TBC should not allow Classic transfers

Nobody was forced to abandon whatever toon they had to start from lvl 1.

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good ideas charax

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Oh look, another thread made by someone who is trying to control how others spend their time playing the game.

I am not a fan of boosting, but it’s not my place to tell someone how to play the game. You guys really need to get a dictionary and look up the word FREEDOM.

Worry about yourself, stop trying to control others.

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Hard disagree with this. When TBC came out it didn’t have a bunch of fresh characters randomly ported in at level 58, you had people running around with t2/t3 or whatever gear they could scrap together before the launch.

Classic servers should continue with eventual mergers to compensate for the lack of players, and everyone should be given the option to transfer(not copy) their character to the SAME SERVER but that server will be moving into tbc.

So I’m on Faerlina, I can either stay on Faerlina, or choose to transfer my character to Faerlina-TBC or whatever they want to call it. Or, even better might be Faerlina moving forward into TBC and then you can opt out of TBC and pick from a list of new classic servers and xfer there where your character will then stay forever and be locked to classic.

There are a lot of interesting options, forcing people who have put in a lot of effort during classic to start over is a boring option and not realistic at all unless you want the community to hate TBC as they sludge through 12 levels with random characters that they have no attachment to.

If you actually read my entire post, I also didn’t suggest this.

as long as multiboxing is a thing, there will be a lot of gold on all servers. Imagine a guy with 4 accounts, 5 characters each, doing all dailies possible. it will be a lot of gold. people also make in the thousands range of gold just leveling from 60 to 70. grinding keys as well generates tons of gold when every single raiding player has to do them all.

inflation is not really something you can avoid. IMO a gold cap isn’t about trying to stymie inflation. its about taking away an advantage from the more tryhard players. you could say the same thing with them choosing to not have the T5 gear drop from TK during the first week. remains to be seen how they will do it.

I find it quite ironic that you told him to quit generalizing and then followed that up with about 3 sweeping generalizations based on your assumptions of others while simultaneously referring to yourself as one of the “voices of reason.”

You are either a top tier troll or not working with a full deck of cards.

A fresh start TBC wouldn’t to stop boosting. But, know that boosting will not be as bad in TBC, not until people have really good gear because of AoE damage caps.

The same thing happened in vanilla.

The “spirit of classic,” is nothing more than propaganda. People are playing classic the same way they did in vanilla.

No way I’m starting over. My Druid got the Zulian Tiger. Unless Blizzard plans on giving it back to a fresh character, no chance. That is my dream mount, and I finally got one.