TBC should not allow Classic transfers

Hey, I was right Danarigg did completely ignore the points that counteract his own position that I provided.

Ignorace is bliss I guess.

I had posted this in another thread, but they should have BC realms up for a month for fresh level 1’s only. Then have a 3-4 week “pre-patch” period where we have 2.0 talents and stuff at level 60. This also the character copy “window”. Limit 3 characters per account, 5k gold, and no additional bank slots. Once the “pre-patch” period is over the copies are no longer available and you have to start fresh. This gives time for fresh characters to get leveled up, while also giving a pre-patch period which would be authentic, also allowing people to keep their classic characters.

This completely disregards the players with more then 3 characters at 60. Just because you don’t have that does not mean other do not.

I agree wholeheartedly with the month the month for the new players to level up their Draenie Shamans and Blood Elf Paladins. I even agree somewhat with a gold cap moving forward (Even though it will realistically have no impact). What I don’t agree with is deleting peoples work. They put in the time, they get to keep their characters.

I’m not disregarding them. Just a way to keep people from creating a bunch of characters just to use as gold mules, especially when you can just boost to 60 easily, if you’re sitting on 100k gold at the moment that’s a good investment. You have to draw the line somewhere, and 3 seems like a reasonable limit, and 5k gold allows you get flying at 70 for “free”, but not completely control the BC economy from day 1.

5k gold doesn’t allow you to get flying at 70 for free. 6.1k Gold does. Skill training not counted of course.

I can’t speak for others situation outside of I know there are quite a chunk of players that have more then 3 60s… so I’ll just speak on my situation.

I came into classic believing that blizz would do the most profitable and easy route with classic. That is retracing retails steps entirely. Low effort, large profit. With that in mind I sat down for days thinking about how I wanted to move forward… Did I want to have every class at max level? Did I only want to play healers? Did I want to raid 10 times a week? What was me of the future going to want?

I ended up deciding. That I wanted to Heal. Thus a holy priest became my main. I decided that eventually I will want to do the same raid upto 3 times a week (Guild Run, Guild Alt run, and a pug), but I’m the type of player who generally likes to fill what it needed of me (Excluding tanking as I never wanted to be the main tank again). So I decided I’d have 7 Total characters. My main healer, 2 Alt healers, 2 Melee DPS, and 2 Ranged DPs.

I put in the work now in classic to set those characters up for the future. So I could enjoy my time in TBC and Wrath.

My Foresight and planning has seemingly paid off (Granted I have no gold to speak of for those characters flying or epic flying and I’m hoping to earn that gold by the time TBC comes). Why should I now be punish because I played the game and planned for the future.

Just because others have not? How is that in any way fair? Players like myself must suffer for the enjoyment of others, when what we had has 0 effect on them? To be honest I would in reality quit. So I suppose it is fine. Others would more on…

but what next? We do this again come wrath? Catalysm? How many times do with repeat this process? How long does it go on before people are just fed up and the classic servers are retired or reduced due to lack of players?

The answer has never been and never will be to take away a players legitimate work. You feel like gold has inflated to much? I agree. How do we fix this? Easy an Infinite Gold Sink. How do we do that? I don’t know it is hard and probably why WoW has never had one. Honestly the best I’ve got is either a lotto that constantly remove half the gold put into… or the fabled housing system. Like you have to pay rent every week. A constant gold sink.

Hyperinflation makes the Blizzard gold sinks in TBC trivial.

I’m surprised that some people think that a fresh reset would have a negligible impact versus players bringing their 1.5 year+ of stockpiled Classic gold.

You guys can’t even argue honestly.

Neither can you. As you refuse to even consider the idea of simply having you own fresh start realm and instead demand for both that and other who don’t want that to be stripped of their work before moving forward.

Be realistic. Within 3 months gold will start inflating, and at a higher rate then it is now. What will you do then? Demand a fresh server mid expansion? Demand gold be strip mid expansion. What exactly is your end game here?

You’ll also be able to farm during the pre-patch, and you’ll make gold leveling to 70 as well. It seems like a good compromise where people can retain their progress from classic, while not being able to bring all of their classic gold to TBC and ruin the economy from day 1. Same with the character limit.

Obviously there’s people who have more than 3 level 60’s. But you have to draw the line somewhere. Otherwise people will just abuse the system, not saying you will, but alot of people will. If they progress classic servers into TBC obviously everyone keeps everything. But copies have to have limits to prevent abuse.

I think the conceptual problem with this is that you’re “working” in Classic so you don’t have to work in TBC or WotLK.

There are probably quite a few layer exploiters out there who have stockpiled a lot of gold so they don’t have to worry about that for any extended Classic expansions. Others have abused other Classic mechanics to stockpile a huge load of gold so they don’t have to fully engage with TBC or WotLK.

At a minimum, I think Blizzard will restrict the gold you are able to transfer over and many people agree with this.

The other question is should that work transfer to TBC or stay in classic?

maybe those who prefer to start fresh can choose to or simply not transfer their char.

OK big guy…

I’m one of the few people that can actually argue honestly, while you guys think limiting gold transfers would have negligible impact. Honestly, that’s ridiculous.

Some would say that the historical precedence of how this worked originally would be to allow it. Others would say that since Vanilla was researched to death and min/maxxed, that it would taint TBC if you allowed that accumulated rot to move on.

No right answer as it is opinion, but my opinion obviously supports the latter.

This will not in any way work. People will just put the gold into resources and bring that over. That is why Zydax is championing a 3 character 5k gold system. Because if that wasn’t in place this mythical 100k gold players (That doesn’t exist prove me wrong). Would simply bring over 50k and 50k of resources.

Like most, I’d completely agree to have gold stripped because stripping gold doesn’t matter, but there is no way in Hell I’m leveling the same characters up over again. I’ve done that already.

I think that answered the first time around when characters all move forward.

Realistically Blizzard is going to take the approach that is going to have the least impact on their bottom line. They do not care about any inflation on the game.

The least impactful thing is going to be is to create new realms where those that want to start over to avoid inflation can, while the rest of the realms continue onwards to The Burning Crusade. With a slight chance, there may be a few new Vanilla realms for those wanting to stay in Vanilla can transfer to for free, but only if they are feeling really spicy that day.

Chances are we’ll get both fresh servers and servers we can progress our current characters on… so why are we arguing? If this is what happens, we’ll be on completely different servers anyway.
Want to continue your current characters and go into tbc (with or without a gold cap)? Cool. Go right ahead.
Are you someone who believes that fresh starts are the way to go and want everyone to be on an even playing field? Cool. Go right ahead.
Different servers to appease different opinions.

It’s fine to have different opinions. What’s selfish is to advocate for one kind of server and want to force everyone into that idea.

You’re right everyone has their own opinions on this subject. The other thing is we all know exactly what’s coming in TBC making it easier to prepare.

You’re 100% right if they move current servers into TBC and allow transfers to forever classic realms. If TBC is seperate servers it’s a seperate experience and any sort of transfer/copy should be viewed as a bonus, at least you don’t have to start over




I think they should let people transfer, but limit it, say 3 characters and then also cap the amount of gold u can bring from classic to tbc, so ppl cannot afford everything right off the bat.

What is hardcore, about starting a race already half run? U know whats hardcore are the insane people who grinded to r14 multiple times from 0 on fresh private servers lol.

I want to see fresh starting level 1. One of the most exciting time in classic was the servers opening with all fresh toons.

I don’t think will be the same effect with character transfers/Copies.


WTF are you talking about? I support the 30 instance a day cap, but there is no way in hell that I’m starting TBC at level 1. Please quit with the generalizations.

You really have no clue as to why we support this, do you? I find it quite ironic that the exploiters who are treating this game like a full time job are playing the victims while accusing the voices of reason of just wanting to bring everyone down.