TBC - Burning Crusade - Peaceful Transition

I don’t plan to.

This is good except replace transfer with copy. The benefit outweighs any opinionated negative. This gives a player the option to play both Classic and TBC.

Transfers force ultimatums and server numbers to dramatically change creating more problems to fix. Offer a copy of all characters on your account on that server to the new TBC server and that same person can still play Classic on his Max level character if he chooses to.
Choices matter and to have more choice than less choice is better. A copy hands down is better than a transfer. Transfers draw lines, copies leave doors open and it’s not exploitable.
(Do you want to Copy all your characters on X realm to the new X TBC server? Yes / Not Now)
Very simple. Forced transfers will just result in customers leaving. Giving an option to play both will keep people around longer even if just marginally so.

Also if anyone wants to play TBC content that bad can just go and do it. Go to Nagrand and enjoy questing on your level 60. Not good enough? Want to force migrate an entire demographic of players that signed up to stay in Classic? No thanks. I drew the line when MOP came out and left before it went live. A Decade later I’m back to play and stay on a server and patch that was promised to me when I signed up.

Blizzard failed to listen to it’s original players and that’s why the slow downfall after Wrath. These players are back. Not the people that came at the tail end of Vanilla. Not the people that were too young to know anything. I’m talking the people that had bills and lives back then and are back to play the old content uninterrupted.

(Content doesn’t drive the server, the players do. After I get every item in the game I’m making my own goals and objectives and have a blast)

I have enough time (mostly) for one MMORPG.

If I have the choice between classic and TBC I’ll be stepping away from classic. Player loss IS going to happen, I just hope theres enough players left on classics side to keep the game somewhat functional.

Thats why I said
“choices matter and to have more choice than less choice is better. A copy hands down is better than a transfer. Transfers draw lines, copies leave doors open and it’s not exploitable.
(Do you want to Copy all your characters on X realm to the new X TBC server? Yes / Not Now)
Very simple. Forced transfers will just result in customers leaving. Giving an option to play both will keep people around longer even if just marginally so.”

Here’s the things with copies. Well, first let me ask this: are you saying it should be a one-time thing? Copy when TBC launches, or have that ability at any point later on? Because having the possibility of making and leveling characters on Classic servers and then copying over to TBC or Wrath eventually could have the potential for a LOT of abuse. A lot of gold inflation. A lot of problems. I don’t see that happening.

Explain exactly how it would be exploited.
This should be a One time copy to all characters on the server you own.
Do you want to Copy your Characters to a New TBC Server Yes / Not Now.

The items in Classic are more expensive than those same items cost in TBC. Everything in TBC was easier. Its way easier to get gold in TBC. The Daily Quests right when you hit 61 gives you ridiculous amounts of Gold.

This is about giving people the option to Stay in Classic without making them choose one or another and without being forced into a transition for player numbers. Let people go where they want. If people really want TBC that bad thay can go to Retail right now and enjoy Nagrand with a lvl 61.

lol gamers are idiots, wow. Imagine pre ordering the next expansion after the absolute dumpster fire of BfA.


If you don’t see how six months after TBC releases, or a year, or two years players have the ability to level characters on Classic and then transfer them to a TBC server…I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t see players having that ability.

I don’t see it either… please enlighten us. Gold is EASIER to get in TBC so why would the couple hundred gold you get while leveling in Classic cause ANY issues on a TBC server? What else is there to exploit other than gold?

What dailies are you doing at level 61?

This is whats going to happen.

I love how players amassing thousands and thousands of gold is ‘a couple hundred’. It’s not just level and transfer. They can sit at 60, rake in tons of money and then copy over. I don’t see it happening. IF copying/transfer happens at all, it should be a one-time thing when TBC servers first launch. Otherwise it’s two different games with a perpetual shared economy, occasionally adding in vast amounts of gold, tons of gatherable raw materials, etc. from the ether. It’s a recipe for disaster.

Number 2 is silly and won’t happen. The default position won’t be to force players to transfer their characters BACK to a Classic server. It’ll be the other way around. Inherently your character will remain on a capped 60 Classic server. It will take action on the players’ part to move them to a TBC server…if that’s even an option.

I continue to say keeping the games completely separate is the best course of action. Classic servers, TBC servers, and eventually Wrath servers.

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As a long term customer my outlook was always to be moving to TBC and Wrath. With how things turned out in classic, and i do have more gold than i did the first time going in but not the banks some people have. I would much prefer the Fresh Start and leave all the things behind.

If others want to continue on with there characters to whatever solution blizzard comes with to move people around or advance the servers, thats fine with me but i think there are plenty of customers that also want that outlook as well. If you give your Customers options they can all build there communites to last longer.

And lets be honest Tourists are going to come back to there main character to do the same things they did in classic in TBC. Get those 10 levels run some content move back to whatever game or thing they were doing before.

So you don’t have a way of explaining exactly how it can be exploited ok.
Also what you are talking about is not a benefit and its an ability everyone has at the beginning of TBC. Leave the Classic Players alone. Copies > Transfers. Don’t try to force others to play with you. Let them stay where they want without ultimatums.

they did that in 2006

you fundamentally dont understand how tbc classic should be released. the concept im talking about is copy character data on release night, and paste that character data over to the corresponding tbc server for that classic server. this way, you can play either tbc or classic. classic you can play as if nothing happened, and tbc you can play as if it was 2007 again with your vanilla character going through the dark portal for the first time. they never did a gold cap in 2007. they should not do one for tbc classic. let the people who want to “ruin the economy” ruin the economy. who cares. you will still be alive at the end of the day. nothing bad will happen and anyone who says something bad will happen is being alarmist for the sake of attention.

This is a moot point. It’s not about majority at all. It’s not about what most people want. It’s about what is right and wrong. Many play classic to stay in classic and want to know nothing else of anything other than classic. Doesn’t matter to you or anyone else WHY we want to stay here but we do. That being said, anything that has to do with TBC should be disconnected from classic. If there IS a connection it’s to offer a COPY of all the toons on 1 server to a new TBC server that’s disconnected from Classic all together.
Any other option is to force players that want to stay , to move. Mine gives the choice one way or another and it’s not exploitable.

most will move on to TBC but they will keep a few classic only servers I’m more than sure of it.


What they could do is just have TBC be enabled at the launcher. Like you know how on the launcher you could switch between retail and classic? Just add a TBC option. So what this does is allows you to keep your classic character on your classic server but if you pick TBC then you basically log into the same server with TBC enabled. If that makes any sense. I know I’m reaching on this one thou.

I dont think they can do something like that from a technical stand point.

The Transfers only make sense if they go downward and I will tell you why.

(if) you made transfers up there is always a chance that the server(s) that you transferred off from would be diminished greatly in population where you would need to again transfer to another classic server or do server merging (more work for blizzard to do)

Where as if you do the transfers downward you can funnel together all the players whom want to stay playing on classic eternal and there would not ever need to be any issues with low pop servers due to a lot of people progressing. Ensures strong populations grouped together. Better to have 5 high population servers than 40 low population servers.

With that being said the smart choice and the logical choice is the transfers downward. Best option to ensure classic only eternal players can play with other classic only eternal players on a classic eternal server.

This is why this is the logical choice

I think they can… but I don’t think they will lol