TBC Dual Spec

lol. I also want the new retail UI. Last time i played for a few months, it was pretty snazzy.

I dont know about that. lol

Hey. I just remember seeing a banner across the screen saying, “You have reached level 10!” and thinking, hey … that’s kinda neat. Haha.

I am still against dual-spec as it ruins hybrid builds however there are compromises I could live with if it had the following restrictions.

  1. One spec per raid lockout
  2. Only can change specs in rested areas

This way having a hybrid build would still be useful rather than having a healer and dps build and just hot swapping or even teleporting out and getting summoned back because you want 1 more healer for x encounter

This could be interesting if you got locked to the spec you zoned into the instance with for that instance.

Unlimited respecs outside of instance but tie the spec you can zone into a raid with to its lockout id.

I don’t like that. During progression people may want to adjust specs to overcome bosses, which is a valid strategy.

I suggested putting a CD on swapping talents on dual spec. Maybe 1 hour like a hearthstone. You could still swap specs mid raid, but the CD is long enough that it wouldn’t really be viable to have two raid specs since you couldn’t guarantee to have the spec you need at any given time unless you just switched for the last couple bosses for the night. But that’s a pretty niche scenario.

Sure i was just thinking for dual spec, you want to switch specs by paying that would be valid.

There is a legitimate concern about people switching specs every pull.

that may be hard to code to lock one “side” of the dual spec to a lockout ID. But could be a valid way to prevent people from swapping all the time mid-raid.

This I don’t agree with mainly because it’ll compromise the integrity of the raid itself. Making it convenient (not saying it’s not possible for super try hard guilds), is kind of destroying a core part of the game and that is identity. In some way, it’s “cheesing” the encounter.

If a guild chooses are certain raid comp, they have to live with it - for better or worse.

It might be a valid strategy, but TBC wasn’t built around it.

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I still despise dual spec. But say if they absolutely were going to put it in. This isn’t a bad compromise.

People shouldn’t have be spec locked zoning into a dungeon. this is separate from dual spec. People need to be able to change their talents at the trainer.

At any rate, I misunderstood the original poster. He meant that you shouldn’t be able to swap to a second spec after you are locked in an ID, but you could still alter that spec at the trainer, which is fine. However, I think this will introduce a lot of headaches for players. I think a CD on dual spec swapping is simpler, and would achieve almost the same thing.

However, I’m a bit anti-dual spec since it wasn’t in TBC. But if they do add it, I want them to put some type of restriction so people can’t have two raid specs that they can swap to at the drop of a hat.

I’d be all about dual spec. I plan to go Prot for TBC but I rather not quest like that. My Classic Paladin will likely barely be 60 when TBC launches so the gold price of frequently respecing is a no go.

BC needs it. my wife and I both play healers, so if I want to do a dungeon with her on my healer then I have to pay for respec. If my arena partner wants to tank a dungeon then que later that night, has to pay for a respec. If I raid as a pve spec but then want to do some bgs/arena…respec. It needs to be in the game.

Having it doesn’t hurt anyone. Purist need to understand they arent getting the game they want or expect. TBC Classic isnt TBC. its better to think of TBC Classic as TBC New Game+


Having it as a simple toggle switch that you can use at anytime DOES hurt hybrid builds that specialize in doing multiple jobs with 1 spec. Why bring a hybrid if you can just switch between two specialized specs at anytime?


They need to rename the forums to be The Wrath Crusade.


because hybrids bring things youre gonna want anyways. totem of wrath, improved weapon totems, moonkin aura, leader of the pack, paladin blessings, misery and shadow weaving. you dont bring them because they are hybrid. you bring them for those buffs.

I think you don’t understand what I mean by “hybrid spec”

I am not saying why you’d bring a paladin or a druid, ect to your raid.

I am talking about the less common niche builds (like my own) that are designed to perform multiple raid roles well

I play as the hybrid smite spec and serve as a DPS on most fights but as a Healer on those fights we need extra healers (ie Sapphiron)

Having a hot swap dual-spec would see me building a Holy & Shadow spec and this unique gameplay choice would be gone.

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… most guilds… dont really take someone who advertises themselves as that kind of hybrid spec so… yeah. id rather take a full healer or full dps and have them be able to perform one task good and one task bad then 2 tasks mediocre.

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The only acceptable version of dual spec is the one that’s been proposed where you have a pvp spec which can only be used in arenas & BG’s. Any sort of wotlk-style dual spec would undermine specs like feral, elemental and fury which can perform multiple roles with one spec, and would pigeon-hole hybrid classes into having to maintain two raid specs. More important than either of those points though is the fact that your spec identity should have some weight to it, and freely changing it without going through the headache of paying the gold and redoing your UI severely diminishes the rpg aspects of the game.