I hope you do!!
Oh no… I hope her brother’s fate isn’t what I think it is… This is a great backstory and character motivation though :]
LOL this is so clever actually wow. I love it
I hope you do!!
Oh no… I hope her brother’s fate isn’t what I think it is… This is a great backstory and character motivation though :]
LOL this is so clever actually wow. I love it
Guuah Moneyblaster doesn’t remember much from his childhood, his earliest memories were of hanging around Gadgetzan down in Tanaris. He tried to hustle people out of money through various means until, what with the Wastelanders and Sand Trolls about, decided to boot him out of the city just because there was enough to worry about without some opportunistic Goblin trying to scrape some coin off folks who don’t know better.
With access to Gadgetzan denied, Guuah took to a different kind of hustling: Hustling life from a merciless desert. He took to learning to eat from what little there was to have while finding precious drinking water from supply caravans and those he managed to get the jump on. One in particular contained what would be his weapon of choice: A gun. Compared to the weapons in present WoW this was a simple, often finnicky thing, but even unloaded the weapon proved to be an intimidating sight, enough to get what he wanted without firing…At least until armed escorts became a factor.
Scraping by through his banditry, Guuah picked up a lead on a ‘valuable treasure’ from one of his victims. A valuable sword, located in a small cave system near the northern coast of Tanaris. Could be valuable enough to get out of this place, take a ferry to literally greener pastures as a journey through Thousand Needles seemed just as deadly, as well as the untamed jungle that would come to be known as Un’goro down below. It was an out.
Guuah finds a small cave system at the supposed place. Why would someone leave something so valuable just…laying there? Something wasn’t adding up, but greed has a way of subduing rationale. Sure enough, in a large cave opening there was an ornate blade laying on a pedestal, the blade seemingly shifting like the sands themselves. Seemingly…unguarded?
Guuah rushes to grab the hilt of the blade, but as he does he is blinded by a swirling golden light. When he comes to, he is greeted by a number of something he doesn’t recognize., in some sort of desert that wasn’t Tanaris. They stood tall with lizard like features, but weren’t like the dragons he read about…
Surprisingly the lizard-like humanoids spoke. They accused him of attempting to steal an artifact belonging to them, to meddle with…the timeline? The Goblin soon found himself over his head in a situation he couldn’t fathom…
They then gave him a choice: Work to right his wrongs by serving them, intervening in time mishaps that they could not, or would not be involved in, or be trapped in this place for the remainder of time, never to be seen nor heard by anyone ever again.
Reluctantly, he chose the former.
He was working indirectly with a small group known as the Keepers of Time, which would later be known as the Timewalkers. He was to fix whatever mishaps were popping up that threatened the stability of the timeline, and as a mortal, he was able to get more directly involved when they could not.
Also as a mortal, this put him directly in harms way, and there was no rewinding time should he fail.
Years, decades…It’s hard to tell just how much time passed as he remained trapped in his own little slice of eternity. His efforts weren’t entirely unrewarded: His misadventures allowed him to upgrade his own equipment to better handle his trials, and even started to foster some good will through his efforts.
Finally, considerably older than he was by the time he got to this place, he was offered freedom from his servitude, having paid his dues from his thievery. No longer would he be shackled to his work which almost killed him several times over.
Older, and wiser than he was long ago, he instead offered to continue his work, with the terms that he is to mostly observe, and only get directly involved should it be needed. And he continues working for them to this day under this capacity.
Now, he often just lounges around places where people gather, listening in to the goings on. He really enjoys hearing stories, and will take the time to listen to one should someone be sharing: All he knows is from books he was able to access and, well, an actual retelling is a lot more interesting than just words. Also is a huge sucker for those fixing proper meals and food.
He keeps his ‘employment’ extremely private, and goes to great lengths to keep it that way. While he wears a pauldron symbolizing his work, he keeps it covered with a scarf he wears while out and about.
He keeps himself sharp through some skirmishes, namely against Alliance as certain battlegrounds seem to be very much eternal, but otherwise tries to avoid any conflict unless it’s absolutely required, instead encouraging others to go get their glory.
…Them’s a lot of words, but that’s where I went with Guuah. I usually leave RP profiles vague because spilling out an entire backstory seems to kinda defeat the purpose, but figured it’d be fun to share.
just a poor boy from the Northshire ghettos.
I stick with the standard, “was a resident of Lordaeron during life, got killed, and then was raised into the Forsaken, with very little memory of his life,” theme.
The main deviation, or specific alternate detail, is that he seems to remember Genavie Callow, and he might have lived with her, or been married to her. She doesn’t seem to remember him, either, though, so who knows?
He also would have held some profession where intellect or magic were involved, like a teacher, leading to him being recruited as a Warlock when he was raised.
Seeing as I made this character in BC, that is is part of her story too. If I were to make a new undead she would not be a resident of Lordaeron because of the story changes. Ti only remembers very strong memories, like living on a farm, her sister, and being killed because she was try to show Jeb (???) her new spicy barmaid outfit.
This is a fun and unique backstory!! Thank you for sharing it. :] The mog is great too!!
Love this little detail, adds a bit of flavor to the character in such a casual way :]
Lovefool shouldn’t have to live in fear!
Unfortunately my job has taken up a lot of my time but I got a day off soon so I’ll try to post it then!
Just don’t be an Amazon delivery driver.
Wise cracking undead with a slight New York accent, but better. over 250 years old.
Once slept for 25 years.
Wants to be nice. Tries to be nice. Stricken with a troublesome side, a lack of focus, and quick wit that’s been a problem since elementary school. An unintentional offensive dark sense of humor. Tries to laugh at what he fears.
Prefers to win as a team. believes shared celebration is more fun than self-centered enjoyment. Loves fire, uses frost, hates elves, gnomes, and elves and gnomes too.
Secretly knows behind the scenes information and knows quite a few people who know stuff about things as well.
mostly harmless but highly mischievous.
Not my 1st character but one I roleplayed the most was a mad scientist, Void Elf, ex Silvermoon mage who had no qualms into trying his experiments. His main goal was around the strength of one’s desires or emotional energy. All that based on how greater beings brought things into existence (like Nzoth’s dreams), etc. And some of the experiments he was going through was the complete corruption of a Lightforged Paladin (a friend) with mindgames, illusions and a way he found to force them to be part of it. As he sought to see if a light infused being would transform like a Naaru would.
I stopped playing my old characters. Now the little I play it is with a Velf Mage who behaves like a Rogue, collects artifacts he might find interesting regardless of the method (stealing, tricking people, etc). And that is as far as I have developed him as I stopped roleplaying much. This Night Elf is also an Eldre’thalas Highborne as some of them used the light.
Coromu is a clumsy but good hearted himbo whos a little hard headed and ends up in trouble sometimes… I been burned to bone and cinders from dragons flame several times… Thankfully had a wonderful healer…
I also like to tell cow puns which moo butter laugh at or I wont stop until youre udderly bemoosed.
Also love food. And jumping like a goofball.
I like that your character is covering her face but left everything else uncovered
Hiding the extra fingers in jeans pockets is a good idea.
But also the face veil is transparent, so really everything is in view lol
Thank you guys for all your responses I love seeing how much people enjoy immersing themselves in the universe we all play in :]
My main (nelf druid) just appeared one day in teldrassil with no real clothes to speak of. She’s spent the last 20 years violently murdering just about everything in her sight so she can get better clothing.
I dont rp much (if at all) but i headcanon my alliance mage and horde warlock as sisters with opposing philosophies on magic and how it should be used, much like how the tushu and houjin view life in general, but on a personal level between the two of them specifically
I was once a Night Elf dancing through the forest, then I got an upgrade when a ghoul bit me on the rear
I find people who do this to be weird. But it’s a weird you all impress me weird. The amount of detail you all put into this stuff is impressive. I would never do it because I just like to pew pew and log out. That you made this thread made me smile. I’m glad your community is part of the game. You make it more enjoyable. So thank you. Y’all are weird though.
Weird ( Affectionate ) is my fav weird lol