Tanking/Healing isn't encouraged if asked to?

I said it once and i’ll say it again. If you think accessibility is the reason that there’s a tank/healer shortage, you are, well…completely 100% wrong.

It’s not as if it’s improved in the past 14 years. And it used to be a lot worse. Respecs could be free and the shortage would not change a bit.


Right, I touched on this saying I’m familiar with the concept. But the way Ion addresses it is like saying: pay a small price to change a fewt traits around and you’re good to go in another role.

But that’s false. You’d really hate to tank or heal with the wrong secondaries being stacked. And the “generic” traits are extremely lackluster outside of like 2.

It’s almost like they’re wanting to bottleneck us into just 1 spec. And if we want to be optimal at 2 specs, then we’ll have to increase our time /played. Which for some isn’t an issue, but for most it is

I mean…

I honestly do think if you think to play more roles than someone else, it’s not too much to ask you to play more to do so.

And it’s still less time than just rerolling altogether. I literally can’t tank unless I level a class to 120 and then get them a nice set of gear. All you have to do is get the gear.

And to add since you would already have a geared spec, you have a way to step past the weaker gear and spike your other roles past the curb.

Like there’s a lot of advantages to having that versatility aside from just using it. There’s also the advantages you have over those who don’t have the option to begin with (and would need to reroll)

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I don’t follow. Azerite gear has no secondary stats. It’s all just stupid traits.

Which would you rather: the option to swap traits or being forced to grind out AP for four separate weapons like we had to in Legion?

I hate Azerite armor with the fires of a thousand burning suns and think it was a horrible way to cheese talents when the talent system needs entirely revamped. But in no way does Azerite gear force people to choose only one spec. You have your choice to carry around more gear or not.

Ah, the “nothing in the game has ever changed” meme.

You can parrot it as often as you want to, but that doesn’t change the fact that actively discouraging people from playing healers and tanks actually reduces the pool of tanks and healers available.

No one is actively discouraging anyone. You have the ability to change traits on Azerite gear. Or you have the ability to get more pieces of Azerite gear. It’s your choice. Some want to. Others don’t. There is no conspiracy.

In vanilla we had 1 class that could tank and we had a tank shortage.

Now we have 6 classes that can tank and we still have a tank shortage.

Accessibility has nothing to do with it.


…A…Are you sure you’re not the one parroting? Because I didn’t even say “Nothing in the game has ever changed”.

And you call this “actively discouraging”? Because since I actually agree the game has changed, I would kindly point you to talent tree respecs originally costing gold instead of 1 or 2 pieces of gear.

Or how you would need to have new pieces of gear due to missing primary stats, completely incompatible gear.

Yes, the entry to tanking/healing has improved drastically over the years. No, the tank/heal pool has been complained about literally since vanilla.

It’s not accessibility, the fact of the matter is most people don’t want to heal/tank, and that’s just not going to change. If anything i’d argue the biggest detractor is probably the fact 90% of the game is leveling content, and most people get used to (and fall for) their DPS specs. It’s also easier to learn a spec that can be learned by yourself, which Tank/Heal cannot do.

There’s a lot of fundamental issues that may be correlated to the tank/healer shortages. I still argue 100% that accessibility is not the issue.

Uh, yes.

Requiring players to play a lot more or pay a large amount of gold in order to be available as an off tank or dungeon healer means you are actively discouraging them from being prepared for a role they formerly did.

[quote=“Rhielle-sentinels, post:44, topic:26496, full:true”]

I don’t follow. Azerite gear has no secondary stats. It’s all just stupid traits[/quote]

Sorry let me be a bit more clear: as a Guardian Druid, I’m stacking mastery and versatility on my non Azerite gear pieces. Just swapping talents on the 3 pieces and going feral makes it so outside of my 3 pieces of gear, all my stats are wrong for Feral

"It exists, so it’s discouraging, no matter how small.

We’ll completely ignore the mountain of accessibility changes that have been made since Vanilla that have not in any way changed the tank/healer shortage"

I mean, if you want to be technical to the point of idiocy, then yes it is a discouraging feature. The point is that it’s actual contribution to the problem is negligible to the point that it hasn’t improved the situation the dozen or so times it’s been improved.


Ah, backtracking.

“There has always been a tank and healer shortage, therefore it is a good game mechanic to discourage players from playing those roles if they are not willing to specialize by making them play a lot more or by charging them a lot of gold for the privilege of serving their dps masters”.

That’s what I got out of what you said.

That’s purely player choice to be a tank or helaer on the side. Has been forever. No one is forcing them to offer that ability.

Are they actively discouraging people from doing that because mages, rogues, etc can’t be one of those specs and someone has to roll an entirely new character? Which also requires more gear and time to play?

What next? All gear and all talents work for any spec and any class can be any role?

No one is actively discouraging anyone. The player makes the choice.

Just like we always have. ™️


What are you five? lol

Like you need to start every argument with a “Oh there’s a flaw with your argument” as if it’s going to make mine look poorly?

First off, i’d like you to, in quotes, show that I said there was no tank or healer shortage. Please do not even bother responding if you cannot find that,

Second, I’m a healer you moron

Third, my point has more been “What you’re asking for would cause issues elsewhere, while doing essentially nothing to fix what you are trying to fix”. I’m sure there’s a word for it…red herring maybe? But basically you’re arguing for a particular thing to fix an issue that isn’t actually fixed by it.

It’d be like saying “Let’s give everyone 10000g! That way we can fix everyone’s inability to fly! And if you’re against it you’re against people flying in WoW!” Except no that doesn’t mean i’m against people flying, i’m against giving people 10000g for nothing and ruining the game’s economy.

Yeah dude - this is what blows my mind. There is a need for these non-dps roles in the game. I can’t make sense of any benefit that is worth restricting the ability to play those roles for their community/guild/etc. when the need arises.

Sure, and wouldn’t it be great to just have that versatility the way you imply it’s just going to fall in our laps when you know perfectly well that it’s pretty darned rare?

I disagree that it’s not too much to ask people who are willing to tank or heal to work a lot harder and longer to be barely adequately prepared to step into that role if needed.

Excuse me if I think you sound like someone who plays zero alts and one role, and thinks anyone who isn’t willing to work 20 times as long as you have is “lazy”.

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Agreed - if you’re willing to take one for the team, and tank a dungeon instead of blowing things up; I don’t see why that that person should have to pay gold to serve that role for the greater group.