Thalyinsia is back and testing the forums!

I don’t think I have to be subbed to post anymore. My old favorite hang out is available to me once again! Rejoice forums.

They will be fixing that - it was not intended for nosubs to be able to post here.

Apparently suspensions have carried over too - though it’s unclear if those affect trust levels.

Welcome back while it lasts lol

Aw, laaame. Might have to work fast later today then…

Why not just sub?

This was mentioned on the sticky post on new forum stuff

It’s still not entirely clear. But I’m reading that previous suspensions won’t affect our current trust levels. But any future ones will. And if we earn any more suspensions it’s still a cumulative effect from the old forum.

Because that’d be $15 a month for forum access.

It would be worth it if you still visit the forums regularly

But then how will General Discussion bask in my greatness :frowning: