TBC Expansion , will blizz add more character slots in TBC?

Currently maxxed at 10 characters , anyone remember back then when blizz release TBC did they add more character slots in addition to the default 10 chars ? cant wait to make draenei paladin…

Why does it matter to you? You aren’t coming, remember? Pepperridge Farms Remembers Classic TBC benefit for WoW Classic


People need to start accepting a harsh reality: There will be no TBC.

Your entire life is a harsh reality.

Got em.

See you in bc with more zingers.

There will be a TBC…and it will be spectacular.

Why wouldn’t they do TBC, it’s easy money for Blizzard…

This guy trolls. Constantly. Everything I’ve ever seen him post is “Blizzard says there will be no TBC,” and then he disappears when asked for a citation.

As long as blizzard charges full price for TBC I don’t care


If you want blizzard to survive there will be.
More people will watch TBC PVP streams than anything else that Blizzard produces. Announcement january, beta march, classic TBC in July or August.