LMAO i love that
I wrote this back in 2009 for my healer main: Pushan a Tauren shaman:
May parents were from the Skychaser Clan. My grandfather was from the Ragetotem clan. I know his blood flows strong in me even though I never met him.
My Father tried to teach me respect for Balance. My Mother tried to teach me about the energy of Nature and the Elements. I only wished to bash and smash.
My Father taught me the skills of hunting. He instructed me to take only the weak. He tried to instill in me the idea of stewarding the resources we were blessed to have. I only knew that plainstrider legs tasted best when cooked fresh on an open fire in the bluffs.
Father would attempt to speak with the goblins while on his travels and teach them the ways of harvesting the treasures of the Earthmother with methods that did the least harm. I would chase them off with shouts and hurt any who remained.
My Mother taught me how to feel the elements. She taught me about earth, air, fire and water. I only cared that lightening was powerful and could be sent against my enemies.
Mother would speak with wandering centaurs. She would talk with them about how to cultivate plants, rather than just to take them. I tore down their tents whenever I saw them.
Together, they tried. However, in my youth, I was full of rage. My anger and selfishness ruled me.
When the centaur attacks began in earnest, I was eager to join against them in battle. I grew strong with skill of arms. My fury proved useful against them. However, the marauders came in numbers we could not match.
We defended ourselves, yet still they came. Our Elders moved our settlements time and again. We were pursued wherever we went.
I grew restless with these decisions. I was among many who longed to take the battle to the centaurs. They were invaders; this was our land.
I thought the Elders were weak when they responded that the land belonged to the Earthmother and there was enough for all to share. They felt it better to withdraw from the conflicts and find peace living elsewhere.
Eventually, livable lands became scarce. We had no choice but to turn and fight. That decision made me deeply happy. However, it was too late. There were simply not enough of us.
The Elders decided to send an emissary party to Orgrimmar and seek assistance. My Father led the party and I was fortunate to go with him.
Father was successful in gaining the support of the Orc Warchief Thrall. I was glad to finally be among a Race of people who valued Strength and Honor over meekness and flight. With the help of the Orcs, we drove off the centaurs and reclaimed our Ancestral Lands.
I decided after that time to join with the Horde Expeditionary forces and make my way as a warrior. I learned that Thrall was a Shaman. This made me very happy as my Clanspeople were Shamanistic.
I learned from the Orcs how they employed the forces of the elements as powerful weapons. I learned to harness my own power through totemic forces. Yet, I retained my skill in arms preferring the solidity of steel to the invisible powers of Nature.
I have been in so many battles since then. Eventually, the carnage and destruction I have witnessed in this world and in the Outlands has cooled my rage and fury. As I have aged, I have come to see the wisdom in the early teachings of my Father and Mother. I have learned from many Teachers that the elements can also be used to nurture and heal, rather than just to attack and defend. I have realized that my calling is to bring succor and healing to those in need.
And so, I am Pushan Skychaser, the Noble. I seek to assist the forces gathered against the Scourge and their devastations and horrors, I do so with deep respect for the Balance of the Forces involved. I seek to heal those who need healing. I seek to counsel those in a state of sorrow. I seek to bring compassion to those who suffer. Most of all, I seek…
here is another back story I wrote in 2009 for my then dps main: a foresaken warlock.
I come from a long line of followers of the Holy Light. My birth name is no longer of importance. It is lost to the past.
My people were healers and workers in the arcane arts in the forests near Lordaeron. Our family, in particular, had a long tradition of apothecary work and herbalism. There are many in my family who made major contributions to the high work of cultivating fine herbs and extracting their essences in ways that brought healing and peace to those in need.
But the night that Saidan Dathrohan and his Scarlet Crusaders sacked our village ended all that. They hacked and burned and slaughtered their way through the village. They left everyone for dead.
Indeed all had perished in the assault except for one – me. My body, or what was left of it, was now undead. I had somehow been exposed to plague in the attack and it preserved me.
I gathered from the cinders what I could salvage of my family’s research. Some of the scrolls and archives had miraculously survived. While nearly all of what had made me a living human had been eradicated, a small core of hatred was left seething inside my broken body. My thoughts began to move to revenge.
I was armed only with my knowledge and a few papers and books. With my body and clothes in tatters, I set out to gather the herbs I needed to mend myself.
My knowledge of healing sciences of the Holy Light was not powerful enough. I began to study the shadow arts. I found new uses for the herbs I had long used for healing. I discovered the power to not only give life, but to take it.
Life and death. Most have no knowledge of how linked they are – different sides of the same coin. I have experienced both; I fear neither.
In studying my enemy, I discovered what few had known. I discovered that Saidan Dathrohan was none other than Balnazzar the Dreadlord and servant of the Lich King. At the time, I did not have the tools to extract my revenge. I required ever more powerful herbs and additional knowledge of shadows and arcana. I knew in my decayed heart that the only way to destroy him was to study the ways of the enemy, the Burning Legion.
In pursuit of this horrible knowledge, I crossed the Dark Portal into the broken shards of Draenor. While gathering new herbs one day in Hellfire Ramparts, I was attacked by a Shivarra. My skills in demonology were still developing, but I was able to enslave her.
Over time, I extracted from her much knowledge of the Burning Legion’s dark arts. When her demon form was spent, I extinguished it ending her suffering. However, I had not yet fully mastered releasing the control of a demon. Part of her spirit turned on me and attacked.
Somehow as I clasped a soul shard to enslave her again, her soul was able to move through the shard and enter my own. In the joining, I immediately absorbed her knowledge and much of her former power. I thus took on my new form and name, Moksha Demonsoul.
Her soul still burns mine and often attempts to struggle, but her former self will never leave me. It is as entrapped in me as I remain entrapped in this tomb of undead flesh.
Eventually, I grew in the ways of shadow and corruption. My hold over the spirits of the Twisting Nether has become strong.
I entered into Balzannar’s fortress in Stratholme. I used the powers of the Twisting Nether to slaughter his feeble human puppets. I easily slew the human form of Shaidan Dathrohan. This act forced Balzannar’s spirit out into the open. He proved no match for me.
He pleaded for his life. What comedy! Then, he told me how he and Varimathras had tricked the Dark Lady into believing that he had been executed as Varimathras had been ordered. Then I extinguished Balzannar’s spirit. I laughed as I feasted on the dead paladin’s warm corpse.
Clearly, my work was not yet completed. I went to the Northern Wastes in search of what the Royal Apothecary Society and other Masters might teach me. I offered myself to anyone who could pay me in knowledge and power or who could provide me the gold and tools I needed to further my studies. I became strong in the ways of fighting the Scourge and knowledgeable in plague weapons.
My desire to slay Varimathras was great. That chance came after much work for the strange, wise and terrible beasts of the Wyrmrest Accord. Their assistance was crucial in defeating the Scourge forces at the battle of Wrath Gate. This further betrayal of the Forsaken by Varimathras at the Wrath Gate was to be his last.
I experienced moment of happiness, if you can call it that, when I followed the Dark Lady into Varimathras’ chamber in Undercity. There, I corrupted his soul and drained it from his fetid demon husk.
My ultimate work – exacting vengeance upon the Lich King - is not yet complete. To accomplish this Great Work, I have joined a group of skilled adventurers, each of whom has their own stories. We are led by another Forsaken, a priest whose knowledge of healing and shadow magic is great. Our company includes many who possess tremendous powers, including skill in arms and mastery of arcana. To my great satisfaction, there are fellow warlocks who share the findings of their studies with one another.
Together and in our singular journeys, we seek an end to this potent evil.
I don’t have backstory or anything, but with every character, I keep names lore accurate and I always ALWAYS mog them appropriately to keep the theme of my class.
For instance, I know a lot of DK’s use the 20th anni outfit (rightfully so, it looks amazing) but I took it a step up and mix/matched it.
Now he’s a lore accurate frosty boi who decimates stuff
Anarron Fangsong was raised in the area around Mount Hyjal. He loved relaxing by the tranquil waters of Ashenvale. When the demons invaded, his family helped in the defense. His father was a druid and his mother a sentinel. Young Fangsong was evacuated along with other kal’dorei not yet of age to Darkshore. He rejoiced when Fandral Staghelm and his druids planted a new world tree and decided to become a druid like his father.
While training in Shadowglen, he was startled to find that the new tree was corrupted by demons. He traveled far and beheld the dwindling lands his people now called home. With the aggression of the orcs in Ashenvale and the corruption of the Legion in Felwood, he knew he needed to become far stronger in order to serve the forces of nature and protect his people who were new members of the Alliance.
After traveling to different worlds and facing threats to the world itself, he knew he made the right decision. His roots may be with his people, but he is often away battling the Scourge, the Legion, and others. Now a mighty archdruid, Fangsong is looking forward to relaxing in the new city of Bel’ameth if the world would stop being under siege for five minutes.
If I were to RP, perhaps I’d assume a role similar to Captain Jack Sparrow.
Lovefool is chronically hunted by crazy Draenei.
Thank you for both of the stories you shared. :] I enjoyed reading both!! I love how you followed both your characters’ emotional development and discussed the negative emotions they grappled with. I hope you consider continuing this writing tradition with your current main(s)!!
Your mog is incredible!! I absolutely love transmog; it’s a huge factor of my immersion in the game.
Thank you for sharing!! I love seeing how you fit him into the overall early Warcraft narrative, and that he was once a young druid training in Shadowglen just like everybody else. :] He’s come a long way!
“I’ve got a sunny disposition and I’m always kind to animals…”-Puck, Disney Gargoyles.
Reminds me of how I ended up as Ardenweald’s Herne as part of an injoke from a WoW Discord, I’ve been named Herne since the start or end of BFA, well I told everyone I was going Maldraxxi for the boots. Someone saw the NPC datamines of the upcoming Shadowlands expansion (think it was Hawkens? But my memory is 50/50) and posted a picture of Lord Herne with the caption: “I thought you were going to Maldraxxus! Traitor!”
I will hit the highlights of this characters.
In MoP Ti decided to be a farmer full time after helping the Tillers. Important side note, Ti has killed every plant she has ever owned, even before dying. Well lucky for her, Mr. Felguard took up gardening as stress relief due to contracting with her. Seems she does not quite live up to the power hungry warlock image he dreamed of. Sure he may get a terrible turnip or crazy carrot and a few of the pigs become fel boars but overall he is really good at it.
Mr. Grubs is her pet worm that lives in her upper body. He is a stody little fellow that enjoys being read to and tea time. Recently Ti got Lucille her emotional support chicken, that is carried on her back. Ti does not really know what emotions she is supporting but knows Lucille is doing the best job possible. Her other minions have created an illegal orphanage for all the “pets” Ti brings home. Some has take care of the kids and her succubus is a great teacher.
The complete and utter lack of a single rp server in my region mean I’ve never really had the opportunity to sit down and plan out a character sadly.
She’s a southern kid whose first contact with humans was very young - an adolescent friendship with a boy who wandered into southern Eversong (what’s now Ghostlands), she lost track of him for years.
When she finally decided she missed him, she left the forest for the second time in her life only to be greeted by some of his great grand children, who gave her a book of drawings and poems he made out of their games before he passed.
Otherwise summarizing over a thousand years, most of it as a ranger, could take some time.
Did you hear about the midnight rambler?
Everybody got to go
Did you hear about the midnight rambler?
The one that shut the kitchen door
He don’t give you a hoot of a warning
Wrapped up in a black cat cloak
He don’t go in the light of the morning
He split the time the rooster crows
I’m talkin’ ‘bout the midnight gambler
The one you never seen before
Yeah, I’m talkin’ ‘bout the midnight gambler
Did you see him jump the garden wall?
Sighin’ down the wind so sadly
Listen and you’ll hear him moan
Well, I’m talkin’ about the midnight gambler
Everybody got to go
Did you hear about the midnight rambler?
Well, honey, it’s no rock ‘n’ roll show
Well, I’m talkin’ about the midnight gambler
Yeah, the one you never seen before
Did you hear about the midnight rambler?
Everybody got to go
Did you hear about the midnight rambler?
The one that shut the kitchen door
He don’t give you a hoot of a warning
Wrapped up in a black cat cloak
He don’t go in the light of the morning
He’s split the time the rooster crows
LMAO this is all great, and so cute. Thank you for this ahahaha
Have you considering giving NA servers a try? My understanding is it’s not like EU, where they’re entirely separate/restricted; you can still create characters on them, although the time zones might not be ideal. It might be fun to just try it out some time. :]
This is sad but touching and it’s great to explore elven relationships with other people outside their own race, and how their longer life spans would affect that.
I essentially was playing on NA servers up until warlords because oce was nothing more than a timezone back in those days, problem is when you get home at 3pm it’s 10pm (averaging) in the states and so people are going to bed. Plus continuing to play at US ping instead of local ping is frustrating once you’ve already adjusted.
That’s fair tbh, I don’t really engage with endgame content too competitively, so ping doesn’t matter much to me—but I can understand why that would be annoying for someone who does need low latency. And definitely time zones are tricky; most of my Australian friends can only really participate in RP on weekends for that reason. It’s not ideal for sure, but it might be worthwhile just making an alt to check it out some time!
Hi, I’m Ataxerxes, whisky connoisseur, explosives enthusiast, and (mostly because someone in BuPers hates me) Highlord.
Way back in the olden days, I was an apprentice artificer. That lasted until some rude green jerks burned my town down, and we had to book it for Lordaeron.
So I resumed my apprenticeship … until some rude zombies burned down my new hometown, and we had to book it. Again.
So I rolled up to Northshire Abbey both looking for some spiritual answers, and having some unresolved anger issues. The trainers decided to split the difference between Priest and Warrior, and here I am. I found my way to Outland about a year behind the first wave, but I’ve hit the beach with the first wave ever since.
I’ve been just about everywhere, met just about everybody, and have managed not to die while doing so, giving me an embarrassing amount of seniority for a common soldier. Hence, promotions. Never mind that I don’t have the aptitude for command, but you try telling BuPers that.
Greenbrotha was just a youg orc when he went to live with a hippie monk commune now he cant get a blizz buff. Thats my story.
LOL thank you for your mandatory service, Highlord
Kromtarn is one of the last surviving members of the Lightning Scar clan, a clan of blademasters and shamans. They were decimated during the Third War and never really recovered, eventually just dissolving the clan and joining others. He absolutely hates dark shamans, feeling that they corrupt and pervert the ancient and noble practice. Kromtarn joined the Frostwolf clan during the first Azeroth Kosh’harg.