Tanks OP should they get some adjustments?

Currently all forms of tanks are way too OP and easy. It is high time they got some adjustements to reduce overall DPS and remove all self healing so people can do their roles in dungeons and raids.

Hopefully this gets addressed soon.

Good news!!


What good news and where?

Just recently, so you had great timing with this post. I guess Blizzard was thinking the same thing

you are either trolling or have your head buried so far in the sand you’re struggling to breathe

it’s sunday so I’ma go wtih trolling

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This is a rage-bait thread, and you bit hard.

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Interesting but this does not seem to go far enough at all and does not address most of the OP issues. I would say they need to reduce the damage another 150% and remove all self heals as they are tanks and not healers. Defensives should remain but move to a 10min shared cooldown so they are used properly for mitigation.

Enjoy your 2 role mmo with that terrible take. Glad you aren’t a dev…

Tank damage is fine, you’re just used to absolute trash tier dps in your groups. Dps should not be pulling less than 200k overall in S4 LFR gear with a proper build, consumables, enchants, routes, etc. several specs were breaking 300-350k overall in keys at that Ilvl last season…

Maybe it will be enough, we should see how it goes. But yes in general I think it’s ridiculous that the person who should need the most healing in the group, the tank, usually needs the least. I would much rather heal up a huge health bar (more relaxing) and use my aoe heals on slow rot damage.

As opposed to the current healing style which is basically whack-a-mole on teeny DPS health bars and being stressed out the whole dungeon. Until you get to higher levels where every cast is stopped (else people just die) and a healer might be irrelevant for entire pulls.

It’s this.

Personal threats and abuse are not warranted here.