Testing Adding Damage Reduction to PvP

This might be an easy fix for now but I don’t see how it will solve the overall problem. There is a reason resil and more stam was added to gear in later expansions and it worked out pretty well. I mean people couldn’t really complain if they lacked in resil gear. I don’t understand why not just add those stats to the pvp gear??
Regardless I think it’s going to have a positive and negative affect by this flat nerf. We shall see though.

Here's the loop logic I see

Raid bosses too easy >> buff raid bosses HP, armor, Resistance
Raid too strong >> buff new runes
Runes too strong PVP >> buff players and new defensive skills

Raid bosses too easy because of player defensive and DPS buffs>> buff raid bosses
Raid Bosses too strong >> buff new runes
Runes too strong PVP >>buff players and new defensive skills

Raid bosses too easy because of player defensive and DPS buffs>> buff raid bosses
Raid Bosses too strong >> buff new runes
Runes too strong PVP >> … hmm. Let’s try something new >> Nerf all Damage content in PVP

Okay… what about the original content left behind in the cycle?
What about all the defensive content introduced
You see your opening up a whole string of new problems.

You have the go to the initial source of the error.

Dial back the Raid bosses
Dial back the new runes
Dial back the new defensives skills

Generally gear has been well done so that should stay.
Except the new stun proc BS, you should have really stayed away from that.
It’s been a known issue since vanilla and fully realized in TBC (when everyone and their mom got cc&stuns) that it was bad for counterplay and the health of PVP.

Ya it’s a fun proc for the person with the item but it’s NOT FUN gameplay for everyone else.

The amount of people in here that are god awful at pvp but are still screaming this and that is incredible.

No idea why they would ask for “feed back” on tweeter or the forums. This is crazy times.

There’s been things that your smaller teams has done really well and I’d say, play to your strengths.

The introduction of new content has been excellent (except those stun items).

Managing the incorporation of runes great. (A few of the runes very poorly designed since phase1).

Lowering the unfun aspects of the game like the long grinds.

*Small request could we have the capability of changing our race or at least racial abilities?

I know weapon racials changing are in the works.
But let us change them all as a set or individually with no overlaps on certain ones.

I know it’s suppose to add flavor to the race chosen but with the changes in SOD their balance has been thrown out of whack. some racials benefited a lot while others have or always been useless.

Ie. Pet bonus to classes with no pets
Axe specialization to classes that can’t use axes
Bow bonus to classes that can’t use bows

Lol the irony

The guy that brought nothing to the discussion except insults is complaining about others not giving useful feedback.

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Yeah cause incursions are so amazing right…

Your opinion on the execution of the incursion event is not invalid.

But I mean, they tried and it didn’t negatively affect the longterm health of the game.

The massive inflation is going to be a problem for the rest of SOD.

But that’s my point.
The problem is this inflationary buffs they’re dolling out.

Want to fix pvp? How about you start by first REMOVING RACIALS!!

And then toning down certain classes abilities in small increments at a time.

But in order to get a gauge of what classes need to be toned down how about you ACTUALLY PLAY THIS GAME and not just the classes you choose to slurpy all day long.

True, removing all racials would be okay too.

Think you missed this part.

This change is global.

What do you think the chances are that this is borked and somehow reduces damage to mobs/raid bosses when it rolls out XD

I mean the world is pretty dead.

Sod killed it with capped levels and that horrible incursions idea.

It occurred to me the other night and kind of reflected in my previous post but I didn’t realize it.

The reason ppl are probably finding PvP and especially BGs more and more bursty is because everyone is mostly playing the classes BLIZZARD Design Team overtuned lol. (Paladins, Shamens, Priests, Hunters).

As others said above, self healing classes are going to get a huge buff advantage with this change.
Paladins, Priests, Shamens, Warlocks, Druids.
Warriors, Rogues, Hunters

Idk about Mages

Properly geared and spec’s Warlocks are already insanely powerful.
High armor, huge HP pool, CC, uninterruptible heal while doing damage, pet.

Lol guess it’ll become, World of Warlock Craft.
Everywhere you look you’ll see this Fat Purple Grimace blobs bouncing around.

about to queue up for a bg…lets see how this feels boys.

This doesn’t seem to be live yet, still critting 1.6k on FFB.

ye not live…another fumble XD

yes, high mobility and mortal strike will perform poorly in a higher TTK environment. Rogues will be able to stick targets in backline without getting insta gibbed. Frost trap + Entrapment will somehow become weaker as will viper sting.

well almost an hour in…still nothing.