Terrible change with the northrend adventuring supplies

Now they’re gonna devalue gathering, after being a box of stuff I didn’t want to open cuz it’ll fill my bag. I’d rather they just remove that box altogether.

they only devalue alchemy … and only slightly. During the launch of any expansion materials scale in price in both directions directly based on supply and demand. The NAS boxes are finite in supply and will run out. People are ditching the water, potentially keeping some elixirs and trying to offload the rest. many people won’t use some elixirs simply cause it’s “not bis” and the rest will go to the AH and rot.

The actual terrible change is the wide variety of crap in the boxes… holy hell my bags are just absolutely jacked.

This is why we can’t have nice things. The generous showers of elixirs and pots were never going to affect end game alchemy. But great was the cry of ‘Alchemy is dead’. I have an alchemist. I was not bothered. People were using them while levelling - a luxury very few people would indulge in normally.

Now the adventuring supplies are full of mundane things: water, food, single flowers and ores and health and mana pots. No more elixirs. :confused:


Splinter meetings at Blizzard must be an absolute clown show. I picture the commercial with all the chimps in the office.

BS! People used to buy pots. I have hundreds!

I never saw a single flask in any of the pre-nerf adventuring supplies (quest rewards). While I haven’t raided since wotlk the first, I don’t remember anyone (except the extremely pov) using Guru Elixirs or the various other elixirs that were in the supplies. :confused:

Out of 10 boxes I received 2 cobalt ores and 3 herbs.

we all could have just had RDF with gold rewards but noooo

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And that could lead to a willingness to purchase more when the adventuring supplies ran out. Even if not it doesn’t impact (imo) high end crafting.

I have an alchemist and your take is similar to my own view. Was pretty okay with it but you know sky falling and all.

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I have a hundred+ flasks obtained from the pre-nerf adventuring supplies…

Did you get them as quest rewards or dungeon rewards? Because I am talking about quest rewards ‘adventuring supplies’. I did hear flasks were being given out as dungeon rewards, not sure how I feel about that (nor what exactly was given since I didn’t get any). But for the quest rewards, what was given (elixirs) seemed appropriate and made questing a nice experience with a bit of luxury - kept the kill and progress rate up and the down time down.

I’m selling stacks of herbs for 60-120g a pop so if that’s devalued I suppose I’m okay with that

Quest rewards. They have been nerfed into the ground now. Ive used a bunch as Ive leveled, but I still have 100+ in the bank lmao