Thank you Blizzard

I’m not sure if failing to stand by them when they’re facing a determined enemy army is a reasonable alternative to being a “mother goose”.


Arlifrex mentions “he should feel offended that she doesn’t care” not “feeling offended because she failed to stand by them when they’re facing a determined enemy army.”

I mean, its kind of the same thing. There are degrees of caring but what she did probably violated a lot of forsakens assumed levels of that. Like I’d imagine most would be confident that she wouldn’t ever just throw them to the wolves from lack of carrying. Not just ask them to sacrifice for a cause but to be almost casually discarded.


Agreed, she certainly doesn’t have the same degree as Mother Goose. Her level was nothing of the sorts.

Arlifrex never mentioned anything about Mother Goose though. He simply spoke of caring. You’re the one who brought up Mother Goose levels of caring.


Y’know, I think this whole Sylvanas thing has really just embittered me to the point in which I had viewed all fans of the character with contempt. Like, it legit just made me dislike and disrespect fans of the character just for liking her and DiF has definitely been one of those people.

Yeah, I agree, in hindsight I kinda feel bad how I may have treated her in the past. All she was really guilty of is liking Sylvanas.

I’m just glad this expansion is finally wrapping up. It’ll be good to not have every thread turn into a heated argument over Sylvanas.

glances over at Elesana’s recent Night Elf outrage posts

Assuming they don’t pit another large portion of the fanbase against each other.


Right, simply to say she doesn’t have that degree of care for the Forsaken, Horde, Blightcaler, anyone really.

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Thank you from the Alliance, Sylvanas, for correcting Anduin’s craven error of letting Saurfang live.

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Except Anduin’s gambit payed off and ended the conflict far earlier than it likely would have otheriwize. He effectively split the Horde, took MANY of its remaining heroes off the board, and it resulted in Saurfang exposing Sylvanas and breaking her leadership of the Horde.

Like, you can complain about A LOT of his decisions in this expansion … but his Saurfang gamble actually worked. It did exactly what he wanted it to.

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I thought it as pretty obvious. Sylvanas admits she doesn’t need the Horde any more. And the Horde admits that it doesn’t need Sylvanas any more.

That’s the difference between Garrosh and Sylvanas. Where Garrosh was the one saying “They are no longer part of my Horde,” in the case of Sylvanas it is the Horde saying that about her.

Don’t you feel mutually? Because this is what I got from the video you posted:

9:17 to 9:23:
“If I were there as one of her Dark Rangers I’d be like ‘Lets go. F— the Horde. I’m with you Sylvanas.’”

11:11 to 11:22:
“Sylvanas is basically- she’s peaced out. She said it. The Horde is nothing, you know. It’s over. She basically just admitted ‘I don’t give a f— about any of you guys.’”

12:24 to 12:35:
“I’ve been with the Horde for- ever since the Burning Crusade, so it’s been like twelve, fifteen years, and I don’t care.”

It did exactly what Anduin wanted it to do - prevent an Alliance victory. Anduin should follow his true allegiances and become warchief, and the Alliance should pick a new leader to put him down.

Edgy aren’t you.

You also DO realize that EVERY character in this game is limited by the cold harsh reality that YES there ARE TWO player factions. Also, under no circumstances were the Alliance in a position to actually “END” the Horde by this point of the story. Like it or not, but Sylvie’s tactics saw to that.

Amadis you’re trying to make something out of nothing. I think I’ve been pretty clear about my feelings.

As for your question

  1. Yes, I chose loyalty to Sylvanas. Shocker I know lol

  2. Yes Sylvanas peaced out, I think we can all agree on that.

  3. I like the Horde and I like Sylvanas if that’s what you’re asking.

I’m an open book if you want to be more direct and frank, i’m totally down. I kinda feel like you’re beating around the bush or maybe getting your conversations mixed up. I’ve done that before myself : )


I know you like the Horde. And I know you like Sylvanas. I was never questioning that. I don’t think anyone ever has.

I more think the video you posted does not sum up your feelings about the cinematic.

But dancing around the bush is what both of us do in conversations with each other. I missed that. =)

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Had to rewatch it.

Yeah, no I don’t love-hate Anduin. I hate-hate Anduin.
No, I don’t care about a scratch on Sylvanas face.

Yes, I love UC over Org
Yes, I love her smirk
Yes, I don’t like the whole “killing hope” angle(if that’s what she’s getting at in the vid idk). I think a room full or writers can do better.
Yes, Patty Madison is good
Yes and no to Saurfang being a cool dude, Yes he was cool before his story got intertwined with human potential, his character didn’t stand a chance once human potential got involved.
Yes, challenging someone as powerful as Sylvanas is bad *#&. Now that I think about its the second challenge he issued during this war. Kudos.

Hope that cleared some things up.


Me, neither.

Hm… Well, to frankly and more directly ask:

Are you happy that Sylvanas abandoned the Horde like the video you posted?

Are you happy that the Horde equally has forsaken Sylvanas?

Not sure if she said that in the vid but in any case I can’t say that I’m happy, but I’m certainly content. This will likely mean less screen time for my favorite character.

On another note: There has been a chance that this could happen since EoN, this is were I feel like I disagree with many of my pro Sylvanas brothers and sisters. Choosing herself over the Forsaken and the Horde hasn’t changed since being introduced in EoN.

I’m completely unbothered by characters that once supported Sylvanas turning coat. She literally wants the darkness to gobble up their souls(at least thats what i’m getting so far), can you blame them lol?

I will say that I’m happy about the Forsaken pretending to be against Sylvanas whispering to me “Victory for Sylvanas” or something long those lines. I’m sure Lightforged Forsaken are so nice and Alliance-like, but I can’t say that i’m looking forward to it overshadowing the darker side of the being Forsaken.


See. This is why just the other day I posted this: