TBC should not allow Classic transfers

Notice how the replies to my post are $h!tposts only with zero counterpoints offered other than REE LET ME KEEP MY ECONOMY DESTROYING GOLD SO WE CAN FORCE INFLATION TO BFA LEVELS BY THE END OF KARA?

It’s because the people replying to it are precisely the ones I was singling out. People that took advantage of multiple mass-produced methods of blowing the economy wide open and want to keep driving prices on everything higher and higher. Take a look at your AH… you’re already seeing the telltale signs of rampant, out of control inflation. Useful low-level greens (eagle/monkey/bear) are 20-40g per, with some pushing 60+ depending on level. Price on midrange and above herbs and ores are steadily climbing despite there not being any scarcity to drive up the price.

Allowing all of the gold that’s been botted and bought and aoegrinded up in Classic into TBC will have the economy be completely blown apart on day 1.

Denying that gold the ability to cross over to TBC is the only way to undo the damage caused by all the Botting that was allowed to go unchecked for half a year. Meaning a gold-capped one-time character copy window or 100% Fresh servers are the only viable options.

Doing anything less is prescribing a band-aid and some aspirin for cancer.