TBC Classic and #goodchanges (remove racials)

Gotcha. Yea, I see people all the time talking about it like it was officially blue posted lol

Yeah it’s pretty cringe worthy to see people arguing over things that no one even knows will ever actually be worked on or released.

Yup it didnt take long for the Alliance to start thier unfounded whining.

I remember it back then and now and now in retail so if i have to live with resilience you can live with racists

I remember being on a Alliance dominated server and dont recall any faction imbalance as a whole across the game.

But i do vividly remember Alliance complaining about nothing a lot.

Nah racial imba should take back seat to class imba. Warlocks rogues mages druids all need CC/ hot/dot nerfs. Nerfs to lifebloom Nerfs to cc and removal of resil or reworking so its just has heavy handed to dots as crits. Also remove drinking from arena.

We need to make an independent comity so that every one is treated equally in our diverse but equal community.

They haven’t removed racials in retail for 16 years. You think they are gonna hand pick expansions to do so from?

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This to me sounds like a player base issue. Too many people turned classic wow into “SHOW UP WITH ALL YOUR WBS, CONSUMES. IF YOURE NOT A RACE/RACE COMBO THAT HAS WEAPON SKILL BUILT IN YOURE NOT IN THE RAID”.

The meta now was the rarity before. Now its harder to find guilds who accept UD warriors without edgemasters because “ITS NOT OPTIMAL BRO”

Same can be said about racials. People dont play the game just to play, they play as if they are all trying to be MLG Classic WoW players. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Or you can just wait for Wrath.

THe factions are imbalanced around what people want to do NOW its not something that changes because 2 new races and 2 new ablites are put into the game. If we look at the population trends of what eneded up happening it was BE taking up much of the space as the pretty PvP race for horde while allaince still dominated much of the PVE servers. In wrath when they get Every Man They were the BETTER race to chose for pvp. Yet overall people didnt change at that point being set in there characters for years.

On top of that players gor the ability to transfer, faction change, race change. All of this adding to the movment of players towards bigger more populated or more focused servers.

If anything Faction change should never be added to classic and youll see that the major servers dont have much shift overall as people want to keep things they earned. Where the major changes and shifts are going to come is the fringes of the world The small or unbalanced servers as people move to be in more populated places for there faction so they CAN participate in the game.

As a reminder over time Servers got able to handle more population and because of that people moved to more populated servers. Same thing that happened through out classic. People moved to populated servers away from unbalanced PvP. or PvE servers.

You’re right that nochangers were bad for classic. You’re also right that we need good changes in TBC.

But, you’re wrong about removing racials. That’s not a good change and has nothing to do with anything else you’re talking about. Faction balance is a meaningless metric in the game and that’s the only argument you can make in favor of removing racials.

Your position on removing racials hurts your position on ‘good changes’ for TBC. You really should refine your position. The kind of changes you should be asking for are really quite simple.

-Bug fixes.
-Remove terrain exploits.
-Ensure raid tuning is appropriate for today’s gamer.

Any other changes are unnecessary.

No changes to TBC. Leave it alone please.


Controversial opinion: I like racials. I think they add something interesting to the game. The fact that most warriors are orcs and most mages are undead is flavorful to say the least. And outside of even the most top end raiding guilds I’ve rarely see people deny say, a priest for being a night elf to a raiding team.

Please don’t facilitate the removal of RPG elements from an MMORPG, thanks.

Please don’t. Everyone and their pets experienced how bad #nochanges was for the game. They need to make some small fixes to some stuff. It is not much, but it needs to be done. (NOT speaking about extreme stuff like removing racials at all)

I don’t agree.

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There is nothing said about class homogenization… You think throwing some buzz phrase from retail around makes completely rigged racials OK?

Nothing is ok about horde rets doing 15%+ more damage because of having a rigged seal. Nothing is OK about alliance gaining gift of the naru and horde gaining arcane torrent. Horde already have a tremendous advantage thanks to racials and it only gets worse in tbc since dwarf racial and fear ward are no longer an advantage.

Only reason alliance isn’t flat out awful is that they have paladins and stone form/fear ward. All of this is not only undone its also made worse thanks to seals n arcane torrent.

Its time blizzard stops listening to these no change idiots and makes it so the game isn’t miserable for the alliance players.

We were told to wait til tbc for av to not be unplayable when it was one of the biggest selling points of classic. Now what we are supposed to wait til wotlk for alliance to have a decent racial to enjoy arenas, at that point the two phases of the game people looked forward to most are gone and ruined yet again.

Of course racials matter. Arena is being added ffs. Why would you campaign to make a joke of it by allowing cheesy racials to ruin it just like they do classic now…

It’s mostly not about pve even though the blood elf stuff is broken there as well. They matter alot more in pvp and especially arena. I don’t really care about the PvE raiding aspect of racials because the TBC content is going to be easy just like classic. It matters in retail when mythic+ has an actual competitive element to it but pretending its a big deal in classic or tbc raiding is silly.

Clearly unfounded that our new race provides a weak rejuv with a cast time while hordes new race provides an aoe blanket silence that can trivialize many raid/dungeon mechanics and lock down an entire arena team. Nothing cheap about dealing with for example a rogue that can stun lock you then follow up it with a blanket silence right?

Leave TBC alone. Look at what Blizz is doing with retail. Keep them away from the old games.

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I don’t agree it’s a good change. Part of what makes these versions distinct compared to retail is that they feel more RPG.

Easy to say when the “leave TBC alone” means more imbalanced nonsense that benefits the horde . Look how AV turned out for the alliance thanks to no changes… Look how BGs in general turned out for everyone that doesn’t want to premade.

No changes is not an option at this point.

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Theres plenty to be said about what happened to classes as the game move forward and Homogenization isnt a buzzword if its the LITERAL definition of what happened in Wrath as they moved tons of ablites into different classes to make sure that you could raid on whatever you wanted. For example Refresh buff.

But just to make sure you understand definitions.

Definition of homogeneous

1 : of the same or a similar kind or nature

2 : of uniformstructure or composition throughout a culturally homogeneous neighborhood

3 : having the property that if each variable is replaced by a constant times that variable the constant can be factored out : having each term of the same degree if all variables are considered

I could just as quickly name plenty of examples that go the other way as it relates to how alliance get advantages right now in the game. There is a reason as to why the alliance is the more popular faction in a game that people know and understand all the advantages of if Shamans were that much more powerful over all, there would not be an Alliance there would only be a horde. At the same time you have arguably a better caster in gnomes for the int.

Moving into TBC Horde keeps up its PvP focus with an interupt on Arcane torrent that literally does not return any resources unless you prime it first. Beside that much of the use as it relates to Silence, doesnt seem to come into play for people that play the P-servers. In fact it would seem that msot people Keep playing the standard horde races overall. At the same time just bring around a Drenia gets you free hit, which, looking at nearly every DPS list says get hit to cap. Not the greatest stat ever but still good. On top of Chastise for 2 priests which is STILL good in pvp. People have had 15 years to figure out how to deal Arcane torrent and the new version is prob better than the old if you can just start stripping buffs from people in arena

They have done that. That was exactly what happened in wrath and even in wrath people didn’t realize how good Every Man was. But that was when blizzard broke down the walls of difference and just told everyone to be the same class wise and started to move buffs to every class.

Everything of your post reeks of “Woe is the Allince”. Av is unfair because horde has the advantage. Yet alliance can still win and have done so. Horde get the better Seal Horde get the better racial get the better everything! Alliance still the most populated faction in classic. Without Faction Transfers i bet they will be in TBC.

If you want to make an argument that we delete all the characters from Classic and force everyone to reroll the idea that horde is simply better will cause exactly what you said.