TBC planning: Swordsmith

It got nerfed pretty early on actually. I’d be surprised if we see a patch where it’s expertise but… who knows.

True. I think it also knocks you back down to 225 though so you’ll still have to grind back through the most expensive parts unfortunately.

I jsut remember one week the +dagger skill ring was dogdoo, the next it actually became decent for a swords rogue.

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A lot of +skill items got changed to +expertise items. Unfortunately in the ZA patch more or less, the human/orc racials got changed from +expertise/skill to +%1 crit which is much worse

The people telling you to go maces are only correct if you have a pvp focus. Swords are superior pve. Warrior dps is not great. People will generally take 1 arms warrior to boost hunter power. So the 2h sword is the best pve choice not 1h mace, or 2h mace. Arms sword spec is chance for extra hit u cannot stun bosses.


Realistically you’re just not actually going to see that many Arms warriors… and those you do see will generally be warriors who PVP primarily. And every warrior who focuses PVP will be mace spec, hands-down.

On private server its fury wars that aren’t welcome but maybe will change

Fury is better on endless since they’ve implemented the heroic strike cancelling that was rediscovered with classic. In general… its impossible to gauge anything from private servers rn… People are making 30 minute videos and writing dissertations trying to gauge the TBC meta based on the logs of like 4 guilds on private servers. The sample size is impossibly hard to really give an accurate representation of anything… even assuming their implementation is more or less in line with the way TBC classics which isnt guaranteed.

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I thought the heroic strike cancelling thing was a bug specific to 1.12 which blizz recreated? Was not aware that this is tbc also.

Lots of misinformation here.
First, Fury warriors start off a little low on DPS but scale well with gear. In a raid of 25- an ideal raid setup has 1 slot for a dps warrior, or maybe a ret imo besides maybe 1 other warrior who swaps back n forth. Some guilds, like the ones I ran with, had 2 fury warriors. But usually this meant the 1 dps warrior was fury with a prot offspec set, and 1 of the prot warriors had an arms set.
At the beginning of TBC, if you spec for it (not PVP) generally Arms was slightly better in retail. This may or may not be the case on private servers, you needed timing control on your rotation to make this work in retail. In this situation, on retail Lionheart was the best of the three. For Orc, maybe the axe was better. On the private servers, this may be different as the procs may work differently or not at all.
For fury, Maces are the best until T6 with many warriors in retail only upgrading one and using raid drops for the other. For Orcs, in retail, the axes were the slightly better option. This was not the case on Fenix, as the way the haste proc worked made the maces better.
For prot, generally tanks don’t struggle getting a weapon and my opinion is that armorsmith blows. In retail, BS+JC was a popular combination. I really like Engineering on pallies. For dps warriors, when the buff to drums was made, L/W became best, so bs+lw for min/maxing.

So, FOR PvE min/maxing:
Arms- Swordsmith
Fury- Maces, except maybe axes for Orcs.

The number one consideration for main hand was damage and the offhand was dps (can’t remember when it was normalized on warriors- was it vanilla?) !!!
For 2H, again look at DmG and DPS first, what you can get more than which type!

This from someone who actually played a fury warrior and pally in T5 and T6 retail content before switching back to my vanilla mage for sunwell up to the twins.

Goodluck, look forward to seeing you in TBC (again!)

While it’s true that the TSD is great early in, this weapon is learned by all blacksmiths. Specializations seem to matter less after TBC.

Yep was useless in Wrath and removed in Cata.