require such a commitment before you can even get started?

You’re imagining this, ralph. No, he’s not recommending that everybody should switch to quirky untested/untestable homemade builds like you use.

Have to agree with this, this whole “1 piece per dungeon” was solely created because Ion knows many people are willing to spam 50 m+ a day to get full heroic gear

That of course directly hurts the casuals who might be doing a dungeon or 2 per day.

The solution for that would be simple, make each mythic level give 3 pieces of gear once per week but after that you get only 1 piece per clear

So you do a 10 and 3 pieces drop, you do a 10 again after that the same week and you only get 1 piece etc

No, he is saying the way RPGs are meant to be played is for people to have more uniqueness and choose what they gravitate towards instead of jumping on fotm/meta

You can improve with any class or build, you like let’s say a more haste focused build as affl lock? you can keep adding gear or making changes that work with high haste etc.

I guess it’s a good thing that some people don’t like raids or m+.

they can “rpg” all the want there.