TBC is going to be as unsatisfying as vanilla

Yep unpopular as it is but blizzards inability to understand how to make a good game, and the fact they will make a higher margin by just throwing out 2.4.3 means classic tbc will be the same watered slop that vanilla classic is.

I love/ed this game - i fought as hard as anyone to bring it back but classic is not vanilla. The refusal to tune content properly (for admittedly better players today) trivialized basically all of classic. They will make the same mistakes for tbc.

There will be virtually no challenge in pve, static 2.4.3 talents will mean arena meta will not change. Fundamentally the game will be a shadow of itself.

Will i play, sure for about a month becuase the heroics will be fun until your geared. But yeh - we all see the blizzard brain drain, im just sad for those that stay loyal to a series of franchises that have abandoned their players.

And no u cant have my stuff.


You’re absolutely wrong.

What held classic back from it’s full potential was the ‘no changers’. Blizzard mistakenly believed early on that’s what most people wanted from the game. They didn’t know their own audience. Look at how many servers they released the game with and how many had to be created to compensate.

They won’t make the same mistakes with TBC. It only takes a team of 1 or 2 to bring about all the changes the game needs to make it worth while. TBC won’t be perfect, but it will be much better than classic. They are fully aware that they are losing players because content is too easy. But they put themselves in a tough position in classic where they promised ‘no changes’, and to make it a museum piece. They won’t do this with TBC.


BC will be satisfying because of Arena. That is what makes this game fun lol, once isle hits, that will also be fun.


TBC arena is not balanced at all. Warriors and Druids will rule 2’s. RMP will rule 3’s.


One thing we can never discount is Blizzard’s inability to learn from its mistakes.


TBC will be great because of arenas. I miss them so much :(. Couldn’t care less about druids and rmp’s lol. Good players will still get high ratings playing whatever class they want.

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With a Lionheart Champion on my back I’d be satisfied just standing around Shatt all day.

I’m aiming real low for TBC.

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Players demanded what we got and they got what they asked for in terms of content. TBC people are mostly asking for progressive patching. On top of that we know that blizzard has all the content from 2.0 to 2.4.3. So its not a matter of guessing how things are going to turn out. They can actually do progressive patching.

Now the question that most people have is ~will~ they do that. With how blizzard has been related to the no changes crowd it very will could be last patch last balance and we never get the pre attunment nerf content. If this is the case then it will be unsatisfying to a lot of people.

The difference may be the willingness of the TBC people to not just spam #nochanges up and down the forums. That and blizzard no being lazy

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Except WLD RLD and HLD all did better than RMP in 3s in BC.

People have a wild memory of what worked in BC lol

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Well if you go into it with that attitude…:slight_smile:

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RMP dominates 3’s in tbc.

I blame the no changes crowd. they could have brought classic back with better balancing among other things like quality of life changes, barbershop, etc. which is funny cause the “no changes” crowd are now the ones saying that classic is boring and that TBC should come out early.


Classic is way better than BfA, and I expect that BC will be great, as well.

(Honestly, I just want a permanent Wrath server. Nothing else.)


Hey look. Its Talkingoutmyastrodomus.

Lets not be naive - they didnt release a “no changes” version of classic. From yhr very start the major changes of itemization and talents were things the community said would break the game. The post nerf 1.12 version of mc/bwl - frankly nobody asked for it and its rediculous to argue anyone would have.

Simple fact - activision stood up the game as cheaply as they could. Something they will do again with tbc. Which saddens me because tbc was really good.

Fyi arenas will be terrible, not many will queue because if ur not the right meta class a good team wont take you. If your not on a good team ull get smashed so just like premades ruined classic bgs arena will be very limited in who actually does them. Admittedly those that do will enjoy them b ut for the vast majority of players they will add nothing.

So bad pve, bad pvp and an unchanging game world. G.g.


WLD won every major tournament. It is literally a direct counter to RMP

2’s were never balanced or meant to be. RMP is countered by a number of comps and was never that dominant

Literally most people will be coming back because of arenas. Guaranteed the streamers will switch from retail to tbc because of arenas. All my friends who play the game can’t wait for tbc arenas. You don’t know why you’re talking about. Good players will be getting high ratings regardless of class.

Just like they did at the start of classic then moved back to Live. Dont delude yourself on this one that they are going to come back for real amount of time.


This x1000. There is a Meta, but good players always beat bad players no matter what the comp was ( look at warlocks for example). TBC Arena was as balanced as you can get.