Testing Same-Faction Battlegrounds in Burning Crusade Classic

This is good for the health of the PvP community overall.

I have concerns about the health of my main faction overall over the course of the rest of this expansion.

Please ask the developers to be more proactive in finding solutions to unbalanced PvP servers.

Thanks for trying to find a fix to BG issues promptly.


im seething

please give me dual spec and i’ll buy more store stuff

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Yes, thank you for this change! So looking forward to faster queues.


Lmao don’t even pretend. You’re forcing alliance players to sit in queue.

There’s literally no upside to playing alliance now. Horde has EVERY mechanical advantage.


Literally the worst change they could make. It makes TBC more like retail and hurts alliance all in one fell swoop. Either I start leveling my horde alts or just quit >.>


Looks like y’all noticed that less people where playing because of the time, which made it even worse. I frankly won’t sit around over an hour to play a game filled with alliance premades. Pretty much asking me to grief myself. I’ll pass. Kill the que times, kill the premades. Make it like call of duty so it’s fair. Alliance, cry all you want. Your just mad because you know you have the advantage and this will ruin it for you. You are immature if you don’t support equality.


Hahaha. I just love it. Do you LIVE on these forums just to blatantly lie about the BG queues or something? First comment on the thread. It’s nuts. But also, I told you so. I told you they would be doing something about it. “The end of Ally PVP” what a joke. All this does is give Horde players the ability to actually get into games in a reasonable time. Nothing else.


Yeah believe it or not, Rogues don’t actually fight you in stealth. Perception does nothing against vanish lmao.



These devs are affectely killing their IP in real time they past few weeks it’s been quite the watch. With how shaky 9.1 was received they are bold to do such a yikes change now.


I rolled horde because I expected same faction bgs to be implemented and the queues times to be shortened plus the op racials. You should have been able to expect this too because people were pissing and moaning for this for months. If you dont like it you can just reroll horde. /s

This is ofcourse what I would say if im a PoS who delights in peoples misfortune. This change is not a good idea. If Blizzards going with #somechanges then perhaps a different approach is more appropriate.


well crap. now i wish i went horde


Do I get a free faction transfer now? There is literally no reason to play alliance now.

At least with imbalanced queues I could farm honor gear easier and slightly outgear my horde counterparts to help balance their OP Racials. Now there’s literally no reason to.


Hey Alliance if you don’t like it



Bruh, people are playing on servers with 30 active players. There’s been worse to pvp balance, namely cataclysm and wotlk. Wait until EMFH completely turns the tide.

I’ll be butthurt like you, but I’ll still play horde.

We need faction change now aswell you’re going to make insane amount of money blizz

p e r c e p t i o n

This doesn’t impact you one bit. You know there are more Alliance than Horde right? Alliance just does not participate in PvP.


Alliance big mad lmao


Hahahhaha! I guess my alliance griefing worked yeh?!

When is TBC+ coming out where Blizzard finally realizes their dream of deleting the Alliance faction from WoW? They already achieved it on retail, may as well fix it on classic as well.