Tank/healer duo looking for an active, cozy/chill/friendly guild for mythics, raid, & friendship!

hi there! we are a brewmaster monk/mistweaver monk duo looking for an active guild that is friendly and welcoming as well for mythics, raid, and beyond.

we finished the normal raid a couple days ago and are like i590ish. we got aotc sarkareth together while pugging during df (as prot warrior/holy priest back then) and are looking to get into heroic raiding this tier around as well. We are somewhat interested in mythic raid after!

we don’t rp ourselves but are totally down with rp guilds! mostly just looking for a place where people actually talk in guild chat, raid, and run stuff together. really would love a guild for mythic+ FUN where people won’t get salty and know how to just roll with the punches.

would love to hear from you if your guild/group fits this criteria! open to cross-server/cross-faction too :slight_smile: