Targeting PVP Pets

Is there a macro targeting option for doing this?

I haven’t quite sussed out how to do this (I played a Hunter for too many years - I’m playing a Druid now as well as a Fire Mage to mix things up a bit).

I could use a bit of help here.

@arenaNpet I think

Yeah, I got it sorted out for Arenas. I was thinking more battlegrounds and something akin to how /targetenemyplayer works.

I was hoping for /targetenemyplayerpet or some such thing.

I don’t necessarily know WHICH player’s gonna have a pet and I’d like to have a way to macro target them since I generally macro target everything else in PVP.

It may not be possible. If not, I’ll take the benefit of that on my hunter and grumble about it on my Druid and my Mage. :slight_smile: