I have made it a new life goal to try and get as excited about everything in life as my doggo gets about icecubes. I feel like this is the secret to true joy.
After 14 years I finally got the Insane title. I wasn’t trying for all those years, but I started it back in 2009 and just never finished it because it was just a steep grind. During the recent winds of sanctuary buff, I finally did it. The worst part was lockboxes, and it did suck not being able to get all of the rep in Darkmoon in one go, but I was able to get most of the way through revered so that I was able to get exalted in one day the next time the faire rolled around.
And now, to never use it.
I got the name I wanted for my new vulpera hunter. ‘Sofie’ I typed it in expecting to have to type in something else, but nope, it was good to go!
It’s funny, whenever I get a good name, I wonder if it went through because I mistyped something, then when the charater touches down, I recheck the name to make sure I wasn’t being delusional.
There are many amazing stories of empathy, introspection, and positivity in this thread but I think this captures my mantra the best - or what I try to aspire to. Someday I hope to be as good at it as you. Just gotta keep on rolling with the changes:
(Cronin’s voice hasn’t changed!)
I’ve worked out six times… I hate it but I guess that’s a good thing that i’m not lazy
But it’s kind of funny how i’m so sad to make a healthy choice
I finally finished my business proposal. Now I just need to present it to the bank.
A 2 year feud I’ve had with someone who used to be my closest, most trusted person is finally done and over with. They are going 2500km back home on the 26th of this month.
I also took care of some chronic pain I’ve had in my mouth for about 6 months, it took many visits to the dentist, but we finally found the cause, cost me a molar but so far has been worth it.
For the first time in a long time, I feel like things are looking up.
Good luck, that is a very exciting step!
I am terrible with plants. A client at work gave us (well, my boss) an orchid four years ago which I kept re-blooming for three years. Then a different client who was an idiot declared it would bloom faster if you chopped off all its flower stalks and promptly chopped them off – including the one with buds about to open on it. When I was done breathing fire, I claimed the orchid and took it home. (No one dared challenge me. Even my boss was like “all yours!” even though it had been a gift to her.)
I felt really crushed because as long as it HAD flower stalks, it seemed to keep going for me, but I didn’t know how to get it to MAKE flower stalks again. However, I kept caring for it the same way I had, gave it good light. Then another client I love (who knew I loved the orchid and asked where it had gone) turned out to be a mini-expert on orchids! She gave me good advice including fertilizers to use and how to water it a way orchids liked better. Lo and behold, it made a new stalk and two new flowers!!
Now I feel more like I know what to do in the future to keep it going and NOW IT IS IN MY HOUSE where I can keep idiots away from it.
That is the super way too long story with a happy end about my orchid l love.
A very pretty girl was very happy and impressed she chatted with me yesterday
I collect, tumble and make jewelry outta stones I find as an amature rock hound. I have an excess of pretty rocks in all parts of my home, bags, car… you name it, there’s prolly a rock to be found in my life. This past weekend, I saw a young boy near our house plucking up rocks from a creek bed and casting them down dejectedly. Most in the bed were plain, small uninteresting limestone. He wanted to find a magic rock. I just happened to have a geode laden with very sparkly quartz in my hip pouch.
I told him it was a gift from a fairy hunter as I handed it to him. The saucer eyes will forever be etched into my heart as I handed it over. I don’t know who was happier at the end of the gift giving, him or me. Then my spouse brought my doggo & wrecked it. She was barking her head off at him because she thinks that human littles outside of a herd need to be yelled at to get to their kin. So I either inspired him, or traumatized him. 50/50 shot either way.