TBC Server Population - MERGE US NOW instead of putting it off

Servers need help… Hopefully some help will come.


just leave lol

i left skeram, sad it went this way, but i enjoy it a lot more.

You have my support Katy <3!

monkaTOS cherry, not ppc

Another bump. Not letting these topic drown in the abyss.

Blizzard’s inaction speaks volumes.

Doing exactly what Customer Service said to do. Post in the forum.


So the blind, silent, deaf, DEVS can see that my realm wasn’t the only one that died.

Customer Service closed my ticket but I’m not letting these post get lost in the void.

What is your response to this BLIZZ?


Taking advantage of these times of desperation, to let everyone on Skeram know Tokyo Parse is recruiting, immediate raid spots for locks.


Really? Heard you guys were jumping on the transfer to Faerlina bandwagon.

BUMP! I wish it wasn’t like this and didn’t have to transfer in the first place :frowning:
Although I still raid in skeram w my friends, ah prices just keep going up. Will keep bumping this :slight_smile:


Onslaught/TBS and a few other guilds were involved in that, definitely not all of Skeram and definitely not us. You can’t hold the entire realm accountable for the few responsible. Especially when those people are long gone. Even connected realms would be better than this. At least it would be something we could work with. Blizzard needs to do SOMETHING regardless of what it is, we need a solution before these realms are completely crushed. Skeram still has life left to live but how much depends on Blizzard at this point. It’s not just a Skeram problem this is an issue on every single server right now.


Bump. help our dying server before everyone is gone and quits

they know your concerns, they just dont care and cant do anything about them because it would hurt the bottom line. $25 server transfers generate a good bit of revenue.


Merge servers, please! We’re losing players left and right


It’s too much money for blizzard to lose out on the transfer fees. They are a greedy money-grabbing company now. Instead of fixing the issue, they are going to offer you a ‘Multi character transfer option’. My guild was forced off our server a few weeks ago and transferred to Whiteman due to only a handful of people being left on Smolderweb. I’ve sent their customer support several letters asking for my transfer money back and also filing a case with the BBB.

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They are money hungry but I want to see the numbers of people paying for transfers verses the people cancelling their subs over their realm population instead. I know more people quitting than transferring. If they want to keep the game alive they will eventually realize that they have to do something. The goal of this is to make our voices heard and try to push that through faster. We are putting up a fight and asking everyone to join in with us. If we blow this up big enough they have to at least look at it and see how their users feel. What they do with it will set the course for who remains a loyal subscriber and who they lose out on going forward.

Surprise us Blizzard. DO your job Devs. LISTEN to the community you’re supposedly here to cater to and find a solution. PAID transfers for a game we ALREADY pay to support and pay is NOT a solution.


I rolled on Skeram back in classic a few months before the AQ event. I had no idea it was nearly 100% horde but did so because had a few friends here playing. I brought my friends here, we really have enjoyed playing classic and now TBC again. The server exodus is definitely felt. It was very easy to get pugs for heroics, fill the last spot in an off night kara, or find somebody to quest with in hellfire. Now? It’s almost empty. LFG is just people selling groups or desperately trying to do SSC/TK since their guild just up and left.

As for Solution, merging servers or allowing free xfers for all these low pop and soon to be low-pop servers to a single balanced PVP realm would be great. From a maintenance stance, Blizzard would be able to turn off some realms and repurpose that gear somewhere else.

Finally, this game requires a monthly sub. It’s already an expensive game. I stick around because my friends are here and my guild has no plans on leaving. But for something that costs over $20/mo please stop treating this like a free2play game and take some action.


Leaving Skeram was the best thing that happened since TBC launch! Faerlina has actual pvp at summon stones like real tbc did.

You have no idea how weird it is to see enemy health plates in shat after 3months of seeing 1 per week. Also people ACTUALLY LOOK FOR ARENA. So glad to be off that dead server.

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I completely agree. Blizzard IS treating this like some free to play crapshoot when wow is SUPPOSED to be so much more than that. Awe I’m stoked to see the Pug Life boys sticking it out with us!


I refuse to give Blizzard any more of my money for a transfer while they let this server die and we pay for the litigation of their company. Either fix a situation which you created through paid transfers, either by realm connection/merge, whatever. Or I unsub when our guild/realm ecosystem can no longer support what I love about the game (raiding and dungeon grinding). Which would you prefer, Blizzard? My indefinite $15/mo while I enjoy the rest of BC’s content or a one time fee for a transfer?


All we can do is keep pushing guys. Let Blizzard know THIS is what the community wants and show them we’re fighting for it.