Teaching gankers a lesson in World PvP

I was having some fun in world pvp when all of a sudden, a group of gankers showed up to kill me, then that happened:

Also got “Horde Slayer” in the process, hopefully they learned their lesson!

(also I was wildly clicking around in my UI because I tried to invite someone and create a raid group so that the quest doesn’t complete, otherwise I would lose the damage buff from “Unstable Azerite Flare”)

Thought it would be fun to share this for those that often get killed by large groups in world pvp


That was nice to see :+1:t4:

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Great Job.

They did fail to get control of the situation.

I guess they didn’t zug hard enough

What is letting you heal that much? that was insane?

The orb madoodle that drops during pvp invasions

Grats and dammit that was embarrassing show for the horde. They should have just disarmed u so u couldn’t heal.

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Killing Spree!

Prays to the gods that I am not in that video…omg I’m in the video.

Nah, j/k

Good job smashing some faces.

The best part is that last guy who tries to high tail it after seeing all his buddies dead :joy:

not saying you didnt really play that great (you did) but you were only stunned 7 times and never back to back those guys sucked hard

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Dude, that was sick.

They were severely outgeared by a good player with nearly 50% base versatility and a power orb. That is why they got destroyed.

It’s easy to kill people with the orb, but still difficult to stay alive with that many on you. This wouldn’t have been possible without all of the versatility.

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Hmm where can I has 50% vers

Me want


Stack the vers corruption.

But it’s almost certain to get nerfed … no one is dying in arena .


Which one surging vitality? I thought that is a proc.

What ever I am wearing on my legs … I don’t know the name .

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The ver corruption. It gives 12% more from all vers sources.


For reference: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/ravencrest/Drae

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You are missing the part where Drae is a R1 DK. But at least a few people trying to kill him where from Nemesis, so I wouldn’t say it was a true 1v6, more like a 1v3.

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