Thank god for rich

I miss Azael and Conrad as commentators, Azael is just so good at commentating everything and Conrad had the entertaining value on point

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Rich is simply the worst, and makes it almost impossible to watch the tournaments.


The most offensive thing about these weekend cups is how heavily sterilized they are. The commentary and analysis especially. The commentators never really speak their mind (that 85% damp game they tried to hype up as an “exciting new record”…). I’m also curious how long the list of banned phrases is in twitch chat is. Every few moments when I glanced at chat I would see “message deleted” as someone got banned. Is it really that important to pay someone to moderate meaningless messages that appear for a few moments before being forgotten?

I was immediately perma-banned for typing the MrDestructoid emote (once, not even spam) and suggesting that Blizzard viewbots the tournaments. It’s like they don’t understand the appeal of the twitch platform compared to watching VODs. Oh well.

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So instead of you choosing the wrong one they just give you the wrong one now :joy:

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Yeah, Azael was really good.

Tbh I wasn’t a big fan of Supa at the beginning but I’ve warmed up to him and think he does a great job. I just think they’re all dampened because these games are not exciting to watch therefore they must be boring to commentate.