Testing Adding Damage Reduction to PvP

Okay and? Are you crying? I’m confused? Reroll something else if you wanna kill Healers, I don’t think hunters are the best for it.

My feedback:

The percentage reduction felt a bit too large, while not addressing the other half of the equation which is healing in PVP. The damage reduction is meant to be a response to the obvious increase in damage output that classes now have, which is good, BUT healing classes also got a large increase. Making players survive longer by reducing incoming damage without a dampening compensation for healers just leads to healing throughput being far higher than it reasonably should.

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In phase 1 yeah it was pretty absurd. But now we got Mortal strike and rogues have something similar. We have healing reduction. Maybe 50 is too high but 25 is def too low.

Baseline healing reduction that exists as part of the game still does not account for the overall increase in total healing introduced. That healing reduction already existed in Classic, but healers now heal for more than they did before.

It’s simple math. Something that used to heal for 300 HPS with 150 HPS under mortal strike, where you might now see 450 HPS is at 225 HPS after the mortal strike effect. That healing amount is much more significant even when accounting for mortal strike. So if you counterbalance incoming damage to address the increase in damage overall but don’t address healing throughput, you’re going to have lopsided results. It’s not about counterplay issues, it’s about the balance of numerical outcomes. It’s simple math.

Gotta love keyboard warriors. A) I’m not re-rolling cause im happy so long as there isnt resilence in classic. 3) my toolset is more than fine without said resilence and D) all Im pointing out is your ignorance and arrogance because you cant see outside of your little bubble…

I had fun in PvP for the first time since I leveled past 25. Both battlegrounds and even STV events were impossible to heal through as an HPal. The main issue was the significant difference between the time it takes to cast a heal and the time it takes for an Alliance teammate to perish. This led me to avoid PvP altogether until last Friday when the nerf happened. Until last week, I thought I was going to have to painfully grind through over 90% losses over multiple weeks to achieve my goal of Rank 7. I viewed this task as unfair compared to how easy it must be for Horde players to achieve the same rank. Now that the nerf has been reverted and I’m in BiS PvP gear for this phase, I’m once again finding myself or my teammates getting killed so quickly that I can’t even get off a flash heal. This is very disappointing, as since level 25, the Alliance has only had three days to experience somewhat fair battlegrounds/World PvP. Please ensure a permanent balance in the game. I shouldn’t have to create a Horde character just to avoid losing every game.


Just remove shaman from the game

Rogues upset they couldn’t kill in their openers. What a shocker.

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I haven’t seen this mentioned, but there are other impacts from this 50% damage reduction that may have gone unnoticed in BG’s. In AB, it was incredibly easy to defend flags and incredibly difficult to take flags, simply because of how long someone (especially a healer) can live. Just something for Blizz to consider.

I honestly think it’s worth another try, but at 25-30% this time.

Any updates or thoughts here blizz? This is wild the lack of communication

They’re probably just deciding on what percentage to set it at.

How about tomorrow? Are there any considerations for conducting another comprehensive round of testing?
Maintaining the status quo risks perpetuating Horde dominance.

Yeah don’t ever bring this back. If people want slow pace or long fight times there is literally 2 other versions of the game for that.
And at the minimum if this is brought back there needs to be changes for specific classes that get over nerfed for this.

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The 50% damage reduction was trash for Affliction Warlocks. Don’t bring it back unless you plan on buffing Affliction damage.

When will this be back? Melee is pretty unplayable in BG. Healing is impossible, cant even keep people with pain sup up.

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Maybe 50% damage reduction and 30% healing reduction? this way people can react but healing arent overpowered

Bring back the damage reduction please!! PVP was actually fun for once. Put a timer on WSG and all problems solved

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I agree we need something, but healing needs a nerf if that’s the case. Regardless, a WSG timer should have been implemented from the beginning. One of the worst BG design fails of all time, and we know this because they eventually realized it and gave us one. Can’t believe they didn’t for SoD.