Tell Me When - Devouring Plague

Hi, im trying to make a proc border for devouring plague. It’s not really a buff, or is it?Is it a cd, even though you have to build insanity to “activate” it?

I made a tracker for the dot no problem, but I want to make a proc border for when it’s ready to use, after I’ve built 50 insanity. I realize that I can just watch my insanity bar, but I’m sure there’s other players out there like me, that just like their shiny procs.

If anyone has DP set up in Tell Me When like I’m trying to do, then I would sure appreciate your set up information.

Why it doesn’t proc anyway is beyond me. Same with SW:Death, it doesn’t look like it’s proccing anymore either

Go to Reactive Ability drop down when adding it, then find the one that says it requires 50 insanity, there’s only 3 options.

Thank you. When get back to my pc I will definitely give that a shot. Your name seems really familiar, I think you’ve helped me before!

Thanks to EFX I was able to get it figured out. To anybody who uses tell me when and wants to set up an activation border for devouring plague:

Reactive Ability
Devouring Plague (obviously)
Check activation border

Greater than equal to 50

On show
Icon: Activation Border
Play indefinitely

I have a weakaura that does this. Super easy.