Tell my about your lost hopes in BfA

I had hope that after the way they interacted in A Good War we’d get an interesting friendship between Nathanos and Saurfang that would help pull Nathanos away from Sylvanas so when she got axed the Forsaken could grow without her with Nathanos leading the way.

Now I’ll just settle for “Please don’t kill the whole four named Forsaken NPCs that have some kind of character development when you axe Sylvanas and then forget they exist until you need the Horde to do something evil again”.


Welcome to a two playable faction game, where the side with the advantage will always need to throw it away because we can’t actually obliterate another playable faction.

This is why trying to make the faction war a central storyline is a dumb idea.


Well, you could (temporarily) obliterate one of the sides story-wise, just put Zidormi where needed

But victory doesn’t have to be this crushing. A long war with several geopolitical changes but about the same net gain/loss for each faction is feasible.


Although they give Jaina and Anduin rather compassionate dialogue, I don’t think they stray from pushing the advantage because it’s out of empathy, but rather because they don’t have the assets to mount another attack. The whole thing was very contingent on both a veil of mist and the Horde not being present for the attack.

I will say it, to their credit, they did consider the logistical angle of attacking any fortified place being an absolute meatgrinder (as they did with Lordaeron) though without having that context, it comes across very much as ‘we could deliver the deathblow, but we shouldn’t’, and not ‘we want to deliver the deathblow, but we can’t’.

But that context is something the writing team should have made clear.

It’s just like, in the context of Anduin and Genn’s dialogue at the start of Lost Honor, it was obvious to me that Anduin isn’t helping Tyrande right that minute because the Alliance doesn’t have the forces to spare, but clearly a portion of the playerbase thinks he’s just refusing to help an ally rather than that logistically, opening up yet another front to the war would cause them to lose the whole thing. (I would also argue that, as a centuries old leader, Tyrande should have already known the state of the Alliance forces and either realized what she was asking was unreasonable, or come to him with a feasible plan, but when has Blizzard let Tyrande be reasonable?)


I’d hoped BfA was going to use Teldrassil as a launchpad for tilting into darker, more pessimistic storytelling.

Instead, they just seem to have the wildly stupid idea that literal, word-Golden-used genocide can just exist in the canon without changing the overall theme or tone a single iota.


If Graymane turned around and broke Anduin’s neck and proclaimed himself king of Stormwind, i don’t even think the chamber guards would flinch; and the city would cheer…

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snort Yes, I’m sure a city full of civilians would cheer if the king who actually wants peace for them was murdered and deposed by someone who’ll happily throw them in the meat grinder, probably after infecting them with the worgen curse first.

Any peace that leads to war, let alone genocide isn’t a peace. Through his negligence Anduin has een intimidated into an agent of Sylvanas. The people of Stormwind will understand; their already suffering from Anduin’s infatuation with peace.

The whining and complaining of this generation of gamers.
They have only gotten worse and are a plague on these forums, writing posts like these, fishing for likes.

Voicing your disappointments is not only some thy ing mandatory its a crike to oppose in soke countries.

Like WoD, BfA had the opportunity to become the greatest and most evolving xpac of the series; only to teeter out before a year Old.

The Candyman style hunter pet nerfs. The squandering and outright misleading of lore to appease a dead lady evil since wc3 is stifling to say the least.

Funny you say that, when World of Warcraft was born on the same platform of opinionated fans who were diehard fans to Everquest.

The only thing that’s changed is the language and it’s been far more polite than what was considered to be fair in the late 90s.

Jeff Kaplan’s email toward the Everquest devs is still amazing, especially with his current mindset towards people being mean in Overwatch