<TC> [Illidan] | 7/8M NP | 4 HOURS/WEEK | Wed/Thu 9pm-11pm CST | Recruiting for 11.1!

Kurog about to die, any new friends?

We’d love healer or DPS friends :slight_smile:

Kurog down 5/8!

Woo To Dathea!

We meet again…

D4 Beta but still raiding! Looking for more on reset

Dathea awaits…

we rocking and rolling

disc/holy priest/pres evoker and dev evoker duo
5/8 mythic, I just sent you a friend request on discord I’d be more than happy to discuss things with you ^-^

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hello word

Making good progress on Dathea

Dathea down, looking for more friends!

Come kill Broodkeeper.

Still Looking

No really, we are.

Is the Looking For portion up to date?

Yes it is updated

still looking for some friends!

Reset week! GL in vaults