Terran Gregory. So much love to Night Elves.

I have to say that I love this. When was the last time we got treated with such admiration? I didn't play W3 or any of the others but I've watched the YouTube videos of the Kal'dorei in W3 and it was awsome, and that had been missing from wow. So to get some of that back is great. It unfortunate that it took THIS for it to happen but, I guess I'll take it. The Night Elves have been sidelined long enough.

I wish that our druids had that same transformation effect, I'm sick of the smoke crap. Also I love seeing Malfurion use his powers but are we ever going to see him use his other abilities outside of transforming, like his casting powers. Imagine what a Malfurion/Tyrande Lunar Strike/Starfall combo would look like.

11/13/2018 05:10 AMPosted by Valuelle
I wonder what they'll have Tyrande do. Probably get in a fight with Nathanos and only be able to kill an unnamed Valk'yr.. Oh wait..

I didn't know about the Valk'yr, I heard whipsers though. Oddly enough, months ago before the full expansion was released I wanted Tyrande to charge into battle for revenge, and I actually envisioned her killing a Valk'yr lol.

11/13/2018 06:11 AMPosted by Etheldald

i dream with the day that tyrande has her moment throwing starfall obliterating the entire battlefield while the full might of the kaldorei army,chymeras,druids,drias,gigants stands behind her.

i would probably insta race-change.

I would love to see that. She could clear a large portion of a battle field. I would also like to see the Sisters of Elune use their powers too. Old lore says that they can sing to call down Elune power. The Sister she also well trained warriors, so not unlike palidans
11/13/2018 06:52 AMPosted by Pellex
Second: Why do Night Elves/Alliance get the clear-cut justification for war but not Horde? Why do they not care if we say "I don't want to go to war"?


that is a good question and it's part of the problem that you mentioned in another post.

Blizzard seems to think that the horde is a collective force of destruction who always attacks first and escalate the conflict and say a /fordahorde
because the horde culture is based on genocide,mass destruction, mass murder and war.

in other words, the bad guys. maybe blizzard just thinks that the horde is the force of destruction while the alliance the side of healing.
just look at darkshore, the horde side is blighting and destroying the land and forests for their war machine while the alliance just want their lands back while healing it with the trees and nature and stop the destruction of the forest.

and it seems like this is a bigger problem in blizzard philosophy than anything else.
11/13/2018 01:29 AMPosted by Amadis
The matriarchal society.

Well, well, well... Would you look at that.
OP weres the part were it explains how the nightelves can be raised as forsaken even though there connected to the dream??? Worgen can't be raised due to being connected to the dream. Yet nightelves are the exception??? Sira, Delaryn and the other shouldn't be able to be raised since nightelfs share the connection with the dream to. But you notice the devs avoid talking about that key issue there.

Also Nightelves won't be able to get there vengence on Sylvannas. She has to much plot armor and Alex is giving her godmode.

Also talked about here. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20769769711?page=3

The cutscene for darkshore of Tyrande's ascension is weak and cheap.
11/13/2018 08:36 AMPosted by Akiyass
11/13/2018 01:29 AMPosted by Amadis
The matriarchal society.

Well, well, well... Would you look at that.

But, Akiyass, people have been telling me that was just us reading into things, it’s all about the tower of power now. Should I take this to mean what it means or interpret it to suit my bias about lolwomansociety?
11/13/2018 01:29 AMPosted by Amadis
Terran Gregory at 54:33:

And then, the wisps. …Oh… and there she is [Tyrande]. [Teldrassil] Extinguished, right? And yet, and yet, this composition is designed that even if it’s this burnt out husk, it’s what we’re fighting for. Right? We’re taking it. Even if you burn it. We’re here to fight over this. This is ours. This is our homeland.
Alright I know I'm real one note on this but: This is what we're fighting for. This is ours. Unless I die fighting for it. Then screw it. For The Dark Lady! Lets burn some of my friends and family! Blight nature! WOOOO HORDE!
11/13/2018 06:57 AMPosted by Theadrel
11/13/2018 06:44 AMPosted by Vivette
So did we all just collectively forget how the narrative of Darkshore is executed ingame via datamine? Or did all that go away because of the nice cinematic?

Far from it. Everything with the cinematic and them changing Tyrande's lines is nice, but my core issue was always Delaryn and Sira, that whole raising-and-loyalty debacle.

I'm not too optimistic for Blizzard handling nelves in the longterm, needless to say.

At the least, the devs aren't just brushing them off.

This here is the general belief in the night elf fan base. We want to be hyped but the execution and follow through of this story and treatment by the big devs has been so badly done.

Yet in all of this, raising night elves, Sira, and Delaryn STILL are the biggest issues. That is kicking night elf fans while they are down and denying ACTUAL Horde members a chance to shine with their own heroes and units.

Until this is resolved this whole scenario will not be what the devs want it to be. It will still be a slap in the face to the fan base.
11/13/2018 06:52 AMPosted by Pellex
Second: Why do Night Elves/Alliance get the clear-cut justification for war but not Horde? Why do they not care if we say "I don't want to go to war"?

Because the Horde is METAL, dude! Lok'tar ogar!
11/13/2018 09:21 AMPosted by Staiñ
11/13/2018 06:57 AMPosted by Theadrel

Far from it. Everything with the cinematic and them changing Tyrande's lines is nice, but my core issue was always Delaryn and Sira, that whole raising-and-loyalty debacle.

I'm not too optimistic for Blizzard handling nelves in the longterm, needless to say.

At the least, the devs aren't just brushing them off.

This here is the general belief in the night elf fan base. We want to be hyped but the execution and follow through of this story and treatment by the big devs has been so badly done.

Yet in all of this, raising night elves, Sira, and Delaryn STILL are the biggest issues. That is kicking night elf fans while they are down and denying ACTUAL Horde members a chance to shine with their own heroes and units.

Until this is resolved this whole scenario will not be what the devs want it to be. It will still be a slap in the face to the fan base.

This on so many levels. But yet they ignore wow lore to push there own agenda. Watch alex come up with some excuse to make there view plausable instead of admitting it doesn't make sense .
11/13/2018 08:36 AMPosted by Akiyass
11/13/2018 01:29 AMPosted by Amadis
The matriarchal society.

Well, well, well... Would you look at that.

When has anyone debated that?
11/13/2018 10:47 AMPosted by Arlifrex
11/13/2018 08:36 AMPosted by Akiyass

Well, well, well... Would you look at that.

When has anyone debated that?

A lot of people actually. I have had plenty of flame wars here in the story forums about this.
its like i am the only one who actually understands that there is no problem with Sira and Delaryn. when it comes to the raising and switching sides.
11/13/2018 11:09 AMPosted by Zanjin
its like i am the only one who actually understands that there is no problem with Sira and Delaryn. when it comes to the raising and switching sides.

Yes, there is a big problem with it.

Worgen cannot be raised into undead because of their connection to the Emerald Dream... Night Elves are probably the most connected race to the Emerald dream in the Lore, and blessed by Ysera.

Not only that, but Del and Sira joining Sylvanas would be like Sylvanas willingly joing with Arthas.
11/13/2018 06:52 AMPosted by Pellex

Second: Why do Night Elves/Alliance get the clear-cut justification for war but not Horde? Why do they not care if we say "I don't want to go to war"?

You know what Blizzard's response would be. "You know you want to go to war. I mean, look at how you are dressed. You are practically begging for it."
As much as I like hearing those words, again; Skeptical.

They drum up hype and say they're going to dedicate themselves to it, though much like how the Horde hears it, the words are bitter sweet. We're not even at 8.1 yet or beyond, so I'm not going to thank them or offer congratulations.

Until I actually see Blizzard dedicating themselves fully to the Night Warrior/Night Elves, they're just speaking sweet lies, like they did to the Horde.

I'd bring up the issue of the raised Kaldorei and Sira, though I'm sure we're never going to receive actual confirmation on any of their states and their reasoning is going to get neatly swept under the rug.
11/13/2018 11:21 AMPosted by Lëora
As much as I like hearing those words, again; Skeptical.

They drum up hype and say they're going to dedicate themselves to it, though much like how the Horde hears it, the words are bitter sweet. We're not even at 8.1 yet or beyond, so I'm not going to thank them or offer congratulations.

Until I actually see Blizzard dedicating themselves fully to the Night Warrior/Night Elves, they're just speaking sweet lies, like they did to the Horde.

I'd bring up the issue of the raised Kaldorei and Sira, though I'm sure we're never going to receive actual confirmation on any of their states and their reasoning is going to get neatly swept under the rug.

There worried atm trying to keep players subbed. Stock prices for act/blizz dropped. Been watching it also tons of youtubers talking about it. Blizzcon made a mess of things diablo app, nothing new for wow. Not to mention the darkshore rezzing of nightelves is gonna be a failure if it goes live. Word keeps spreading each day and players talk about it. Dedicated nightelf fans will most likely leave/unsub if it goes live. Alot of players didn't like the tree burning , but this just doesn't do nightelves justice. If they really wanted to have Tyrande do something cool. They could have had her do a superhero landing smashing the ground. Showing the force of elune. Whoever came up with the current development of this though needs some more pratice in creating meaningful story/content.

Also don't be surprised if they wait until now to start showing nightelves love. With risk of loosing players in the process. They could have done it months ago or actually put the time into the content to show some dedication. But in all seriousness , that cutscene with Tyrande is a joke.
11/13/2018 11:12 AMPosted by Akiyass
11/13/2018 11:09 AMPosted by Zanjin
its like i am the only one who actually understands that there is no problem with Sira and Delaryn. when it comes to the raising and switching sides.

Yes, there is a big problem with it.

Worgen cannot be raised into undead because of their connection to the Emerald Dream... Night Elves are probably the most connected race to the Emerald dream in the Lore, and blessed by Ysera.

Not only that, but Del and Sira joining Sylvanas would be like Sylvanas willingly joing with Arthas.

Sylvanas was proven right, their leader and their god abandoned them in their time of need. Why should they continue to follow them?

I would say worgen would be deeper than night elves since the worgen curse is druid magic gone wrong but whatever.
11/13/2018 11:27 AMPosted by Vera
But in all seriousness , that cutscene with Tyrande is a joke.

is not finished yet.
11/13/2018 11:32 AMPosted by Zanjin
11/13/2018 11:12 AMPosted by Akiyass

Yes, there is a big problem with it.

Worgen cannot be raised into undead because of their connection to the Emerald Dream... Night Elves are probably the most connected race to the Emerald dream in the Lore, and blessed by Ysera.

Not only that, but Del and Sira joining Sylvanas would be like Sylvanas willingly joing with Arthas.

Sylvanas was proven right, their leader and their god abandoned them in their time of need. Why should they continue to follow them?


Actually thats the writers/devs fault there. They refuse to allow things to happen. Writers keep from putting Elune into the story that its starting to make the nightelves just look more like a cult then anything. As for Tyrande, a leader can't be everywere at once during a battle. Again bad writing. If anything Sira and Delaryn should have been more upset at Anduin not giving any help instead of Tyrande.
11/13/2018 11:32 AMPosted by Zanjin
Sylvanas was proven right, their leader and their god abandoned them in their time of need. Why should they continue to follow them?

Elune relieving their pain in Teldrassil, then following up with Night Warrior, shrouding all of Darkshore in the permanent darkness is hardly "abandoning" them, and in fact, it's more you would get from any other deity present in the lore.

Not only that, but the faith that surrounds Elune has never been a faith where one's faith is contingent on how much Elune helps them. It's a faith of the Balance, it's roots are drawn from Paganism, not Abrahamic faiths. Some things must die for other things to live, this is the balance of Nature and Night Elves understand this intimantly. So... the thought of Elune abandoning them doesn't even make sense.