ok heres mine:
My name is Adam Tolph.
I hail from the lands of Gilneas. I used to be an adventurer, until I took an arrow to the knee. Thankfully, when the curse of the Worgen spread in Gilneas, after I was transformed into a wolf my knee healed! When the curse was lifted, I learned to embrace my feral nature and to commune with the wilds. The trees became my home, and my fang and claws protected me on my journeys.
Currently, I am building reputation with the Arathi in Hallowfall, but all the while, bubbling beneath the surface, my worgen nature screams to be released. When I find Xal’atath, I will use “paw swipe!”
My Warband is a group of Time Bandits (like the 80’s movie, just taller). They farm numerous locations throughout the known timeline for loot.
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my dark iron here is just a lass trying to have fun. hangs out with a lot of other hunters.
my nelf druid likes to… have a good time. he was devastated to find out he is his own sugar baby. (“what do you MEAN you’ve been using my bank account to buy my things??” “you’re mom gave me the information?” “I have a BANK ACCOUNT??”) he likes to be spoiled and his father is an old adventurer who’s found a lot of treasure and set up bank accounts for both his sons.
druids mom is a cranky old priestess still angry at Malfurion for displacing her from her home to blow up a demon. now Hyjal is open again she has had her home rebuilt but she won’t hesitate to snap at Malfurion, regardless.
druids husband is an exasperated belf hunter with dyslexia and is definitely on the spectrum. he and nelf met at the Darkmoon Faire and druid will occasionally pose as one of his pets while they travel together (though that hasn’t been an issue with the current truce). hunter has a lot of survivors guilt over his mother dying in childbirth.
I make up a new story whenever I RP with a new person so I am not locked in to a bunch of things, though I generally keep personality consistent.
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Love this! I really enjoy that the character has an “angle” with the manipulation thing. Not just powerful in the combat sense, but layers that others aren’t accounting for
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Making a long story short, in life Banester (pronounced BANester, not BANEster) was a simple apothecary in Lordaeron. As with most Forsaken, he fell to the Scourge, was raised as one of them, and was eventually released from the Lich King’s control. He initially joined the Royal Apothecary Society, but he could not come to terms with what he did as Scourge and with some of the RAS’ activities, so he left everything he knew to travel the world.
Eventually, his travels lead him to Pandaria. For a time, he settled in Halfhill, in the Valley of the Four Winds, where he spent some time running his own little farm and learning how to accept calmness and tranquility. For the first time in his (un)life, he felt… at peace. So, he decided to take up the path of the monk and has never looked back. He has since rejoined the Forsaken and the Horde and has adventured all over creation. But he still goes back to his little farm as often as he can, for that is where his cold, dead heart truly lies.
I’ve always imagined Rustov as an Explorer’s League contractor, wandering the world, uncovering ancient relics and ruins, mapping out the contours of the land. The ‘saving the world’ bit is a side hustle to keep his team financed. He’s an old heart that loves old things.
What has always been important to Rus is that, each expansion, he level caps with exploration experience. It’s been a little hairy at times, trying to edge right up to the line to gain, and then find some meaningful place to tip him over. I remember well each and every one:
Vanilla 60 = Darrowshire, Eastern Plaguelands
TBC 70 = Manaforge Coruu, Netherstorm
WTLK 80 = Onslaught Harbor, Icecrown Glacier (got the Explore Northrend achieve on this one)
Cata 85 = Obsidian Forest, Twilight Highlands
MoP 90 = Shanze’Dao, Townlong Steppes
WoD 100 = Oshu’gun, Nagrand
Leg 110 = Crimson Thicket, Suramar (paraglided off Highmountain right into Suramar City, but passed over this little wood first)
BFA 120 = Shrine of Storms, Stormsong Valley
SL 60 = Citadel of Loyalty (this was a real struggle, too many places didn’t give xp and I had to die rather than kill some enemies that surrounded me, less they tip me over)
DF 70 = Iskaara, Azure Span
TWW 80 = Rak Zakaz (diving into Azj-Kahet for the first time)
Ohhh happy ending aww
What a cute family tree, I love that they’re all connected!! And I love that they’re varying degrees of kind of “silly” and serious haha
I’m so glad he found peace :] I have such a soft spot for Forsaken who are just trying their best to heal from their past!
This is such a fun little immersive RP gimmick omg. Perfect for an Explorer’s League character—so cute!
I have SO many alts (belf hunter is my main (tho he had a magical snafu and is now dracthyr shaped, he shares none of their history so still considers himself a belf. just. oddly shaped. wings are nice for flying w his hubby tho!)) and most of them know each other or are family, those are just a few. my toons almost always lean toward being neutral toward factions, but that’s not how the game plays so. /shrug
belf hunter has a warlock sister who is also married to nelf druids warrior older brother. they met thru their younger siblings and bonded over being older siblings. they adopted a nightborn orphan boy after everything in Suramar had settled down.
that’s pretty-much how it is with all my characters. i come-up with the semblance of a backstory, lose steam half-way through, play as them a bunch, and the rest pretty-much writes it self.
Same here, I start out with more of an outline than a detailed backstory, with a handful of exceptions. (One or two characters emerged full-formed, like Athena from the forehead of Zeus, but that’s extraordinarily rare.) Then, as I play the character, the details begin to fall into place organically.
Hes a cow and he goes moo
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Dracen’s pretty much the whole “Experimental Lizard from Aberrus” idea. He was the 9th experiment of a series of realistically presumed side-projects Neltharion could have conducted during his time shortly after completing the Dracthyr.
These side projects were simply dabbling with different ideas he could presumably have wanted to expand into his new creations, namely involving the void, seeing how it held up and what advantages it could bring.
Dracen, AKA Dracenistel was designated as SR-09.
Can’t swap to her on the forums but I made a second arms warrior recently who is a Dracthyr. She is a warrior and a powerhouse so I’m using Colossus Arms, the Levi gem in Ciri’s ring and some Firewater Sorbet to put her Dracthyr form at about 13 feet tall. Kind of inspired by how big the Alliance Dracthyr leader is. A story is in the works atm but it’s just fun to see such a large character rush into combat and really show off some of the power of the arms warrior hits.
Young Chuck here started out as a Boomkin but in his search for Balance he realized he needed to learn more about the Sun/An’she and stop neglecting the physical for the mental. Now he’s a big hammer wielding monster, here to toss out shields, heals and hammers.
You know, I’d never thought about the natural progression of a druid wielding solar magic and deciding to become a paladin of An’she, but that makes a whole lot of sense and I love it!!
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My main is a night elf hellcaller warlock. I love how well he fits the whole xavius/satyr/emerald nightmare theme.
I feel like a kaldorei outcast. It’s awesome.
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I have at least two warlocks who insist that they are good people.
Well, I have some RP to live up to. Love your character! Thank you for sharing this!
I am a Dracthyr Evoker, awakened shortly after the fall of the Jailer in the Shadowlands.
I traveled back in time before answering the call of the Dragon Isles and learned much about the various cultures of Azeroth. Time travel can be dangerous, especially if you’re caught by the Bronze Dragonflight, but I was cautious and did not alter the flow of events—my role was primarily to observe.
Most other Dracthyr are newly awakened, but I have lived extensively within the timestream and forged many bonds with people of Azeroth. I’ve also become a skilled enchanter, allowing me to use scrolls to shift my form effortlessly and blend in as any Azerothian.
I am a natural at Devastation, but I can also focus on the healing arts of the Greens when needed or even wield the earth magic of the Blacks to bolster my allies.
Among the many timelines I’ve lived through, I’ve met countless people—some more special than others. Once, shortly after the events known as The Burning Crusade began, I met a Blood Elf. They had recently joined the Horde’s ranks. We endured dark days in Outland, but together we overcame every hardship. Yet one day, we were ambushed, and he perished. Since that day, I’ve never allowed myself to grow close to anyone again.
If I could describe myself? I am but a Timewalker, journeying through timelines without drawing the attention of the Bronze Dragonflight.
Is time under our command, or are we under the command of time?
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