TBC - Fresh Start Servers Only

MY server has like 1k scarab lords as of current on classic.

Hell people with tiger mounts on non night elves are literally rarer than scarab lords.

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And who are these mysterious Blizzard developers that you alone seem to have access to? Because beyond that survey they sent out I haven’t heard a peep.

This literally doesn’t matter. There are no negatives to a server that is 100% alliance, or 100% horde. Unless you care about world pvp, which you’ll find that very very few people actually do. What the world pvpers like are one sided stomp fests, as soon as it gets annoying to their other goals they check out.

Yes I do want Blizzard to limit the gold you could copy to a new tbc server.

And I’ll have you know I’m a mage. I have thousands of gold. But blizzard said classic will be a museum piece. What you earn here should stay here.


Do you believe that tbc economies might be negatively impacted if a handful of individuals are able to bring ungodly amounts of gold over?

Would you not think that people starting on equal footing in the economy would be an overall benefit to the game?

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I support a few servers like this but I do not think they would be common so we likely do not need very many.

I think it should be a choice. Many people worked very hard for their current classic character and deserve to advance them if they so wish. People that want a fresh start however should also have an option for that.

I’m not against them limiting the gold we can take over, but 100g is not a reasonable amount (as some people are suggesting should be the limit…). People that actually put some effort into farming for TBC should be rewarded for it to some degree.

Again I think the character transfer limits on gold would work. It’s not an absurd amount to take 2k gold per lvl 60 into TBC because your already looking at 6k gold per character in flying costs to get epic flying. Let alone spell upgrades, profession upgrade costs, exc.

So even if you have a full account of 10 lvl 60s your bringing 20k at most, which gets eaten up by buying flying for 1k each character and 5k per epic flying and your short by about 40k gold for getting all of them epic flying.

Considering the costs we will have in TBC for flying+epic flying even with a lvl 60 bringing 2k gold they are 4k gold short of their finished expenses. So 3 lvl 60s would cover 1 level 70s flying/epic flying costs.

TBC fresh server with changes

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Fair enough. I personally think 2k per toon would be too much but I do see the logic in what you’re saying based on planning for essentially mandatory costs.

I’m not an advocate of tbc, I won’t be playing it, so I should probably step out of the conversation unless they make it a mandatory conversion to tbc

This guy gets it!

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agreed and signed

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I get people are worried about the harm the gold can have, but at the same time people preparing shouldn’t be completely screwed over by the TBC transition/transfer/exc

Putting the gold transfer limit at the character transfer limit is a reasonable limit because it’s not enough to cover all TBC expenses but it’s not an amount that won’t be worth having either.

I do not think a character with 100k gold should keep all of that gold for TBC.

A middle ground needs to be found.

There were fresh servers in Burning Crusade retail.

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The issue with Gold transfer limits is more related to the people who enjoy markets more than the game itself. People who enjoy the AH and farming Mara. For those people even if you limit the amount of gold per character, whats stopping them from just… making more characters. With the current meta it wouldnt take much effort for people with large gold piles to boost them to the Min level for taking Max gold over with minimal loss. Investing in JC mats will still have decent return value.

10 gold sounds reasonable No gear either.

Your trolling at this point lol

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Not trolling so much as I disagree with allowing full transfers.

I like the idea of two servers types, 1st allowing level 1 only, no transfers. 2nd allowing transfers with zero loot/gear/gold but downleveled to 58, and new toons start at 58.

Give me PvE fresh servers that do not allow transfers. Keep the grinders out of my fresh fun realm. Can’t even imagine how unfun TBC is going to be on old populated servers when everyone buys flying day 1.


I assume they’ll have some fresh-start, no-transfer realms for the players who want that. The idea of forcing everyone to start the Burning Crusade expansion at level 1is ridiculous. 60’s should be heroically pouring through the Dark Portal in their full raid gear, slaughtering demons and charging forth into Outland, just like before.

I understand that some players will bring stockpiled gold and mats through the portal, I just don’t really care about that.

I also understand that part of the appeal for F R E S H enthusiasts is to have everyone re-level at the same time so that there are more characters around and the early zones feel busy and overpopulated. Many of us don’t really like or need that, and we don’t want to nuke our characters just so that those other players don’t feel bored or lonely. I think HFP should provide enough of a bottleneck to satisfy that feeling.

F R E S H is a niche-within-a-niche that nonetheless incessantly demands that all other players conform to its own specific and extreme expectations.

“Claiming Blizzard developers have said things that they haven’t” is a super weird hobby.