I believe that TWW M+ is in a terrible state. In my opinion, what is wrong with it:
Awful dungeon pool. Siege of Boralus was one of the worst dungeons in the history of the game and somehow Blizzard picked Siege of Boralus for S1 TWW. Whoever picked Siege of Boralus, I hope their pillow never gets cold and step on a piece of Lego when they wake up. Oh wait, whoever thought that it was a fantastic idea to bring back the Alliance side for Siege of Boralus. Necrotic, Grim Batol and City of Thread are awful dungeons but they can be redeemed. Siege of Boralus is unredeemed bad. If Mists is a good dungeon for TWW S1, that states how bad the other dungeons are.
AOE stops change. Many trash have desync with ability cooldowns. The group used interrupts and hard CC. The trash packs will sync with dangerous abilities and players will die from this. AOE stops change discourages everyone from using their CC because they steal someone’s kick and immediately recast. Enhancement Shaman used to pick Sundering for M+ in DF. Now, Enhancement Shaman never picked Sundering in TWW M+. I wonder why Enhancement doesn’t pick Sundering in TWW. It was a terrible change and they should revert that.
The amount of curse and poison dispels. Blizzard didn’t learn about the amount of dispels from DF S2, magic debuff was out of control and mass dispel was mandatory in DF S2. They nerfed a lot of magic debuff and Mass Dispels much later. Now they have the same problem with curses and poisons. 2+ curse and/or poison dispels are a requirement for 7 out of 8 dungeons. They should cut the amount of curse and poison in a dungeon pool.
I would say more things about TWW M+ but they are my top 3 problems with TWW M+.
I am sure I will be called an elitist, but I think the difficulty for most of the content is fine, outside of stitchflesh.
The dungeon pool is more annoying than anything else for me, and now that 8s grant Harbinger Crests, I don’t have anything to complain about on that front.
Higher level keys should be hard. Complaining that something is hard that other people are accomplishing means that you aren’t good or geared enough, and that’s okay. Asking for broad nerfs will just mean that you will complete higher level keys but the gap between you and better players will still be there, it will just have new numbers for the same metrics.
People don’t care so much about the gap between themselves and the high level players… The issue previously was being hard stuck and not being able progress your character at all.
I mained g-druid and played a resto shaman this season, its gone from being reactive to being overly proactive. The two stack survival instincts and the reduced C/D Barksin/SI is very much needed to start.
games very punishing if you don’t know specific mechanics, and if your dps aren’t interrupting it makes for a horrible gameplay experience.
In the past you could CC and deal with the trouble mob after but because of the timer barreling you down, that option is severely hemorrhaged by the current game system. interrupts, stuns, and knocks are really the only widely accepted option until you get higher up in difficulties.
It’s very sweaty, and if you’re just trying to enjoy a nice evening of gaming with you’re SO its probably not the game for that anymore unless you enjoy the new crafting system and want to make stuff for people.
If better players aren’t getting stuck, its not being hard stuck, its about getting better.
Sure RNG plays into, maybe you just getting get decent gear for a week and some content is just outside your ilvl, but that’s a time issue. Not everyone will be BIS right off the rip, so some content will be harder for the less lucky simply due to luck.
Being “hard stuck” on a +6 or a +8… that’s a player issue.
Sadly, this is a lot of what I’ve been observing. Good friends and guildies who in previous seasons got most or all of their portals have given up for the time being. I’m sure it’s largely a player issue, not arguing that. But I think most just don’t care to put in the time and stress to ‘improve’ - not that they are not capable, they are just tired.
I don’t necessarily feel that TWW is in a terrible state, but it has been tremendously hard in the pug scene.
Ez fix, bring all other classes up to ret pally levels and more would engage ) why have we spent 2 years redesigning ret to be repeatedly broken in dmg numbers and having every utility outside of bloodlest? why are u buffing them yet again for your anniversary? what is going on up there at HQ? Yall must not have good air quality round them parts.
I don’t remember at what ilvl I started doing +7s, but I had to have gained at least 5 ilvls since I started, and I still at 617 cannot get into a single +7 Grim or Ara’kara. Not one. +7s drop 610 gear, I’m 7 ilvls over that, and I still can’t get an invite for that.
That doesn’t make any sense from a design perspective. I can’t get into +8s for any of the other instances that I already have +7 clears for either. I’m stuck here without running my own keys, especially with crests being capped because I can only do so much each week and it ends up meaning nothing as it doesn’t change the situation even if I gain an ilvl point from the few pittances of an upgrade that I get through crests each week because so did everybody else which means the bar for invites is moving up at the same rate that I am. That’s indicative of a design problem. I can’t remember the last time I was so far over the content in gear like that, excluding the last key that actually matters for vault/crest rewards of course.
20 levels at least spread people apart and still made it feel like you were doing something even if you were only getting into a key one level higher than one you’ve already cleared. Gaining an ilvl or two and being able to get into the next level for that reason means you’re progressing. You’re gaining score along the way too. I’ve been spinning my wheels for weeks with the way things are now. I’ve had the same score more or less for 3 weeks now if not 4, I just hit 617, and it’s looking like it still doesn’t matter. 10 levels was a hideous decision as it’s clearly clogging everything up.
I’m at 2098. I have 7s in everything except for Grim and Ara’kara, of which I have 6s. Can’t get into 7s for Grim and Ara’kara, and can’t get into 8s for the rest. So… uh… yeah. Stonevault’s at 248 instead of being in the 270s like every other 7 that I have, but am I really supposed to believe that another 22~someodd points to my total is going to fix everything? Surely the folks running their keys aren’t keeping spreadsheets at their desks and checking things to that degree.
20 Year “WoW Veteran”, min/maxxer and super sweaty tryhard. Unsubbing and uninstalling until further notice. Game is WAY too hard right now. I shouldn’t have numb fingers from playing your game and STILL fail miserably because stuff is so overtuned. A +7 should not feel like a mythic frickin raid… and at 619 ilvl… it isn’t even much use!? I can’t upgrade hero track gear bcuz i can never progress thru +8s i can barely beat a +7.
I hope you are being sarcastic because a “20 year WoW veteran min-maxer” shouldn’t be super sweaty in a +7 while being extremely overgeared for it. Then again, the guild checks out.
No, it won’t. Problem is that this is a direct side effect of Blizzard moving Gilded Crests to +8s. You now have people like me joining them for easy crests and group leaders are holding their invites for others like me because they want a free carry. Best bet for you is the run your own key until you get a few 8s on the board.