Terrible zone lag

Guys. This problem is unreal, got back into wow after a 4 year hiatus. Was doing draenor, got to this zone and was drowned with a 3-5 second lag for looting, casting, and what’s worse is the delay felt almost 10 seconds long when hitting the third jump for my DH’s wings. What the hell is going on here this is a long time to ignore such a big issue. There’s only two other people in the zone. Reading this forum I just backed out of the zone and abandoned the line. Guess I’ll just run Azeroth and hope for the best.

This thread Created October 2020, issue is still present. Keep this thread around.

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I wondered what was up with this zone. I’m surprised and disappointed that the issue has not been resolved for such a long time.

yea its only been about 6 months dont worry though they added a new battle pet to the shop.

These steps might be helpful with pinpointing where the issue is:

Gorgrond Thrall 3/06/2021 1:28am EST

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
Router 0 448 448 0 0 19 0 0 448 448 3 8 705 5

Sooo… how does this get fixed?? The lag is so bad I just log out or do battlegrounds…

This is still happening 3/8/21.
I honestly thought it was my internet crapping out and unless there’s a bunch of bots on the Alliance side, searching the zone shows me as the only Horde player.
Definitely moving to a different zone, this is ridiculous.

Same issue most of the time, happens immediately on entering Gorgrond. I was able to level a character through here right after the weekly reset but no other time. Perhaps that was just because farmers and levelers were just kicked out, or perhaps there is a bug that accumulates over the week.

popped in to see if its still an issue… yup still a steaming pile crap 20 days later

Is this only happening on characters doing the leveling storyline?

I haven’t visited Gorgrond in roughly 5 years, maybe longer. I went there tonight for about an hour and I’m not experiencing any lag or casting delays. However, my character is max level and has completed all quests in all Draenor zones.

My original thought was that an addon that gathers data from this area is defunct/broken/consuming resources. Not sure if everyone has investigated that.

Just trying to help narrow this down a bit more.

I’m leveling in Gorgrond through the chromie timeline. The zone is pretty unplayable in terms of lag at this very moment.

Very frustrating.

Do you have any max characters that you can send over there? I tested the zone on my Illidan character.

I just entered this zone while leveling a new character and it’s about 4 seconds of lag. Logged out, searched online for potential lag issues even with low latency and found this thread; looks like this issue is still in effect.

Just here to add my voice to this as well. 4-6 second lag behind activating abilities in Gorgrond (warmode Off). I went to Orgrimmar and the lag was gone immediately. Strange that this has been happening for so long without any fix or even a word from Blizzard about it.

I’ve been having this issue leveling 3 different characters. Seems to only be when I’m leveling a new character. Every time I get to this zone, It has a delay with everything I do. Its been only this zone.

How long are we going to continue to ignore this issue Devs? And Oct 2020 post and this issue is still present to this day.

I’m sure it’s been going on for longer than 5 months too. Let’s just be honest here. 5 secs of lag AT LEAST! Quit ignoring it and address the issue. Not even a “hey, we are looking into this” post. Ridiculous.

I know it’s not current content but let’s at least try to care about changes to the game that allow people to level in older zones like Chromie Time does. Especially in zones that are considered the fastest to level in. Obviously people are going to want to go there.

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4/6/21, issue remains and took a while to narrow down to the zone.

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Can confirm this is still an issue here in May. This issue was so bad that I thought it was my computer that was breaking, but the existence of this thread points to otherwise. Pretty crazy that this has been an issue for at least 5 months and not a peep from Blizz. Trying to level there is pretty hellish, 3-6 second delays between inputs. I personally haven’t seen any bots running about, but I’m sure that doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

I never had a problem with input lag until I got my new computer, but I think I may have found the culprit. Try turning your directx setting to version 11 instead of 12. I was seeing a huge lag of time between when I pressed a button to when the action started to work on screen. After changing to directx 11 my issue went away. I am using an RTX 2080 Super video card with 8 GB of video Ram, 32 GB of system RAM, and 200 MB fiber Internet so my hardware should be more than adequate. Only thing I have found to improve input responce so far is reducing to directx 11 settings.