TBC will suck because of flying

Ya but u can get epic flying which ruins the game

I would be ok with flying if it was for vertical travel only and was very slow

Epic flying was also prohibitively expensive for the vast majority of players.

no it wasn’t… first rank was 1000g before discounts so like 800g which you had just from questing from 60-70 easy.

5k was for epic flying which was 280%, which in TBC is not that hard to farm.

also neither rank does any damage to the game… and adds benefit.


I remember it being much more expensive than 5k gold. However it could just be from playing pservers that are messing with my memory.

I thought it was 5k gold for the training and 200 for the mount itself.

But I agree, it adds to the game.

The normal snail speed flying is cheap but you still need to be 70 to buy it. If you want to fly faster, then you need the very expensive upgrade for epic flying.

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I cannot wait until my epic druid flight form invalidates everything in TBC, ruins the expansion, and blows up my server.



sounds like someone never found out holding Insert on your keyboard made you do loop-de-loops on your flying mount…

It clearly hurts world PVP, but only ganking pricks or corpse campers care about that. Most will go to BGs if they want to fight, one way or the other, and you can’t fly in them.

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I 100% agree, patch the few places that need a flying mount with portals and gg tbc+. I think what OP means is if you look back, flying is the trigger that changed vanilla feel to what retail is today. If everyone hates retail so much for its ez mode a change is needed at some point or its the same end product.

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they should have kept downvoting on this forum. What a garbage and wrong post. Literally just spam at this point by someone who never played BC.


Flying didn’t make it suck that much… what DID make it suck was when they reduced cast time of mounting. Couldn’t PVP after that insta-cast mount

trolling or actually mental in the head? You’re the one who made a thread crying like the loser you are.

Bruh, there was plenty of PvP happening on elemental plateau.


I don’t think so either, but the OP does. Good for him that Classic will still be here for him.

Nope. Flying is also included in it. Flying is great :slight_smile:

The OP doesn’t like it. Meh… so what?


I have always liked flying. There are plenty of ways to make the world “dangerous” with flying in the game. Some of the most exciting places to explore are indoors, such as keeps and caverns and such. I have always thought the game needed more of that instead of vast plains.

Aside from that, the world isn’t all that dangerous to begin with. Blizzard used to release metrics for player deaths, and the vast majority of them were from fall damage. Yes, autorunning off cliffs was the number one danger of WoW. Very scary stuff.

It’s only 7 zones you can fly in. The way you talk people will be able to fly everywhere?

TBC was a great expansion and considered by a great many to be the best. I’m really looking forward to it since some changes were made to the game to fix major flaws which appeared during vanilla.


Can’t wait for TBC, can’t wait for flying.



EXACTLY and that is the whole point. If you don’t want to move on to BC then you don’t have to. Stay on the classic servers to your hearts content.


I also played both and the biggest drag about the private server was the low population. It was so low you had Horde/ Alliance dungeon groups…now that was weird. I will be very excited to play BC on a normal population server.