TBC Dual Spec

How about two free respec per week!

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RPGs are about making decisions… painful ones too… luckily their multiple trainers in multiple cities that offer respects for a small fee. As long as your character is able to move there should be no issue in making the change. Also note you can have infinitely number of specs doing it this way… put your points in at random if you like. How cool is that?!?


We need this

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no :slight_smile:

5K gold, must go to trainer to use. Moving from the designated primary spec to the designated secondary spec no longer has cost. Changes to the primary or secondary specs incurs full standard respec costs. I’d go for that or not at all.

Not end of discussion otherwise this form post wouldn’t be this long I agree with him we need dual spec in tbc.

For pve,pvp

I agree one million percent

In the words of Captain Tenneal “Well, you’re wrong!”

WHY do you need dual spec? What is stopping you from doing 3 daily’s and respeccing?


You say that you need dual-spec so you can have PVP & PVE. I don’t want people having two PVE specs as it makes hybrid builds less valuable as I’ve mentioned multiple times.

How about a compromise

PVP Spec that activates only when you enter a BG or Arena. The rest of the time you are in your normal spec?


You don’t ‘need’ dual spec, no. But this could be a great gold sink if they include it and up the price.

Yeah people throw around ‘Need’ too casually. Since this is a video game and doesn’t involve your real life survival in any way the term Need is not appropriate.

However if we wanted to put a qualifier on it as a need for you to play the game then it would only qualify things that would make the game unable to be played. Realistically it’s all just wants.

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Your issue is people changing specs during a dungeon or raid, invalidating your hybrid spec’s usefulness, right? Give it a two minute cast time when switching specs. Guilds that would force you to have a DPS and Healing spec aren’t going to wait two minutes for people to switch between pulls.

I mean if you are in a speedrun guild sure but my current guild will often spend 5 minutes just discussing positioning before a fight as we don’t always have the same people from week to week so some small changes need to be made or we have a new person we need to explain the fight to.

Also 2 minutes is not really that long. You could just tell someone to stand back and change specs while the rest of the group cleared trash towards the next boss.

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These are all just bandaids to try and appease people who don’t want dual spec to make it more palettable.

The problem comes with warlocks being able to summon someone from inside a raid. I highly doubt people will be swapping specs in dungeons.

There is no difference between a mage opening a portal, someone going back to their trainer, hitting respec and accepting a summon back. Or just hitting “Change spec”.

Even if it’s only allowed to be changed in rested areas (like I think it should be) the same scenario above applies. Portal out, change, summon back.

The meta will mostly kill hybrid specs like it did in classic. And guilds that don’t care if you’re hybrid or not won’t force you to dual spec either. Even though the gap between hybrid and pure spec is bigger in tbc than it is in classic.

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Blood DK in TBC would be awesome.

As someone who rolled a priest and healed the entire time, I can say that the cost of changing talents became onerous.

It was also hard as a healer to make money. I didn’t have the dps to mow mobs down, and the nodes for gathering were always tanked out because of overpopulated servers.

The DPS specs had a much easier time farming (mages, warlocks, hunters) and they could enjoy “getting stronger.” I was a walking band aid.

Dual spec would have kept me in the game longer. I would have had a nice break from constantly healing, but the outdated design philosophy of classic held me back.

And no I’m not advocating changes like putting flying into Azeroth, or removing deleveled lists, or putting transmogs in.

This change in particular would only enhance the game imho.


Doing Solo content in TBC will be less of a problem as a healer due to them changing the Healing gear so that 1/3 of the bonus healing on an item will now give bonus damage. You don’t really need a DPS spec to farm effectively in TBC and gear increases you get in raids will directly translate to you being stronger for farming.

For a super sweaty guild sure they can do that but there are levels of sweatiness and dual-spec takes that from the level of something only 1% of guilds do to something a large majority of guilds would do. Also the super sweaty guilds aren’t going to want to waste that much time but a few second casting bar like it is in retail will be worth it for sure.

I’ve actually mentioned in previous posts that I would like to see locked in spec once you are saved to the ID so that you can’t just portal out, swap specs, and get summoned back.

Also as an olive branch to think of a compromise I’ve mentioned having a PVP spec that only activated when entering a battleground or arena so those who complain about constantly changing specs for arena could have an option like this.

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Well my suggestion was to be in a rested area. That would be more of a hindrance than a cast bar and can’t be done in the raid. I guess I don’t see a world in which a guild will require you to dual spec into the meta if DS exists, but not force you to respec between fights anyway if the steps are the same to achieve the same goal.

I haven’t looked into this myself but I have seen it mentioned that there are addons that will auto select talents for you at the trainer. So in essence you would have to get a portal to sw. Run to the priest trainer, and hit an addon button that would change your spec… Or you get a portal to sw, hit the change spec DS button and you are in your new spec.

I know in your thread about the reasons against you mentioned gold sinks not being a barrier and I agree. If you can afford the 1k wrath cost of dual spec, you can afford the 50g per respec.

As for the raid Id… My only problem with that is for raid groups that are progressing on bosses and spending 2 nights a week on the same content. A scenario of Person A tanks on raid night 1 and Person B is a dps that night. Well Person A can’t make raid night 2 or an emergency comes up and has to leave after only an hour in. Now Person B can’t go respec to replace him as a tank and now your raid is short a tank for the rest of the lockout. I think that scenario would get some blow back on blizz, though I understand the scenario you are trying to prevent.

It’s already gonna be invalidated in tbc imo, because you need to go deeper in the talent trees to get the useful stuff, like how the shadow priests basically NEED their final talent to be useful or the prot paladins need the avenger’s shield if they want to tank

#DualSpec in tbc