TBC Dual Spec

This is the best take I’ve seen on this. The only thing I’d add is that it should probably be limited to rest areas or prevented in dungeons/raids (or a cd outside of rest areas). Otherwise the min/max community will start changing specs between pulls and then complain that that’s what they have to do now in order to min/max effectively.

Wouldn’t take a spec like that to AQ40 or Naxx for sure and with the bosses in TBC being pre nerf, I would rather get a full shadow priest or a holy priest over a meme spec

I mean say what you will but the spec really isn’t bad, I can do equivalent damage to shadow but still provide solid healing when needed. You are free to look me up on wcl if you don’t believe.

Also just as a side note, just because you personally wouldn’t want a player outside of the meta specs in your raid doesn’t mean that it’s irrelevant to the discussion.

That would be equivalent to saying you don’t understand why people are upset about them tearing down the baseball field just because you don’t play baseball

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with dual spec, you can play like that if you wish. IF your guild is fine with smite spec now, they would be when dual were introduced.

Nothing is changed/destroyed. Dual-spec doesn’t destroy hybrid spec.

Of course it doesn’t you can’t switch specs during an encounter so if you want to play a spec that tries to do multiple roles you will still need that weird spec.

The problem I have with dual spec is that raiding scene will be requiring you to run 2 raid specs for varied encounters. In the end, it will be more tedious for a portion of the playerbase having to pay for dual spec AND respec our dual spec for pvp.

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As of now, I believe we can summon from inside the dungeon. Basically, the try-hards will port out to respec and get summoned. For 99% of the guilds, I do not think constant respeccing and dual raiding specs will be “required”.

If dual spec were a thing, I believe it should only be used in rested area. IT’s a QoL improvement for PVP and outdoor questing, not so much for raiding. There are more to the game than raiding. PVP population would explode with dual-spec.

At least reducing the respec cost a bit is fine in my book.

I agree, if they customize it a bit and make you use it in a rested area it would solve the issue. I do disagree that most wont require dual raiding specs for a portion of the classes and raid spots. People still think they cant raid without every world buff on farm content. It will of course vary per server due to server culture and whatnot.

This is very true. Many of these hybrid specs would be useless.

Besides, dual spec was a Wrath innovation. It has no place in a pre-Wrath Classic server if authenticity (or being close to authentic) is a goal.

And if you really want to spec swap during raids (when out of combat) why not do what they do in retail today and just let people change to any spec in their class without cost. If what people really want is QoL improvements then the changes may so well be as modern as possible.


The original form of dual spec was like this:

1,000 gold to gain the ability.
Only swappable at your class trainer.
Usual gold cost to adjust talents within a spec, also only doable at the trainer.

How would y’all feel if they did it like that, IF they were to put dual spec in?

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ya and what gold sink will replace with everyone have thousands of gold already?

I see everyone saying stuff about a gold sink needed, but 250g max a day let’s say, won’t affect the people that have already thousands and thousands of gold, so I just see it as, we need a different gold sink than the respec costs

I agree.

Every change Blizzard has made since TBC (for the last 10+ years) is something that COULD be put into TBC Classic. But would it still be TBC Classic? At what point does it become “retail WoW on an old continent”? I can already do that with Chromie. I don’t need a new expansion to get that.


Personally i’d make the Dual spec free if we are keeping the respec fee (which i’m fine with). It’s not just the cost that people dislike about respeccing, it’s the process of doing it AND adjusting all your bars. Or we could keep the 1k but half the respec cost or something. I’m not really hard set for or against dual spec, but if we DO get it i’m hardset on it not being like the wotlk\wrath version.

Lets do the Duel spec challenge. Take a shot every time someone in this thread spelled duel instead of dual.


I’ve yet to talk to anyone who didn’t want this. It’s a huge quality of life change and I feel fits right in with #somechanges. It provides more engagement instead of just logging out because of having to spend more time / effort to have fun. There are simple restrictions which could be done like needing to be at a trainer or major city instead of how retail has it. The “spirit” of the original games and what keeps me in classic isn’t the “original” game feel, it’s the community where we don’t have auto queues and have to have community interaction with the servers we play on.

How is “It kills of hybrid specs” remotely true?

You can summon players to instances now.
Warlocks can summon players directly into instances in BC.
Warlocks will not be a short supply class in BC.

You will most likely be required to swap roles anyways since the time cost of doing so is non-existent in BC.

People also don’t seem to understand how dual spec works. You can only have 2… So a paladin can’t “easily” change to all 3 specs… But like you said, nothing is stopping a raid from sending healers and tanks back to town to change talents and then get summoned back. Or even pure dps classes change due to different specs.

This would be far more rampant in classic now if warlocks could summon from inside the dungeon or raid like they can in tbc.

You even have super hard core raids swapping people and classes out per fight.

Keeping dual spec out doesn’t destroy the Meta… The knowledge of the players and the min/max nature of the player base will destroy it. So why barrier everyone else?

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I don’t want dual spec because it goes against TBC and the idea of these classic servers represent. BUT, if we do it, if it has to be done, do it the original way. Huge up front cost, only changeable at trainers, still have to pay to adjust talents inside the spec.

Absolutely do not do dual spec as it stands on retail, destroys class identity and having your spec be a meaningful thing.

TLDR: No dual spec please, don’t give in to #somechanges.


i cant advocate this being mandatory or say blizzard should because its not original to TBC so adding it wouldnt be right BUT if it was added i would welcome it just for making life easier overall but itll never happen