TBC should not allow Classic transfers

Dude I have 1 alt. Well 2 but mages dont count because well… mages. The point is that the same people going hard in classic will most likely go hard in TBC. You arent going to curtail that long term by making them start over. Those people are going to once again be way ahead in resources etc at a very early point in TBC

And blizzard has done a ton of stupid things. I know blizzard put them out as part of their poll… and they’re dumb… just like most things blizzard has done lately.

They will hopefully announce plans soon, including some kind of restrictions on what a character takes with him

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Nope, a big part of why I did rank 14 was for the permanent grand marshal title in tbc. Same with wintersaber and black scarab if things go my way.
Not a chance I’d be willing to start over.

They should have it how TBC was originally released. Its almost like its an expansion onto existing content…

Expansion? What is that? Is it kind of like DLC?

Now your thinking in Money…

Notice how the replies to my post are $h!tposts only with zero counterpoints offered other than REE LET ME KEEP MY ECONOMY DESTROYING GOLD SO WE CAN FORCE INFLATION TO BFA LEVELS BY THE END OF KARA?

It’s because the people replying to it are precisely the ones I was singling out. People that took advantage of multiple mass-produced methods of blowing the economy wide open and want to keep driving prices on everything higher and higher. Take a look at your AH… you’re already seeing the telltale signs of rampant, out of control inflation. Useful low-level greens (eagle/monkey/bear) are 20-40g per, with some pushing 60+ depending on level. Price on midrange and above herbs and ores are steadily climbing despite there not being any scarcity to drive up the price.

Allowing all of the gold that’s been botted and bought and aoegrinded up in Classic into TBC will have the economy be completely blown apart on day 1.

Denying that gold the ability to cross over to TBC is the only way to undo the damage caused by all the Botting that was allowed to go unchecked for half a year. Meaning a gold-capped one-time character copy window or 100% Fresh servers are the only viable options.

Doing anything less is prescribing a band-aid and some aspirin for cancer.


Could you “MUH ECONOMY” doomsayers elaborate on precisely what you think will be “ruined”?

Primal Mights aren’t going to be 300G.
Plenty of players had enough money to buy epic flying training the moment they hit 70.

“THE ECONOMY WILL BE BLOWN APART” … and precisely zero examples given, no explanation provided.

I’m going to need two [Staff of Natural Fury] as soon as I can get them.

The prices of everything that isn’t fixed by Blizzard itself (e.g mount/riding/skill costs) rises in line with the amount of available gold.

That’s why level 40 greens in BFA cost 5 digits of gold. It’s why level 20-40 greens in Classic cost 10-30g or sometimes higher. The more gold there is, the more things cost because people know you have it.

Inflation is not a hard concept to grasp. The more currency there is in circulation, the less valuable each individual unit of said currency is and the less buying power it has.

I like how you bolded " Inflation is not a hard concept to grasp." as if your sole argument is “INFLATION, DUH”.

It’s why level 20-40 greens in Classic cost 10-30g or sometimes higher.

LOL, no.


“Explain how.”


The absolute hell are you talking about? I barely see Blues going for that price let alone greens.

You want points fine. I’ll give them to you to show you how short-sighted you are, but I’m sure you will ignore them.

First and foremost I will say I am not one of these people that have a ton of gold or resources. In fact, I don’t even have my epic mount yet. If I’m lucky I will finally be able to acquire it next week.

  • There is an 18.1k per character gold sink in TBC. This will pull a ton of gold out of circulation. They’re a very few players that can do that for more then one character, and even if you want to disregard the 12k BiS Bag gold sink (Which a person who is farming wouldn’t pass up). There is still a 6.1k Gold skin per character. That isn’t even going into the 9.3k Guild bank gold sink that these types of players are sure to have multiples of.

  • If you had a gold cap going forward it will literally do nothing. Why? Because the people with the gold will simply invest all that gold in resources that are still going to be needed in TBC. Such as raw ore, gems, stone, cloth, and especially enchanting material. Thus they will still have all their gold post-transfer.

  • The average number of players per realm in Vanilla was something like 2-2.5k. The average number of players per realm in classic on high pop server is around 10k thus they will have a 4-5x higher inflation rate then Vanilla, Mid pop has around 5-6k players thus will have a 2-3x higher Inflation rate, while only Low pop will have the same inflation rate. At least in theory. However, this is entirely disregarding that the gold maker now knows the best farming areas unlike the gold makers back then.

  • A fresh server is fine for those that want it… but guess what… those fresh servers are going to have gold makers on them… and guess what… they will have better farmer options that generate even more raw gold then ones they have now… So unless you plan to give up all your work on every toon every expansion in some vain attempt to combat inflation (which it will do nothing of the sort. Your fresh start is merely a setback) it is pointless.

Any “reset” is a bandaid. There will always be an incredibly optimal farm. That will generate thousands and later millions of gold no matter what you do. You want to fix inflation. The only solution period is an infinite gold sink. Something which has never existed in World of Warcraft. So you better start harassing blizzard about that.

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Not for nothing, though – I’m selling an [Acrobatic Staff of Frozen Wrath] and [Acrobatic Staff of Shadow Wrath] for 19.99G right now. Horde and Alliance, Sulfuras.

Because those particular items are worth that much to certain players.

Don’t need anything besides reality to make my point. Inflation ISN’T a hard concept to grasp. If you want gold to turn into Zimbabwemoney by all means, champion bringing it all to TBC. All you’re doing is further crippling your buying power beyond being able to buy epic flying right at 70. When everyone that has a mage is bringing 5 digits of gold with them and most people have a 60 mage specifically for farming, everyone is going to know that you can put stuff up for ridiculous prices and still expect it to sell.

Look at it like this: The price of Arcanite and Arcane Crystals has unironcially tripled over the last few months on high population servers. Tripled. It’ll be over 120g on Kromcrush by the time Naxx gets here just for a single Bar. It was 40-45g at the start of BWL. And that’s just with 6 months of unchecked botting.

Now realize that all that gold that’s driving up prices everywhere already is going to just keep growing and that bringing it into TBC literally just allows that rampant inflation to KEEP GOING.

Classic’s economy is already beyond saving. Inflation has destroyed it.

You still haven’t provided any specific explanation for how you think TBC will be impacted.

You could say “PRIMAL MIGHTS WILL BE 300G AND FEL LOTUS WILL BE 500G, BECAUSE INFLATION”, but you don’t even say that much.

You just say “INFLATION, DUH” and expect that to be sufficient.

I’ll be selling [Scorpashi Cape] with a +9 agility enchant for 10G, in TBC.
Because certain players will buy that.

I actually have, thrice now. Your refusal to accept it doesn’t mean I haven’t.

If you cannot grasp such a basic concept as how inflation works and what happens when it runs rampant… I suggest you spend a few minutes in Google. I’m not going to take you to school on a basic principle of economics just for you to handwave it off like the troll we both know you are.

I like how you think I dont understand inflation because you say “INFLATION, DUH” and nothing more.


“Explain how.”


“How about something specific?”


Anyone that can’t understand this basic concept is trolling. Flat out. Feigning ignorance to continue trolling is still trolling. Nobody is legitimately that stupid while being capable of putting together a single sentence.