A very based race.
Highmountain Tauren FTW
I was just getting friendly with them last night.
They look great.
Do y’all enjoy getting milked?
The Goldshire thread is thataway ----->.
The antlers are my favorite thing about them.
I agree.
Tauren is the best.
No, no, no. Worgen is the best race. We got everything: agility, awesomeness, good looks, and natural secret identities that hide us from swarming fans.
give em a few months
and he’ll have more then you.
Only races that are edible are the best.
Agreed! Tauren the best race.
All the bovine races count. We are most definitely the best.
I miss the days when I mained a Tauren Druid
i use to main a tauren…
the blood elves made me change it
Hovers in eating a chunk of dragon-flamed cow meat….laughs in dragon and then hovers out
Many times have I thought about returning to my old Nelf warrior for that reason.
I love my big moos, would love to play Horde again and give big cow hugs. c:
the blood elves dont leave me alone as a human sadly
hi im an undead female worlock
Hello Aldreia.
I’m a male tauren druid.