Temporus Simia Negotium (IC Closed)

Meremi had arrived in Skalaz’s quarter, only to realize that he wasn’t in. She had just returned from a long trip with a group of guards and Surveyors. The cult had discovered some large cavernous rooms. Meremi had been one of those called upon to use her abilities to help carve a passage way to those new chambers. Still using her abilities to bend and shape earth, fire to her will. Usually left her hands stiff and covered in burns. Not enough to cause any permanent damage, but enough to hinder the magnitude of her capabilities. So here she now stood in Skalaz’s chamber to get the special lotion he had created, with his great alchemical knowledge for her hands. Yet said Goblin didn’t seem to be about. Meremi decided that her best option was to wait.

Skalaz usually wasn’t away for that long. Bending and stretching her finger so they don’t become stiffer than the were, she makes her way over to the swinging hammock like chair she had begged Skalaz to install for her. She winces as bits and pieces of stone and dust fall from her fingers and hands. That was the one disadvantage of her powers. Her hands would slowly start morphing into the medium she was working with. At the moment her hands were turning to stone, making it nearly impossible to move them without being in immense pain. So Meremi falls back in her chair and waits.

Some time passes and she starts to wonder, if the commotion going on when she had arrived back, might be what was holding up the alchemist genius. She got her answer when a group of drudges came rushing into his rooms. She watches as the mindlessly start grabbing anything and everything they can carry, before rushing out the door. “Hey you, what’s going on.” Meremi demands of one of the lower ranked cult members. “An attack, awful, lots of dead, have to get back.” With that the obviously nervous man rushes out the door with his arms full. “Darn it.” Meremi jumps from her seat, rushes to the cabinet that holds the balm for her hands. Taking it she hurries after the drudgery as they race back down the way they came. Cursing she stops to rub the lotion into her hands. Sighing in relief as they returned to normal. Still her short break had caused her to lose sight of those she had been following.

Meremi followed the passage into a room with multiple other passages. This place was like a labyrinth. Once in it unless you knew where you were going you could get lost for day. There had been a number of cultists that had gotten lost in these tunnels. Only to have their rotting corpse discovered a few weeks later. Meremi was trying to figure out where to go when a group of guards, and a few healers came rushing into the room. She quickly followed them a minute or two later, she found herself in what looked like a war zone. She could smell the sulphuric taint in the air, mixed with that of death, and burnt flesh. In the distance she spots Skalaz.

Meremi watches as Skalaz creates with alchemy new hands for the young priestess. Still something goes wrong, twisting the hands into these nightmarish like appendages, before he collapses to his knees. Meremi wastes no time rushing across the room to Skalaz’s side. When she reaches him she drops a healing wave totem, then proceeds to send a wave of energy into Skalaz. “Not time for napping yet, the walls are moving.” Meremi hisses as she reaches Skalaz, nodding her head in the direction of the massive pit. Meremi then rushes to the edge of the pit. If she thought it was bad up her, down there was a reincarnation of hell. And standing amidst the flames was the Watcher, and the Captain of the guards. Fighting them was the massive twisted behemoth of a Trogg. Her eyes scan the massive pit, (the walls were alive.) then she sees it, dozens perhaps a hundred or more Troggs blending into the walls as the creep and crawl down them.

“Incoming!” she screams, as a bunch of the foul creatures leap from the walls down into the room.


Isaik spectre like in his movements turned towards Yumara his hands holding over each other… “Arrogance is a ever present vice in the powerful… I myself could not escape its ever present grasp…” Isaik hissed recalling the great battle ten thousand years before when the void demon overlord battled a elf with nothing to lose and a drive to protect his family… Truly intriguing that Zalak had destroyed trillions of lives countless families as if they were nothing, nearly all forgotten to time for who should remember failure, would be undone by a elf who refused to go silently into the night and die…

Isaik nodded he understood Yumara would catch glimpses of his possible visions of the future for this world and yet… Isaik watched over the elementals he had enslaved, they spoke in their own memories of why the legion itself had not settled this world… This planet sitting so idly in the nether was too close to the chaotic eruptions the realm created the clashes of light and void that irradiated the dimension in fel… Weaving his arms the dark one forced the outer walls of the citadel to etch a sigil of warding… As it was done a great flash in the sky signaled why the legion remained away from this desolate world! Cascading cosmic waves of fel green energy washed over the world scoring the soil of life and purging unprotected structures with fire! The citadel however stood unscathed as did the land around it, the fel could not penetrate such wards…

This would prove interesting on how the world would adapt to the new life that had found refuge under the imposing structure… Isaik’s incredible vision would show him exactly what growth would occur, the forests of Yumara’s dark fey grew until it spread over every inch of soil free of unending fire… When it finally reached the wards weakening range the great forests gave way to desert life that spread for miles life was resilient under such onslaughts… After miles of desert filled with thorny and dry hostile vegetation and life spread out it faded into course sand… Endless dunes under a ever weakening ward from the citadel miles away… Even endless dunes proving not so endless gave way to dry cracked earth with sucking heat and sulphuric stenches… water lingered in this place yet it was poisoned by all manners of vile minerals… a harsh land of porous rock that at its end gave way to the stark dustless and barren expanse that was the planets natural environment. What Isaik found most interesting was that although the surface became ever hostile to the fey forests the farther they grew from the citadel, the forests adapted… Under the great dry desert, endless dunes, and sulphuric wastes the forest pushed underground, bioluminescent mushrooms lit up cavernous expanses in myriads of colors as subterranean forests fed on the artificial light… Occasionally the earth could not hold such worlds apart leading to great canyon like openings in the deserts, dunes and wastes to the dark fey forests beneath… Just around the citadel the world had changed in countless ways of life…

Isaik turned back to his mighty nature being before him, subjects of the mind were a specialty of his… “One might believe that with no knowledge of anything else Sericon would simply come up with the best guess he could have…” Isaik stated, to put it simply there were things you know, things you know you don’t know, then things that you don’t know you don’t know… How would some low born peasant ever hope to know of the pure unbridled vastness of the galaxy before them, the rules and laws that bonded reality… Mortals… They try their best to understand, but not all things want to be known…

Isaik picked up immediately that Yumara had a limited capacity to tap into the thousands of potential futures that might lay before them, instead her mind pulled from the past… As Yumara saw her past Isaik saw forward, before him appeared Corttez and his crew aboard their cursed vessel they charged forward against void and darkness their great ship crashing through red waves of the coast of sand and skittering dunes! Isaik marveled at such a vision, twisted insects dove from the skies as dark chitin covered masters in cloth cast dark powers from the shoreline! Corttez gave a signal and the crew of cursed pirates sent a barrage of ghostly steel towards the shorelines! Still the battle was fierce as twisted wasps dove down from above and behemoth insect awaited to attack the crew… A massive insect with scythes for claws burst forth from the waves before the cursed ship, but the captain and his crew did not falter pushing their ship forward towards the monstrous thing! The images faded away before the two clashed… Isaik considered what had been revealed before him, the elder gods were on the move.

This time something else happened, perhaps influenced by Yumara, instead of seeing the future Isaik witnessed the past… In the recently attack Stormwind city in the ruined remains of Smuggs’s lab Isaik watched in the distance as the ship containing Varicar the homunculi, Throggore and their new friend sailed away… However in the lab below things were not as still as it seemed, a black substance oozed out of a high tech container… At first it might look like a spilled item, but Isaik saw it move with purpose… As footfalls approached the substance sank away out of sight… It wasn’t moments later after a human peasant moved a large wooden beam that the substance struck! Shooting off the floor with a surprising speed it latched on to the man’s flesh before the peasant fell to the floor in silent agony before he withered away as if drained of blood… The black substance leaked out of the defiled peasant and back into the floor… Isaik considered what he saw as the image slowly faded away…

Isaik noted as Yumara’s past dealt in a great war, the likes of that not seen everyday in Azeroth’s years… This was when the final vision appeared to Isaik, in a rush of dark wind there was Sericon standing over something and he was furious… A odd emotion for this such individual Isaik noted… Sericon reaches around his back pulling forth a long razor tipped blade, “You will not stop me…” Sericon growled before with a spin of his great blade he plunged it downwards the vision vanishing before Isaik’s eyes…

Isaik glanced away from Yumara, it appeared their sleeping warrior had finally awakened and found them… Sericon stood tall unmoving awaiting instructions in such a changed place… Isaik could see the elf was lost looking for his missing bonded, one might see weakness in such actions but the Master saw power and potential, this bond was not like that of Jericha and Salkeen… Izzabelle and Sericon were hardly a Commander and Faithful bond, Isaik referred to the connections like Sericon’s and Izzabelle’s to a Gemini bond…


Skalaz watched as Adelion looked at her remade hands, the product of alchemy and agony, Skalaz had been doing the same inspecting what had been made by the alchemic rebound. But even now Skalaz could only give a cursory glance as the sounds of battle rages out once again, and yet Skalaz’s energy had not returned to him yet…

Skalaz glanced over at Meremi, one of the other goblins that like him had chosen to leave Undermine so early in their liberation from the trolls. “Perhaps indeed you are right, no time for rest at all…” Skalaz said breathing deep and feeling a wave of energy wash over him! The alchemist flexed his fingers causing arcane energy to spark across them… With a heavy heave up, the goblin was on his feet following Meremi to the edge…

Skalaz gazed down it was truly a fierce battle to behold, The Watcher and the Captain of guard faced off against a massive trogg-like creature as hundreds of other troggs crawled down towards them. With renewed energy Skalaz could cast once more, alchemic equations going through his mind as he deliberated his attack! Skalaz extended his hands arcane energy forming transmutation circles around his palms as the goblin directed his magic to the walls of the cave system! With a flash of purple light steel chains formed from the walls tipped with razor sharp blades before firing outward and down towards the behemoth trogg and its numerous minions! The iron and carbon in the room a perfect material for Skalaz to make steel implements from the very walls! Dozens of bladed chains lanced out imbedding themselves into the behemoth trogg, not any killing blows but it was sure to slow that creature down! As bladed chains shot out several wall crawling troggs were not so lucky impales directly in the chest or brain as Skalaz created a array of chains that shot across the pit!

Skalaz followed his attack up with some needed defense, the troggs were likely to be furious now, with a jab of his fingers towards the pit edge Skalaz created a concentrated burning line of alchemic fire. Still Skalaz couldn’t keep such a defense up indefinitely the fire needed oxygen and so too did the cult…


Now this was truly interesting, the sudden shift in behavior seemed to also come with a shift of general memory of the events around her… Sericon nodded very well it wouldn’t hurt if both versions of this women that he felt a bond with knew who he was. “I am Sericon, Dark Magus of the Cult of the Dark Master…” Sericon responded, in the chaos of the battle he did not truly remember what he told the other personality of this Izzabelle women…

Sericon only nodded he understood the approach they would need to take was subtle, Pintee however blurted out his words, “What about me Girly?! Is ole Pintee getting that stealth too or am I phasing out?” The imp chattered, Sericon roller his eyes, Pintee has always been like most imps chatty… That was when the two elves leapt down into the shadows below…

Sericon stood silently pressed up against the wall just like Izzabelle as they heard another minion of these wild attackers speak… Already dealt with the Watcher and his dog? These fools were quite bold, the attack on Sericon and Izzabelle has been coordinated and quick but if they survived the Watcher was undoubtedly still kicking…

Sericon had heard enough, the magus pulled forth his blade from his side, he contemplated attempting to assassinate the worm rider, but glanced to Izzabelle for her opinion… Pintee however was waving his arms and clearly gesturing against such a action, imps were cowardly!


Meremi tossed her head back and laughed, “As they say no rest for the wicked, and we are as evil as it gets.” Reaching the edge of the massive pit. Meremi glances at the ensuing chaos with a twisted grin. “Time to show these wretched troggs their proper place.” She states as Skalaz moves into action.

Meremi paused for but a brief second, it was always a pleasure to watch the alchemy Master at work. The way he could twist, and shape elemental compounds, and minerals was truly a sight to behold, scant moment before your inevitable demise. She watches as the bladed chain blasts from the walls as if fired by a heavy ballista. Spearing through those unfortunate wretched Troggs as they burst forth. Their shrieks of pain, and rage were enough to bring a bigger smile to Meremi’s face before she moved into action.

(in the fiery pit below.)

The gigantic twisted behemoth of a Trogg looks down at its adversaries. It only knows one thing, they must be annihilated at all costs. With a roar that shakes the very cavern it reaches its massive rocky hand down. Claws as hard as iron dig down into the molting stone. Ripping a large chunk of the lava veined rock free, it goes to hurl it at the Watcher, and his ever Faithful Dog. Just as the behemoth brings its arm forward to release the fiery ball of lava, and stone. Many bladed chains rip into its massive form. Many of them strike its lave flowing burning rocky hide, blasting off chunks. Others hit and cause parts of its flesh to burst into razor sharp rocky shards. A few of the barbed bladed chains rip through the wrist and forearm of the hand holding the flaming ball of stone. Jerking it back with a momentum that cause the Trogg to let out a bellow or pure rage. As the fiery ball of death is sent careening backward. It strikes an area of the wall hitting a group of nearly a dozen of those horrific troggs. Five of them didn’t even have time to scream, as they quickly decorated the stone wall with their blood, guts, and bones. Others barely managed to eek out a shriek of agony. Before they to joined the macabre Art Master piece that appeared to be growing across the wall. The unlucky ones fell from the wall, part of their bodies either obliterated, or crushed beyond recognition.


Meremi twists her fingers in a series of patterns while concentrating on an area of the wall that seemed to be mostly untouched by both the Alchemy Master, and the Behemoth’s art work. Chanting under her breath she calls to the elements binding them to her will. With a final word she brought her hands together in a thunderous blast. At first it seems like nothing is happening, then the stone wall starts to rumble and move. Large stone fingers seem to appear from the wall wrapping around two of the Troggs. It sounds like stone being ground up as they are slowly crushed. A face starts to form its gaping maw, filled with stalagmite teeth, closes around the top half of another of the doomed creatures. The lower half of its body tumbles lifelessly down the wall. Within moment two more stone elements form. One snatches up two Troggs, repeatedly slamming them together until all that remains is limp bloodied unidentifiable messes.

Meremi hisses she wouldn’t be able to keep them summoned for long. Her hands were already showing signs of petrifying the tips of her fingers turning to stone. As with most power it comes at a cost, the greater the power, the greater the cost.


Izzabelle bows slightly, “It is nice to formally meet the man who’s bed I woke up in.” She would ask more about why she was there, and about this obvious bond between them. Once they dealt with those that were sent to attack the Dark Magus.

Izzabelle ponders the Imps words for but a brief second, before the stealth washes over him. Although its phasing would come in handy soon enough.

Izzabelle listens as Man moving towards them speaks about some Watcher and his dog. From the sounds of it the two are most likely part of this cult of the Dark Master. Pressed against the wall she watches as the worm rider and a group of Troggs moves past them. Izzabelle watches as Sericon reaches for his blade and pulls it out. Reaching out she lightly places her hand on his halting the attack. Bringing her other hand up she points down towards where they just heard the man speaking.

She listens as the man moving towards them stops, and hurriedly moves off in the opposite direction. With the shroud of concealment still wrapped around the group. Izzabelle whispers so softly that Sericon might think she is speaking directly into his mind. “When you take out the worm rider, have Pintee take control of the reigns. I think they control them by using them.” She explains. Gesturing at how the worm rider is using them to control the way the massive worm moved. Pulling free her own daggers she turned toward the Troggs walking near the great worm. Fel, and shadows coalesced around them, twisting and turning around the evil looking blades. “Let’s get this done, and catch up with our angry friend. she says, her voice taking on a darker tone at the word friend.

Without waiting a moment longer she swiftly moves into action. Knowing the this Dark Magus would be acting alongside her simultaneously. The first Trogg doesn’t even have time to so much as draw its next breath, before Izzabelle’s dagger punctures through it back and into its heart. The shroud collapses as she paints a bloody smile across the throat of a second one. The two remaining Troggs on foot, quickly fumble for their weapons. The closest pulls out a crude looking mace. Which to Izzabelle looked like nothing more then a large jagged piece of rock, tied to the end of a long, thick stick. Izzabelle flips backwards avoiding its wild swing. Landing she drops flat onto her stomach as the second swing passes jus an inch or two over her back.

The second leaps at her as she rolls back up onto her feel knocking her a few steps back into the wall. The jagged rocks dig uncomfortably into her back, yet it isn’t enough to break through the demonic hide. It stabs at her multiple times with its blade. She dodges the first two blows, the third slices across her arm, slicing through flesh and muscle. Her arm feels like it is on fire, these wretches were using some sort of poison on their blades. Moving so fast that the Trogg doesn’t even see it, Izzabelle slashes upwardly with her dagger splitting the Troggs face in two. Dropping her blades they vanish before they can hit the ground. Hissing in rage she drives her clawed fingers into the split in the slice dividing the Troggs face. It tries to scream but nothing comes out of its mouth. Except for its tongue as half of it falls to the stone below. The wretched thing stabs and slices at her for a second before its body goes limp. Izzabelle’s Seem to become to burning pits of fel, as she rips the Troggs skull in half. Then uses the two half’s to parry the mace blows from the first Trogg. both halves shatters with each blow, when it swings a third time her daggers are back in her hands. The blow is headed towards her ready to crack her skull like an egg. The Trogg stumbles as it adversary is suddenly missing. It is all Izzabelle needs as she appears behind it driving her blades through its back.


Varicar grunted as he hit the hard rocky shoreline of the lava lake… Rising from his new position Varicar noted the several cuts and bruises that appeared over his arms and back, stains of blood crisscrossing his leather armor… This was a tough fight Varicar thought, he spat blood from his mouth to the ground, but he had been through tougher…

Varicar turned to look at Amberlei, “For the good of the cult…” He stated, watching his captain of guards ingest a vial of liquids given to them by Skalaz…

The creature was still walking even after having a sword impaled right into its brain cavity… It meant something to Varicar, the creature they were fight was indeed not living… It probably was something skin to the demon rock construct Varicar has seen Sericon summon before… Varicar knew that meant conventional ways of killings ones prey was not going to cut it…

Varicar was pulled away as the beast slams into the ground with its gigantic fists causing webs of molten earth to seep up from beneath them. The two elves landed on a Larger rock, “That thing doesn’t appear to be living at all…” Varicar stated, raising his polearm once more he noticed the archers ready themselves…

Steel chains exploded from the walls impaling the massive behemoth trogg and several other troggs, it appeared Skalaz was awake and back into the battle… Flames ripped up over the edge of the pit keeping the hundreds of other troggs from turning back towards the cult… As the blades ripped out the behemoth was lanced it crashed failing to toss a molten rock it had seized and accidentally sending it back at its own trogg allies. Along a different part of the pit a rock elemental ripped itself from the wall and crushed several troggs…

Varicar saw his moment when the trogg behemoth lost its grip, lunging in close the elf stabbed out with his polearm at the troggs center body before pushing off his own weapon with his feet rolling back to Amberlei… The Watcher hissed, the scalding heat from the behemoth and the lava beneath it had caused minor burns on Varicar’s arms. Varicar pulled out two short bladefists, this fight was far from over and he knew it… Taking one deep breath the Watcher called out… “Skalaz, Restrictions override… Make use of enhancing elements…” Varicar shouted, the goblins would understand… Varicar himself pulled out a small metal vial, before downing its contents…


Wicked… Was that what they were? Skalaz had joined this cult for sometime, they were the only ones almost capable to dealing with the problem he had… The Kirin Tor seemed uninterested in a task that held no value to them… “Evil is as evil does…” Skalaz stated, if it was evil to do what you thought was right, then good was wrong…

Meremi’s creation has Skalaz raise his eyebrow, she was quite capable when the moment called for it. The stone elemental began to crush troggs and assert its dominance when Skalaz heard Varicar call out…

Skalaz was taken back by the command, yet the behemoth trogg still stood despite a head wound and being impaled by chain spikes… Skalaz took a deep breath, at the moment he had no ideas on what to do to such a creature… Skalaz reaches into his cloak pulling free a small metal tube, popping a cap on one end Skalaz inhaled deep its contents! A rare ore from his homeland Kajamite! It took a few moments as Skalaz’s eyes shot open the ore opening his mind in his head! Skalaz has no idea how to describe it, like a migraine in a good way? The goblin stood looking down past his fire wall the flames slowly wilting away as the oxygen lowered in the room, how could he… help… His brain strained staring at the ever dying flames… The fire had no oxygen, only carbon dioxide… Dioxide… oxide… It felt like a truck of inspiration hit Skalaz full force… a new alchemic transmutation has to be made!!

Skalaz took a step to the very edge of the pit clearing the fire from his sides, his eyes were focused he needed to create a transmutation matrix, a alchemic reaction to cycle the chemical reaction of the fire… Twist his hands Skalaz began to draw a transmutation circle from arcane energy, a Ouroborus surrounding a alchemic symbol of fire, drawing quick in purple light the goblin drew symbols of carbon and oxygen separating from a bonded pair to pure elements once more! The spell was so simple he couldn’t understand how he had not seen it before! The fire would burn the carbon and oxygen creating carbon dioxide which the transmutation matrix would convert back to separate carbon and oxygen atoms! It was a everburning Fire! In the center of the pit above the elves below a blazing spiral whirled into being hissing with fury and heat… Troggs were not particularly hurt by fire but they would cook eventually!! Several troggs had not been so lucky, eager to kill the two elves they had leapt from the walls as the flames were born consumed by the screaming blaze!! Living creatures of flesh were nothing to the flames! Several troggs hissed and roared in agony as flames washed over them, the behemoth however when flames danced across it didn’t flinch…


Amberlei curses under her breath at The Watchers remark. “So we are dealing with a construct, or golem of sorts.” she states more then asks, as she pulls her shield from her back, and changes into a guardian stance. Speaking a few archaic words the shield emits a dark green glow before forming a shield wall around the two of them. Ameberlei know it wont take much to bring it crashing down. That last potion made it so that she could now put weight on her busted up leg. Yet she sure as hell wasn’t going to be doing any acrobatics anytime soon.

The sight of its conquests still living, send the massive monstrisity into a near frenzy. Bellowing out the walls of the cavern shake, sending a rocks and boulders tumbling down onto both combatants, and onto the rocky ledge on which they stood. Amberlei swings her shield up slamming it into the largest of the boulders, causing it to explode into dust, and stone slivers. The rest of them bounce off of her shield wall just second before it collapses. Spinning around she sees the behemoth preparing to hurl a fiery ball of rock and lava at them.

Amberlei was about to bring up another shield wall when the flash of purple catches her eye, and she grins. Skalaz was never down and out for long, and with him back in the action thing were about to become much more exciting. Amberlei lets out a loud laugh as chains of steel burst forth from the walls slamming into the Massive Trogg. Chipping away at some of it’s lavarock skin. Yet if anything it seemed to be further angering the monstrosity.

The chains also brought her attention to the fact that they were not alone, hundreds of glowing eyes look upon them with hatred. Amberlei cannot help but silently cheer as a few of Skalaz’s bladed chains manage to rip through the behemoth’s arm causing the ball of fiery death to careen back into a group of troggs. The blood, and gore splatter on the wall from that was amazing.

The walls were moving as hundreds of troggs start to unmeld from them. They crawl along them, leaping when they reach certain areas. except for those that now find themselves pinned to the stone like butterflies on a corkboard. Those ones hand off of the wall like some twisted piece of art. pinned by their torsos, and heads. The living ones writhing in agony as they attempt to free themselves.

Amberlei turns towards Varicar and smiles, “It would seem that the shaper has decided to join in on this fight.” she says as she changes her stance and rushes forward. She slams the hilt of her sword into the behemoth’s leg, causing pieces of it’s lava veined rocky flesh to chip and fall off. luckily her armor protected her from most of the flaming shards, yet the same armor also made it feel like she was being cooked alive in this inferno. leaping back she land next to The Watcher. “When this battle is over we are getting something cold to drink.”

It would seem that she wasn’t the only one that decided to strike while the beast was raging. Varicar’s polearm now stuck out from the lower half of the massive troggs belly. the lava dripping down it was quickly eroding it.

Amberlei smiles at The watchers words and reaches for a special steel flask that she keeps with her for these special occasions.

Perhaps two dozen troggs are consumed by the Master Alchemists fiery disc. Their burnt and burning lifeless husks raining down around the two of them. One of the husks is still living, its head lunges forth charred blacken teeth trying to latch onto the flesh of Varicar’s leg. Amberlei drives her blade down through it’s skull. Then raises an eyebrow as she looks over at Varicar, and grins. “Only you would demand that they turn up the heat, while we are being cooked in the oven.”

The Behemothic golem had had enough, twisting it’s arm back it grabs the chains that are sticking out of it. With a might roar it rips them from the wall, pulls forth gigantic chunks of stone. Using its other massive hand it rips the chains from it’s arm. An evil smirk spreads across its twisted face as it looks at its crudely made weapon. Standing within the heat of that ever-burning fire, it pulls the massive chunks of stone toward itself. letting the flames wash over the stone until it was red hot. The behemothic trogg then starts to whip the flail like weapon around it’s head. Grinning madly it releases it, not towards Varicar and Amberlei, but towards the group of archers, and the two Goblins standing at the edge of the pit. when it strikes the ledge around the group of them explodes. Fortunately the two goblins were at the edge of the explosion. The Archers weren’t so lucky, many of them were shredded by the explosion. The rest either died in the fall as the edge gives way, or are eaten as the masses of troggs start to swarm across the pit.


Sericon climbing to the apex of the great citadel past great works of stone art, several of them depicted great creatures of the land, supposed native species that had cropped up on the lonely little nether world… The pictures of dark and mystical forests reminded Sericon of a particular kind of terrain he had seen before… It had been so long since Sericon had fallen into his coma, had Yumara places a forest here? Surviving against the fel of the nether? The citadel itself seemed so very alive for the mausoleum-like hallways below… The walls thrummed with latent energy as if the entire construction warded off a great and wild power… Sericon stopped to admire the advanced engineering and magic embedded into the walls, such wards… Sericon had heard of such places in the nether where the ever raining chaos inhibited even the legion from fully settling upon its worlds. It was a interesting revelation to say the least, a valid reason for why the world had been so abandoned…

Sericon continued up in the citadel, this obelisk of the Master’s power, great struts of stone continuing up the side of the stone structure to extend it far into the heavens. Sericon tilted his head, they were lower than he expected… Had the entire citadel sunk into the earth around it concealing most of it behind massive enchanted trees and glowing caverns below… There before Sericon was the Master and Yumara in the center focused and surrounded by a whirling torrent of void and light energies… As much as Sericon could figure the Master was attempting to sift through the futures before them to guide them all to the greatest future… When the master finally moved his head towards Sericon’s position did the elf finally speak… “Master… I have awakened and as true is my loyalty I come to you. I seek your guidance on what next task you bring and in your power I ask you a question…” Sericon stated his words true his vision unmoving as he watched the dark creature. “Where is my bonded? Where is Izzabelle? I know she still lives but the bond feels so distant!” Sericon said with ever increasing emotion.

The master responded, “Indeed, Izzabelle was taken away by Orion… Death hangs over that very spot she struck out at… Her form was so bloodied and broken…” the dark voices hissed as the Masters voice seemed to emanate from everywhere at once…

“No… She was alive… I felt it… I still feel it! She is alive!!” Sericon growled back his words rough until he had a self realization, he had not been strong enough to protect her… In a growing pain of self fury Sericon roared before slamming his fists into the citadel itself beneath him… Isaik gave a cruel smile, this was what he knew lay inside Sericon… As Sericon pulled his fists away he saw spider web like cracks now covered the floor and two large cracks had even made their way off the edge of the citadel and down it quite a ways…

“She is quite alive…” The Master hissed, “You will be strong enough in time… You must reforge yourself…” Isaik hissed cryptic as always…

Sericon glanced up, his attention on the dark being, the Master himself pulled forth a great stone orb laced with dark and cruel markings… Sericon recognized the demonic upon it, perhaps some void but it was legion for sure… “This is the object you will need on your destiny to topple the Warlock… But getting it will not be so easy…” The Master stated releasing the orb from his hands, in mere seconds the stone ball rocketed off the edge of the citadel and down into the forests below… “Seek out the orb…” Isaik hissed as the small sphere moved farther and farther away at great speeds…

Sericon rushed to the edge of the citadel, could he even hope to accomplish this alone… When he was just a pilot in Salkeen’s army he didn’t know the feeling of being bonded, but now that he was and Izzabelle was so far, he felt a incompleteness that he had not felt before… He had been while while with her… Could he wander through the wilds with such a feeling in his soul… “Yes I can…” Sericon growled, he would push forward, he would set out and trek the wilds… He would have a place waiting Izzabelle when she returned, Sericon would never give in…

With a mighty roar Sericon leapt from the side of the citadel falling towards the unforgiving earth, with a quick move the elf pulled forth a axe from the air a simple weapon summoning spell before digging it into the citadels side to slow his fall… Sericon touched down into the forest floor below, a gouge carved into the citadel above him, he had to press on…


Orion’s eyes snap open, as he draws air into his lungs for the first time since he had collapsed. He was on his feet in less then a nanosecond, he was missing time. This wasn’t good, this wasn’t good at all. While the two Izzabelle’s that were here in his space would not be effected. Those outside of his space would feel the passage of time. Yumara. switching to his feline form, he hops onto his broom. He is about to depart, when a cry of anguish and loss stops him in his place. One of the Izzabelle’s was crying out for her Bonded. A bond that transcends both time and space, time-locked she was still feeling the distance between them. He hovers in the air for but a moment then vanishes.

He reappears in a room full of clocks, and various other time telling devices. There’s billions of them in this room. They cover the walls, the ceiling and the floor. Yet the room is still, there’s no sound or movement, save that of his own. All of the clocks remain frozen, all on the same time. In the center of this time locked space there’s but a single bed. Nothing lavish or fancy, just a wooden frame and a mattress. It is what rests on the bed, that Orion needs to fix. Lying on the bed, body still torn, bloodied and broken, is Izzabelle. Izzabelle whom against his own will he has created me to love as a daughter. Reaching the bed he hovers above it on his little broom, his timeless eyes scanning her for the true extent of the damage she had caused herself. His game washes down over her, he can see that Oblivion had claimed more then he hold of preferred. He would need to involve Jericha if such an event took place again.

let me out.

Damn. Orion curses silently as Izzabelle’s mind seems to be awake, although the rest of her is frozen.

Let Me Out.

This time the command was stronger, followed by a wave of agony and despair. Orion would have to move quick. Izzabelle’s mind should still be resting, he quickly scans his time locked spells. Nothing is out of place, why is she…

Sericon… her mind practically wails out his name, desperately searching for him. LET ME OUT. Orion nearly falls from his broom, as the waves of loss and despair pelt him from all sides.

Orion curses then switches to his Elven form, *how could he have been so stupid as to separate the Bonded. Even within his space the bond screams for the two of them to be together. He would need to fix her and return her. Slowly the clocks in the room come to life, excepts time isn’t moving forward it is moving backwards. As more of the devices start operating. One could see the wounds on Izzabelle starting to close up and vanish. Yet to fully heal her, she would need to loose more of her memories. Otherwise her body would never fully recover. To make up for what Oblivion claimed she would need to sacrifice something. Her memories where all that she had, and she had precious few of them. Speaking he weaves spells into the time matrix which surrounds her. With a words a goblin, who excels in alchemy vanishes not dust. *In time she would meet his again. A fierce battle against a never ending enemy fades until it blinks out of existence.


The voice is small, no, not a single voice, but hundreds of thousands of voices speaking all at once. Orion looks about there should be nothing in this room save for himself and Izzabelle. He moves to continue his work

(stop.) the voices again, this time louder.

It takes him but a moment to realize that the voice is coming from Izzabelle. Yet that is impossible she still remains frozen. Wait not from Izzabelle, but from within her. Could it be? Scanning her again he sees them hundreds of thousands of her little mutant spiderlings move throughout and over her body. Orion understands what they desire, although he is unsure how Izzabelle will react. Instead of her remaining memories they chose to be sacrificed instead. Izzabelle would feel their loss, but unlike the rest of her, in time they would return to full strength. The nest within her would fill up again, for now only a few dozen of the strongest would remain. Yet she was healed for now, with the exception of her heart, and soul. Those would require her being with her bonded, and a thoughtless void witch.

He moves to awaken her, a mistake on his part, given her thought process. As soon as her eyes are open, there’s a weapon in her hand slashing out at his face. It never comes close as she suddenly vanishes, ejected from the space. Orion knows that she will return to the place she was. Hopefully she would be okay for now he had to return to Yumara. She was in great danger of being taken.


As usual Aeseir’s dear sister had the same ideas he himself had come up with. This was it then they would attack the body of the beast after it’s insidious glow and end it for good!

With the heads severed the behemoth crashed to the arena floor, it’s body getting ready to remake the beast once more! Aeseir had been taken back by his sisters enhancing of his shield watching as it has arched across the field, snapping back the elf jumped from the wall following his dear sister as she ya see her strength to leap across the field her weapons in hand!

The beasts hideous hide armor cracked under the assault leaving the breathing hissing lump of flesh open to a killing blow! Jaseiah appeared by her brothers side sending forth a magic of speeding time! “I will dear sister!” Aeseir roared as he rushed forward his sword in hand, screaming with all his might the elven spell breaker channeled arcane energy into his weapon when for only a split second Aeseir heard something a flash of vision enveloped his gaze! A screaming raging demon of fire roared inside Aeseir’s head, Aeseir’s blade once glowing with purple arcane grew furious into red flames of chaos before the elf stabbed the hydra with all his power! The beast exploded violently into thousands of burning pieces that rained down upon the arena and its audience… For only a moment everything was silent and still before the audience erupted into a crazed applause that could be heard around the whole of Undermine!

Aeseir pulled back his blade looking at it with shock, “What in Silvermoon was that?” The elf said, the power the sword had vanished with the explosion of the beast it had slain… Aeseir picked up his sheild now shrunk back down to its original size when a voice picked up over the arena…

“The Hydra has been defeated!! The unstoppable Aeseir and Jaseiah of the Kirin Tor, showed what they had and it was something to behold! Now the bruisers will be coming around to collect your bets!” The ecstatic goblin voice called before several leather clad goblins appeared in the field. “What a show!” One squeaked, “The boss is gonna be overjoyed!” The other said. “Please come with us back up!” The goblins said gesturing the elves to follow, they turned towards the chord encouraging the applause towards the outsiders.


A place without sight, without voice, without sound. A place where utter stillness, meets perpetual motion. A place devoid of thought, of memories, of life. A place where color didn’t exist, where darkness and light were one and the same. A place outside of time. She has no thoughts, she has no name, she has no existence…

A flash of color, a jolt of pain, rips through her, her mind awakening. Pain, loss, despair… Missing! Something was missing! Far away it was, yet it reached for her! The pain, the pain was horrific, she couldn’t move, body frozen, trapped.

let me out.

A room full of clocks, her body burned, it ached, she was being skinned, stabbed, slashed, torn apart. The utter feeling of loss tore at her as this cat hovered above her. She didn’t want to be here, trapped helpless, defenseless.

Let Me Out.

She could feel magic washing ver her body, it both healed and irritated her, like the feeling of cool water on a burn. Yet after the coolness fades, an unbearable itch takes its place. A face, a name, why wasn’t he here, where was he? The despair peaks.

SERICON. her very mind wails his name out like that of a banshee.


Flashes of visions appear before her, then are gone, no recollection of the remaining. A Goblin, a master of alchemy… skal… in a flash the name, is gone followed by everything else. She watches as memories of a battle fade and crumble to dust. Something moves within her, then she feels a terrible sense of loss, followed by an inner silence they leaves her feeling completely devastated. Then she is free.

Her eyes snap open, she can move. She lunges at the man before her, her shadowy blade appearing in her hand. Yet the blade never strikes him. The man, the room, the clocks vanish. Her blade slices into a massive root, as it continues its momentum. Izzabelle jumps back a little her vision adjusting to her dimly lit surroundings. She appeared to be beneath the ground in some massive cavern system. Large twisting roots and stone form the walls of the giant room she is in. From the gaps between those roots, thousands of eyes stare out at her. Izzabelle tries to get a better look at what creatures hid within this place. She feels something brush across her leg like a slight breeze, that just barely rustles your hair. Then she is pulled from her feet, her face slams against the hard rocky moss covered floor. Blood explodes down the back of her throat as her nose shatter. White hot pain shoots across her face, as she is pulled up off of the ground by her ankle .

Izzabelle twists and strikes at the root that is wrapped around her ankle. She hisses in pain and anger, as thorns grow from it and puncture through the flesh and deep into the muscle. Then she screams as acidic like sap is injected into her leg. The muscle and flesh starts to bubble up and corrode. Her blade slices the root holding her, and she drops to the floor. She rolls out of the way barely managing to avoid the second root that shoots out at her. Taking a quick look around she activated her demonic skin. The ever burning flames lap over her damages flesh, healing the damage with hellish fire. She dodges and parties a few more of the attacks. Looking around she now sees that every root is starting to move, it’s like the very room she was in was alive. Turning on her foot she sees a tunnel leading from the room. Dodging another attack she sprints towards the opening. She doesn’t look behind her as thousands of roots and vines reach out to snag her. She can feel it as some get close and rip out her hair, and tear away pieces of her clothing. Her chest burns as she reaches the exit. Bursting through it, the air about her seems to chance. She can hear the roots and vines behind her slithering away.

She collapses against the wall, taking in deep breaths, her lungs, and chest burned from the exertion. Then she felt it, he was here, her bonded. Pushing away from the wall she blends into the shadows. Then she starts to move swiftly through the passage way. Towards the surface, towards the one her soul cried out for.


Sericon spoke his unmoving statue-like stance broken to real the emotions lock behind and inside… Isaik tilted his heads choosing his words wisely yet not revealing to much as to what he knew… “Indeed, Izzabelle was taken away by Orion… Death hangs over that very spot she struck out at… Her form was so bloodied and broken…” the dark voices hissed as the Masters voice seemed to emanate from everywhere at once…

Isaik watched as Sericon explained what he felt his bond though stretched still was quite connected to his bonded. With a great display of power Sericon struck the very citadel they stood upon causing cracks to appear… Intrigued Isaik pondered if perhaps the elf had some sort of power from extreme emotion? Perhaps not, perhaps it was a hidden power he retained yet had yet to master… The master gave a cruel grin, this was what he was hoping would manifest in the bonded of Izzabelle…

The dark master waited for Sericon to regain control over his own power before speaking… “She is quite alive…” The Master hissed, “You will be strong enough in time… You must reforge yourself…” Isaik hissed cryptic as always to his minions yet he himself fully understood the tasks at hand. Sericon had shown and proven himself in exhibiting that he could swing his weapons around and slay things like stone effigies… But fighting the individual that was the warlock would mean Sericon had to relearn just how his own body worked. Isaik noted that for a warlock Sericon had been pretty agile and mobile but running in robes was different than plate… Lastly Sericon would need to toughen himself to handle the true power that might be sent against him and Izzabelle.

Isaik glanced at the great life that had sprung up around the citadel before he pulled forth a great stone orb laced with dark and cruel markings… Isaik knew Sericon would recognize the demonic upon it, perhaps some void but it was legion for sure… “This is the object you will need on your destiny to topple the Warlock… But getting it will not be so easy…” The Master stated releasing the orb from his hands, in mere seconds the stone ball rocketed off the edge of the citadel and down into the forests below… “Seek out the orb…” Isaik hissed as the small sphere moved farther and farther away at great speeds…

Isaik watched unmoved as Sericon leapt to the wild untamed nature below, he would definitely be tested in the savage and dark forests and life below… The dark master gave a cruel grin, would they recognize the object inside the orb? Isaik wondered… His eyes turned outwards towards the wilderness below, it seemed Izzabelle was already back amongst them again… Together they would survive whatever was thrown at them…


Jaseiah knew that her brother wouldn’t let that beast regenerate again. As he rushed forward, a deathly silence seemed to fill the Arena. The audience was on the ends of their seats, waiting to see the final outcome of this horrific battle. In this stillness Jaseiah could see the Hydra gathering power to regenerate itself. Do it now brother, strike that beast down. Jaseiah hisses in her mind.

Jaseiah cannot help but let out a startled gasp and fall back a few steps as hellish red flames shoot down along Aeseir’s blade, easily extinguishing the arcane. Within her own body something responds, she feels fire coursing through her veins. Her blue eyes flash green as he strikes the quivering lump of flesh just as the heads start to reform. The Hydra’s body glows as Aeseir’s flaming blade stabs into it. Cracks start to form all over its body, for a few moment the flesh seems to swell and throb. Then it explodes into thousand of burning pieces, that rain down upon the arean and its audience. Jaseiah brings up a shield to protect herself from the burning debris. Her eyes return to normal once her brothers attack is finished.

Jaseiah knew what it was and was rather certain that her brother also knew what it was. As high ranking members of the Kirin Tor, they had been called in to deal with demons from time to time. Aeseir and her would need to talk about this, this wasn’t something that could happen uncontrolled again. Hopefully the Guardian didn’t feel this explosion of demonic power. Jaseiah moves towards Aeseir “Whatever it was dear brother, we will discuss when we are alone.” Jaseiah states in a voice so low that only Aeseir can hear it.

The roar of the crowd was deafening, the Audience was on its feet cheering loudly. Amid the cheers were some pretty heavy cursing. It seemed that some placed their money on the Hydra. She stands tall next to Aeseir as the Bruisers move into the crowd, and start collecting the bets.

Jaseiah turns and follows the Goblin, a smile playing on her lips, this was just their first battle. By the time they left this island they would be renowned, Generations from now, goblins would be speaking their names. In her head she hears a deep commanding voice. You do not kneel before others, you force them to kneel before you… she feels the fire in her veins for but a brief instance. Then both it and the voice are gone. Her eyes catch Aeseir’s as they walk behind the goblin. She wondered if Aeseir was thinking the same thing she was. How the hell do we explain this one to Mom.


Sericon leapt through some trees of vile thorns and dark moss, his ears still bleeding from what he had just encountered, Mandrakes a entire field of the hideous things… Sericon cursed his ears were healing still but he wouldn’t have even been in that vile field if the hellhounds had not ambushed him… Sericon sighed at least the fetid mutts had been scared off by the mandrakes…

Sericon paused for a moment gathering his barrings, the elf was quite sure he was in one of the underground areas of the forest around the citadel… Sericon held forth his blade, the sword he had summoned a bit before the hell hounds came in force, although their was light in these dark caves given off by some sort of roots or underground mushroom Sericon used the green fel light he was accustomed too… This trek had been different than he expected the life born of the goddesses forests more powerful and cunning than other beasts of Azeroth’s wilds… Pulling forth a piece of leather Sericon studied his surroundings creating more pieces to a map that he had drawn upon it… The orb that the master had loosed, was likely miles from his point by now… Sericon stood pondering his next direction when he felt it…

Like a welling of water to a dry river the bond within him surged to life and stronger than ever! Sericon glanced around wildly, had Izzabelle finally returned?? The feeling of his bond filled him with renewed energy, glancing skyward he felt she was near! A grin sort of wild in nature graced his face before the elf leapt with all his might towards the nearest cave wall! Stabbing his blades deep into the earth he would climb towards her!

Though the elf had now found a path, the life surrounding him was not so droll as to sit idly by… Fetid vines and stagnant moss creeped across the ground and vile dark slime oozed from cracks in the ground… The dark and rotting creatures of the pitch black had awakened to Sericon’s presence in the ebony depths… Sericon climbed a bit further up stabbing his sword into a higher ledge before a poisonous thieves vined wrapped around his leg pulling him back down into the vile living ground below! It looked like he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon!

Sericon glared at the vile insidious plants before him as his sword fully enveloped in emerald flames! The elf gave a small arrogant smirk before charging forward swing his blade slicing through the first of many vile plants that separated him from his bonded!!


Corttez pushes his hands into the smooth wood of helm wheel, “See that Ye do.” The captain stated as he watched the crew member disappear below the deck… Corttez focused, he was not a medic nor some healer, he was a sailor, if he was to help the injured crew below, those that deserved to survive such a ordeal, he would need to use his nautical knowledge to get them to their destination as quickly as he could manage! The waves crashed against the Crimson Quell as she made her way through the seas rough tides, the great ship was a faster vessel than most, she was a extraordinary ship…

Corttez glanced to the skies a dark overcast crawling across the ocean… Storm was coming… The tide mother seemed restless… Corttez’s instinct would prove right as only moment after as waves of great size crashed into the red vessel, storm clouds swirled above whipping the sky into a frenzy! The whole madness of the thing only made Corttez grin, “Is that all ye got?” The captain spat under his breath!

The great vessel despite the raging storm cut through the waters like a hot dwarven dagger through Stormwind butter! The clever captain would ride the great waves as they swelled up and expertly turn the vessels path on the way down causing the great ship to be thrust forward by the raging sea! “More speed!” Corttez roared to the working crew members as they worked the ships rigging to keep the sails nice and tight! Corttez laughed fighting the ocean for command of his vessel as they shot past a rocky spike sticking from the watery depths. “Any you wee bilge rats still wishing you were on sweet dry land may be wanting to pray to Ye gods because we playing with watery death now! Tide mothers angry!” Corttez roared laughing as he spun the wheel hard dodging another blade like rock, some might see sailing through a storm as mad, but Corttez was making up for lost time!


Izzabelle collapses against the stone wall gasping for breath. Her legs and chest burned from the exertion of energy to have sprinted for such a distance. Flesh, and muscle, were still repairing themselves, from her recent battle with a tree blight. Cursing she starts to pull the dozens of thorns out that are embedded in her left arm. Damn this twisted forest, and its dark inhabitants. Izzabelle thinks recalling the twig like monstrosities that had attacked her after she had destroyed the tree blight. Little wretched fairy beings that when still resembled twisted dead twigs and branches. Yet they were very much alive, their cursed horned arrows covered in a sap that made the flesh burn, and itch. Izzabelle was hard pressed not to scratch the flesh from her arm, and hand. Plucking out the last of the thorns, she activates her crimson vial. The healing washes over her taking away the worse of the burning pain, and overwhelming itch.

Healed and breathing easier Izzabelle takes notice of her surroundings. A cave of sorts, the wall, floor and roof of it were damp. The stalactites that hung from the ceiling of the cave dripped moisture down onto her. Grouped together like jagged fangs of some ancient beast. The stalagmites that grew up from the floor, were covered in moss, and slime. The pointed jagged ends guaranteeing death to those unlucky enough to be impaled on one. To the back of the cave was an large tunnel, that lead deeper into this horrific labyrinth of a forest she now found herself in. Pushing away from the wall Izzabelle moves toward the back of the cave. As she approaches she feels a gust of warm damp air wash over her, coming from the darkened tunnel before her. She steps closer, the warm damp air washes over her again. Another step, the walls, ceiling, and floor rumble, causing Izzabelle to stumble forward. Reaching out her hand grabs at the wall as she steadies herself against it.

Turning back, she stares across the large cavernous room at the entrance she had run through earlier. It was strange how the things that had been hell bent on her death hadn’t followed her inside. Another wave of warm air washes over her, as her eyes scan the the cave once more. Her heart suddenly starts beating faster, as the truth dawns on her. This was no cave, this was a monstrous beast, and she was standing in its mouth. Swearing she sprints across the room towards the opening. The rocking slime covered floor shakes and rumbles, causing her to stumble and nearly fall. She barely dodges the large globs of acidic drool that are dripping from this massive creatures stalactites teeth. The opening is getting smaller as this horrid beasts mouth begins to slam shut. Three steps, two steps, one step, Izzabelle dives through the ever shrinking opening. Dropping about ten feet she strikes the forest floor hard. Swearing she rolls around in agony on the ground, part of one of her feet are now missing, bitten clean off as she leapt through the opening at the last minute.

Biting her lip, to silence herself she slips into the shadows, she needed to heal, and find her bonded, she could feel his energy beneath her. She could also feel the earth around her tremble as she hid behind one of the many massive trees.


Yumara stood silent as Master spoke with Sericon, her hand lightly gripping the soft material of his robes. She marveled for but a brief second, so soft, so smooth. Yet it was capable of repelling some of the most powerful Magic’s in the universe. Letting out a breath, Yumara continues to sort and categorize past memories, and future visions. She stops and looks over at the warrior as the floor trembles around her. Sighing she rolls her eyes, It’s one of the reasons she was drawn to Master. He didn’t give in to testosteronic shows of strength. It would seem that he noticed that Izzabelle wasn’t with them. Yumara was slightly surprised that Orion hadn’t returned for the Elf. She goes back to her mental compartmenting, sees from the corner of her eye as Sericon leaps from the Tower.

Yumara twitches as Izzabelle returns and strikes cutting deep into one of the many roots of her wild darkened forest. She was connected to everything every blade of grass, grain of sand, down to the tiniest microscopic particles in the air. She felt it when they were wounded, destroyed, she didn’t feel the actual pain, yet she knew its agony. She turns he head up, and looks at Master. “It would seem that our Izzabelle has finally been returned to us Master.” Yumara states “unfortunately for her she seems to have appeared in one of the guardian chambers.” She finishes, turning and looking off in the direction that the elf had jumped. The guardian chambers were these massive rooms where the very forest would seek to kill you. Dissolve you into liquid and suck all the nutrients from your liquified form.

Yumara looks up at Master, about to speak when Orion Poofs, in beside her. Sitting on his broom, in his ever popular feline form. “I was wondering how long it would take you to appear, now that Izzabelle is back here.” Yumara say, looking at Orion as he hovers near her head. “I hadn’t expected you to be gone for so long Orion, what happened?” Yumara asks her brows furrowing in the middle. “Be thankful that we are where we are, and that my connection to the Master is as strong as it is. You put me in danger. Those who wish my destruction could of acted and in your absence…”

”Perhaps if you had thought yourself before acting, this wouldn’t of happened.” Orion hisses inside of her mind. ”Your foolish attack, and bringing the two Oblivion corrupted Izzabelle’s together, caused problems that I was not expecting.” Orion finishes, pacing up and down the handle of the broom.

Yumara frowns “problems? What do you mean? She asks hers hand involuntarily clutching Master’s robes.

Speaking out loud Orion replies, “It would seem that I have lost time. We will not be able to return to the moment that we left. We will need to return to a time in he future. Depending on the world, it could be a few days to a few months.” Orion explains to the both of them. This Izzabelle’s has been returned, however not without consequences. She has forgotten many things, and many people. To stop her mind from being wiped completely clean, 90% of her spiderlings made the ultimate sacrifice. The ones remaining can eventually rebuild the nest, but it could take years.” Orion says, the fur on the back of his hackle standing up in agitation. “As for the other Izzabelle she is still time locked in my space, and much worse off then this one. In the future I will move the Izzabelle’s between my space and Azeroth, as is required. Keeping her within you has proven to be dangerous.” Orion says his eyes scanning Yumara for any anomaly’s, or abnormalities, that might throw her off balance.

Yumara lets out a soft barely audible growl, one that only the Master is able to hear. I know of Izzabelle’s importance, still your first job is to watch me. Yumara cannot help but think.

”I need to see what can be done for the other Izzabelle.” Orion says, speaking once more into Yumara’s mind. “I also need to stop by and speak with the Unbound things are happening that shouldn’t.” He speaks aloud turning towards Isaik. “I would of thought a spell of your would of had more staying power Dark One. Not buckled beneath the power of Salkeen’s blood fighting to be freed.” With that said he is gone. Yet as he vanishes Isaik mind is filled with a vision.

A place with so many time telling devices, and doors, that they could never be counted. Orion hold Izzabelle to his chest, her body broken and bleeding. Oblivion having claimed nearly 40 percent of her. Her eyes and most of the flesh and muscle on her cheeks, are none existent. Leaving large gaping holes in her flesh. “Please reconsider, I do not want to do this.” Orion says his voice cracking as he holds back his tears. “No, you will do this Orion.” Izzabelle states angrily her body shaking in fury, and pain. “But what about…” “They don’t care, I’m nothing but some freaking pawn in their twisted games. Sign the contract Orion.” Izzabelle says, her voice breaking. “Still you could…” “Sign the Damn contract Orion, or I will let Oblivion claim me right now.” Izzabelle screams in a loud raspy whisper. The contract appears before Orion, sighing sadly he signs it. With his blood, his soul his magic, the pain nearly destroys him. Once able to speak again he turns and looks down at the broken form in his arms. “It is done.” He states his voice trembling slightly. “Thank you Orion, remember, Nothing for Free.”

The image swirls into blackness, leaving Master back in the present time with Yumara.


Sericon swing his fel blade wildly like he was dancing, in truth he was actually casting… There were more than one ways to cast fel magic when you were a warlock, specific regents, hand gestures, casting poses. Sericon was still not able to summon a flame by his own hand yet the feel of slicing his sword while assuming stances of casting still seemed to further the flames from his blade! Hideous slime creatures hissed and cowered away as the life eating flames licked and whirled around them, Sericon hardly would let up, he had to push through!

That was when the earth quaked beneath his feet! Some large thing or creature began to move, Sericon cursed as he lost his footing the ever dancing flames dying away before the foul and vile subterranean wildlife! Crashing to the ground Sericon rose his shield as creatures that looked like bog beasts leapt at his fallen form poisonous vile leaking from their fetid twisted vine like face. Sericon growled pushing his shield back to try to give himself room but the creatures started to pile on, Sericon hissed as acid dripped onto his face… Sericon was so close to Izzabelle he could feel it, yet these things were in his way. Sericon focused all the power he had into his shield before a cackling screaming sent a blast of fel flames Exploding outwards! The foul rot creatures hissed shrieking as several were burned away, Sericon leapt to his feet quickly… His face was still burned from the acidic attacks and he had only a moment to recover before the dark creatures started to recover their ranks…

Sericon took a deep breath the darkness gave these foul things strength and above him was Izzabelle, he had no other choice… Sericon roared throwing his sword into the ceiling above, each time he pulled his hand back a new fel blade appeared in his hand for him to throw yet again! Sericon threw seven blades into the cave ceiling before with a final heave he threw a eighth blade into the center of the blades. Green flames flared to life creating a pentagram of emerald blazes, Sericon watched as the pentagram detonated causing the ceiling to cave in, giving way to bright outside light cascading to the depths below! The hideous vile things of the dark slinked away, clearly the light was no friend… Sericon took a moment to catch his breath, he had broke a way to the upper world but he did not know what lay above.