TBC fresh is unfaithful to vanilla

First, server type to the same server type was a given.

There are currently 39 Classic servers split between PvE, PvP, and RP types.

Then you allow free copies.

Everyone copies lots of character “Just in case”.

Now you have 20 servers of copies ready to go just before launch as an example.

And Blizzard has managed to actually spent the time and energy to make sure everyone has their cake and can eat it too! Yay go us!

Then you discover that only 1 in 5 copies is actually being played in pure classic…because there is no downside to copying. Server hardware, that costs money, was added is now under utilized and server populations are low and/or horribly unbalanced.

The players will now blame Blizzard.

Then Blizzard will employ the oh so successful server balance strategy, that they currently have in place, to effectively address the issue in the way we all love!

It’s not that copying in theory isn’t a great idea…I think it is.

However the amount of effort, resources, and attention to detail necessary to pull it off is not something that Blizzard has shown in years.

It will be a monumental fustercluck of Biblical proportions.

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