Teleport hacking, just release tokens

This is why I view the wow economy with indifference. I make enough to play a game I enjoy. I don’t play for the auction house.


It is not a matter of stopping it or not. There is a middle result, which is reduction of the behavior.

It’s just like the war on drugs. Yes, there is no way to win the war on drugs. But if anyone could buy a pack of her0in at the 7-11 just like one buys a pack of cigarettes, it’s use would undoubtedly be a lot more widespread.

To buy gold in Classic right now means risking getting hacked or your account banned or seen by your peers as a cheater. Take away the risks and have Blizzard say it’s no longer cheating, and the behavior will increase manyfold.

And if you’re like me, and believe that pay-to-win is bad for games and their culture and community, then that’s not seen as an improvement over the bot situation. I’d rather have the bots.

Put in daily quests…

Wait sorry a troll wrote that not me. One could get banned for suggesting such a thing.

Wouldn’t tokes cause massive inflation?

Almost certainly.

You see, right now buying gold can and does result in bans. (although it takes time, and they don’t catch everyone).

I know for a fact they banned a guy who tried to buy gold to get scarab lord on my server, for instance.

If they implement the token, suddenly there’s no punishment for buying gold.

To be fair, the amount of gold you get with a token does change if a lot of people are buying, you’ll get less gold per token. But we’d still see massive inflation in prices.

Also to be fair, a token does not create gold; it simply transfers it. So it doesn’t increase the amount of gold in the economy. But this is still a problem because of how good raw farms are in classic.

In retail I’d have to log in pretty frequently over the course of a month to pay my sub with gold. In classic? probably bang that out in a day or two. Less than a week for sure.

what about the nochange rule?

No changes. WoW tokens won’t stop teleport hacking. Only Blizzard actually banning people will help with that.

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I’m sitting here chuckling at the mongs thinking tokens are gonna help anything. P2W PvP ranking services anyone? Wanna buy a powerleveling service to 60? Pay a multiboxer to pump you all the way through Ony attune? Botters won’t go away if all you do is make gold purchaseable.


all blizzard has to do is sit in front of ZG to watch bots in action. it’s simple yet they arent doing it. you cant get banned from botting anymore.

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This guy gets it.

Yes it would lol.

Imagine everyone just buying tokens to buy things off the AH. People whine about items being to low but those same people will whine when times become to high.

You honestly cant win here and Blizzard knows this. So they take your 15 dollars while ignoring your complaints. Its not like people are going anywhere

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I don’t think classic WoW needs tokens. I think people wanted the vanilla experience. Competition for resources is real. Some players don’t like it now. (It’s also worse because many players now know that crafting professions largely are not good)

But there is no easy way to get gold in this game.

and accept that the game is pay to win, since you will be handicapping yourself by not buying gold.

Granted they allow trading retail gold for classic, so tokens wouldn’t change anything.

It’d just kill the little remaining illusion of integrity the game has imo.

The game is already pay to win. Except that it’s an MMO and there isn’t really a win condition.

I’m less worried about winning than people having an ingame reminder that anything they’re doing is suboptimal compared to just working irl.

no need layers. just faster spawn rate and maybe more nodes

You believe teleporting to lotus spots is competition?

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Once the money leaves your bank account and goes into blizzards its not your money. You are not payng taxes…you are paying for a product. The entitlement is mind blowing…

If they did that, we prob wouldnt always have people talking about the unbanned botters that are everywere.

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I think it is unfair and against the rules, that can get you banned, competition yes.

I was thinking about this very thing today while farming herbs. I believe that the game is so different in competition for resources than even BC which I played originally, that it actually encourages players to cheat to get ahead.

Doesn’t make it right, but it is in the design. Maybe the vanilla developers could have thought about this when making the game. But honestly some of the decisions they made imo were just dumb. I don’t know if it is true, but I’ve read on the forums that the original vanilla devs were fired. Maybe the poor design in vanilla was the reason.