23.5=50? In what world. You are moving goalposts.
Do yourself a favor and cut the act and stop trying to lie.
23.5=50? In what world. You are moving goalposts.
Do yourself a favor and cut the act and stop trying to lie.
4 were complete premades. 4/17=23.5% a Bulk of them I queued with Pigg, who I want to point out, was a 615-620 DH so not a carrier. His friend is a healer main, so his dps was mediocre at best. Check the logs, the DH consistently beat the Shaman in DPS.
Who happens to have a 2729 Mage? That’s still a carry. His friend is still 2990, healer main or not at 628 ilvl. All of which is to deflect away from your claim that half of your runs were fully pugged. How many threads has it been now where you got caught fabricating the truth?
Idk who the mage is.
You don’t need to know his mage, the fact is that he has one that’s 2729 so his DH is an alt. Although I find it funny how the DH is your friend and you don’t know his mage.
Ohh yes I thought you meant a pug. Sure he’s 2700, but he brought his lower geared toon, so hardly a carry. Especially since I am also 2800ish, on a similarly geared alt?
Tank balance is at the worst its been since VDH reigned supreme. Jak said on his stream today that Blizzard needs to make tank balance their #1 priority when it comes to M+, because Tanks want to play the classes they like, not whats meta.
If their class becomes unviable, they very quickly check out – and then theres less runs overall because theres less tanks. Not to mention, many groups will outright decline any tank thats not a Prot Paladin right now, so those tanks are really only doing premades and running their own keys.
They were a package deal. Every one of them you said Pigg “and his friend” who is 2990 IO and 636 ilvl were with you making it easy to get into group or to post groups. In the mist 3 of you were 630+. Same with the DB, Ara, and CoT.
So I bring a 620 alt and someone is who meh at best is somehow a carry? Some of my logs have me pushing insane HPS in some cases… Also I am consistently 400-500k DPS (Details) as a healer…
I’m going to be honest, I’m not going to go through your logs and HPS is a terrible metric.
The part about being carried is being in a group with someone who’s 2990 IO. This grants you instant invites or gets people to sign up much faster if you are posting your own key. Even if he is playing off-spec he knows all of the mechanics and is fully geared. What kills keys are mechanical failures 9 times out of 10, not DPS checks.
You’re clearly capable of playing in competent level keys, but don’t try to flex on people with your alt army claiming they were pugged when you have friends who are willing to help boost you. Friends, which are a good thing to have.
Where can I join ?
Tanks don’t outdps people… Maybe with an insane 20 ilvl gap
Yes grim batol is from cata game was three expansions in. And the mechanics have been mostly changed for the current audience
That’s not blizzards fault tho? The mobs and boss mechanics don’t change at all from mythic 0 and beyond. You can learn all of the fights by running the dungeons at zero. You join an 8 I’m going to heavily assume you know the fights and the mobs.
The dungeon difficulties are there. Blizzard can’t help people doing braindead easy delves gearing beyond the level and then wiping on higher harder content. You trying to rule book and nostalgia over being the big brother to a bunch of new guys in a dungeon that’s been run hundreds of times in the third year of an expansion isn’t much to compare to the now.
If you wanted to bash the game because you no longer like it there are far easier and shorter ways to do it heh.
And if Jak knows history, he knows how unlikely that is.
Besides, why wouldn’t this simply result in say ten tanks signing up for the same 12 as opposed to five?
I mean the fact that groups of over 2700 are letting his green af score alts into +10s is proof enough that they are are least partial friends in there letting him in. Nobody but friends will let low or zero scores into 10s or payed carries I guess.
I’ll never understand why people think “multiple accts” is a good answer to any defamatory questioning lol. Multiple accts in any situation is literally such a red flag.
My 10s with a friend, that friend was a DH with as lower level than me…
It is Blizzard’s fault, they make the game. Maybe you weren’t aware of that? People don’t run m0 because there’s no incentive. You assume people know a dungeon just because they joined a higher tier? lol How incredibly naive of you.
i asume people climbed the content they are running and arent just good cuz they got a number bloated by delves.
oh youre that person that cant make a normal discussion without insulting or calling people names. nvm just continue your mouth foaming lol
Who’s foaming at the mouth? I pointed out some reasons why tanking isn’t very fun this expansion and you proceeded to lick boot in response. I’m glad you’re having fun, I’m sure you’re not alone in that, but the fact of the matter is there are more players than ever who simply do not want to tank due to the broken design philosophies of modern WoW, even if tanking is something they had enjoyed in the past.