Tank/Dps Warrior/DK LF guild to Raid with


Prot/Arms warrior LF guild to raid with. Currently AOTC this tier, however not a main raider in guild so i am looking for new opportunity to become a part of a raid group for the end of BFA and into SL. currently 468 prot/470 arms.

Very active player currently maining prot/arms warrior with Blood/Unholy Alt. Thinking of maining Blood in SL.

Would like to join a guild as a trial atleast to show what I can do either as tank and/or dps.

feel free to message me in game or on Bnet ZekeNL #1798.


Hey there take a look at our recruitment post and if you feel like it’s a good fit, feel free to fill out the short application.


Awesome! Thanks!

Definitely interested, I’ll message you in game!

Check us out and throw in an app if interested -