Tell me something good thats happened to you recently

Easy with this idea. They don’t know the first heaven and first earth get wiped away, per Revelations Chapter 21.

I sorted 15 letters for Katy Stamplewhistle but I need to do the challenge one :frowning:

I’m a hard luck goblin. I suppose some good fortune had come my way of recent behind the scenes. You never really know in grand cosmic scheme.

Took me a few decades, but I’m finally growing hair on my chest!


It’s tough and the worry doesn’t really go away, but we’re fortunate to live in a time where there are tons of support programs. Take advantage of the ones in your area. Your whole family will benefit from it. I wish you and your little dude all the best!


I’m a year older! Yay!


Always better than the alternative. :smiley:

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Finished Loremaster after like 15 years of chipping away at it.


That’s awesome! Congratulations!

I’m not trying to sell anything here-I have back and a knee issue. I recently found Hokas -a shoe, that actually has helped in both issues. They give great stability, comfort and style~


Good topic but I’m lacking in significant good news in my world for a long time (years).

Last week I did have a good time on vacation with 15 other friends and family members that was good .

Today my good news is I didn’t get hit by a bus and I still didn’t get eaten by Bigfoot. So that’s pretty neat.


When I feel this way I try and be thankful for the little things. It is the shifting of your mind in that way that takes work. Find things to be grateful for each day, even if it is things like your coffee was yummy or you woke up in a place that was dry and safe.

I read somewhere once that being intentional with that every day actually rewires your brain. I don’t know if that is true or how long it would take, but wouldn’t hurt to try I guess!


We were part of a program from 0-3 but then didn’t join the next phase because honestly I was just done looking at my little guy as a check list of milestones. I will probably get him back with the local center in the next year or two and see what they offer. Thank you. :heart:

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The estrogen therapy I’ve been taking for my gender dysphoria finally started showing real results.

I now have breast buds!

Bud Light want to hire me?

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Just last week I changed teams at work. I’ve started working on a very prestigious contract at my office.

Also my depression symptoms are finally abating after my therapy sessions.


Anything that relieves pain, especially back pain, is worth shouting about from the rooftops!


nothing good but i’m sure it’s coming soon! just one more day :sweat_smile:

I got a yellow lab puppy :smile: his name is Sir Cadbury


I got 100%on my claims test


My cat came down with a cold, Yep, they get them too.

She was coughing and sneezing for a few days but seems much better now.

She is 3 years old and is a official support animal.